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Gay Marriage

So it would make sense to have a society where the people can discriminate against each other?

You'd not have an issue with a Muslim man refusing to serve a woman, or a Catholic standing by while a divorcee needs urgent medical help? Would it be OK for a staunchly religious person to walk past a gay man laying in the gutter from being bashed, since they'd see what happened to the person as God's will and punishment?

Where does common decency amongst people factor into things?

A doctor who bases medical care on religion shouldn't be a doctor. In that case I'd probably be happy they refused me treatment, and I'd certainly make it known that this is the way they treat their fellow humans. Others should have the right to boycott the doctor if his views don't match their own.
The homosexual lobby wants everyone to submit to its agenda, and they are more than happy to use the force of law to achieve their aims. They want all dissent crushed


And what exactly is this "Agenda"

Freedom of conscience,

It doesn't affect your conscience, no one is forcing you to have a gay marriage.

freedom of speech

No one is taking away your freedom of speech, you have the right to stand in any town square and state your case, but no one has to listen to you, and we are free to say you are wrong

and religious freedom are all being trampled

I really want this one explained,

How is your religious freedom being trampled? no one is taking any of your religious freedoms away.

Please give me one example of where your religious rights have been infringed.

I was brought up a Christian, and still hold many of the teachings from Jesus as a good way to live.

The sad fact is most Christians have little to no understanding as to how their lives based on his teachings.

Jesus was someone who accepted people. He hung with the lepers and prostitutes. He'd certainly not be a Creflo Dollar trying to get 50 odd million to buy the most expensive Gulf private jet on the market. He'd certainly have stormed through the Catholic church throwing out much of the leadership for what they've done to children for decades.
If a cake shop won't produce a wedding cake for gay people, there are plenty of other cake shops around.

That's where you are wrong.

If a cake shop produces wedding cakes, and a gay couple go in an pick a standard design that is being offered for sale, the cake shop can not deny them service.

They can say they don't stock gay cake toppers if its true they don't stock them, or they can accept or reject any specialised works a person commissions, but you can not by law refuse service based on sexuality of your customer.

If a gay couple is fine with accepting a stock standard catalogue production, they can not refuse service.
and I have proved the point.

They are both the same in their approach.

and this is why I say you are hysterical on this subject and have irrational fear that causes you to see things that aren't happening.
Why should I have the LGBT activist dogmatic terrorist force their non-religious dogmas onto me?

No one is forcing you to have a gay marriage.
So it would make sense to have a society where the people can discriminate against each other?

There is a lot in our society that doesn't make sense. Only the strongly religious would discriminate against gays and personally I hope the ranks of the strongly religious decrease, however if they have issues dealing with gays then that's their problem and imo they should have a right not to serve people they don't want to. That's what is called freedom of religion. If they don't give a service to gay people, someone else will.

Of course I personally would have a problem with the above. People who discriminate in that way should be publicly condemned, but if they still want to do it, that's up to them.

Where does common decency amongst people factor into things?

Agreed, but what rights have you or I to impose our views of decency on others ?

Others should have the right to boycott the doctor if his views don't match their own.

That is a point I made before.
Oh is anyone else finding this thread hilarious? Like poking an angry dog with a stick LOL

Watch and wait what happens, then you will see.

OH I'm waiting...

Ahh now we get to see your true colours.

You should print this out and stick it away in a drawer so you can look back on the person you once were.

If it's any consolation I wouldn't be too embarrassed when the time comes. It was good for a laugh!

Therefore the only women who know anything about life are lesbians whose wives gave birth to several children conceived (presumably) by artificial insemination and breast fed for THIRTY YEARS. WTF???

OK, you didn't quite say the bit about the breast feeding.

But when it comes to knowing about life, sweetheart, I think your kids probably have a lot to teach you.
I guess Canada still has a few people who aren't all that impressed with the idea:

"Anyone interested in assessing the impact of same-sex marriage on public life should investigate the outcomes in three spheres: first, human rights (including impacts on freedom of speech, parental rights in public education, and the autonomy of religious institutions); second, further developments in what sorts of relationships political society will be willing to recognize as a marriage (e.g., polygamy); and third, the social practice of marriage."
But when it comes to knowing about life, sweetheart, I think your kids probably have a lot to teach you.

Now there's the real underlying value to this thread.

“A prude is a person who thinks that his own rules of propriety are natural laws.”
“Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
“A prude is a person who thinks that his own rules of propriety are natural laws.”
“Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

The Elvis version is also pretty good.

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But look I don't think you are a man who cares much about Jesus anyway and that's fine

I have found Steve Rogers (Captain America) to be a more inspiring figure than Jesus, he saved the world by selflessly crashing a plane full of nuclear weapons into the arctic ice cap, where he lay frozen for 60 years. He later went on to defeat Hydra again.

Sure Jesus turned some water into wine that sounds like a party trick, and they say he died on the cross for us, but he woke up 3 days later, Steve Rogers crashed a plane into ice for us and he didn't wake up for 60 years.

Jesus also said slaves obey your masters, Steve Rogers stands for freedom.

Then when he wakes up, Steve Rogers went on back to saving the world, again, in the awesome Winter Soldier. Neglecting to catch up on great movies like Rocky and Rambo and stuff.

Jesus woke up and go back home to daddy.
for an issue that doesnt matter, sure is a lot of discussion

a day or so ago, but MANY pages, a poster wondered whether younger people had a different attitude.

prompted me to ask my 3 sons aged 18-25 what their peers thought.

they agreed ~99% of their peers are in support, as are they.

They said the few dissenters were strong Christians, (or Muslims) BUT even they were
considered to be not fervently against.

As they sometimes use terms such as "fkn gay faggot", they are not what you would call 100% politically correct cleanskins either

My wife pointed out that this is an issue that mainly affects younger people, as they get married, but I added that older people such as me dont give a toss what other people think anyway

I predict the Libs are going to get well-and-truely jammed on this issue

Abbott is in a bit of a pickle too, with his sister, and presumably with his parents.

Would be interesting to listen to their conversation at family gathering.

Look sis, I love you and all that. But you're going to hell, as simple as that. God don't like gay people, you're gay and so, you know.

That or...

Look sis, I don't really believe in this anti-gay and bible stuff. I love you, wish you all the happiness... but see, I'm the Prime Minister and the polls and my advisors all say if I want that lifetime pension I have to win the religious votes... to do that mean I'll have to go against my true belief and throw you and your kind under the bus. That's life, that's politics and there's no soul to lose anyway so I'll be OK, will be set for this life at least.

Either way, he's not that likeable.
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