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Gay Marriage

VC, you are only good at putting people down when you have nothing to say, go learn some manners.

Maybe you should think about it before mouthing off.

I have tried to engage you many times, your arguments are circular at best, you are like a record stuck on one track that keeps playing the same logical fallacies and red herrings over and over, and when asked to back up your statements you go quite, until you burst in later with the same red herrings and logical fallacies.

Well from what I see, the gays are the ones suing when things don't go their way.

You are the one pushing your dogma, and what's that about tolerance?

In your doctors case would it be ok for your gay doctor to request a religious person to be inseminated against their will?
This is what you want from the doctor who refused the lesbians request for whatever reason.

If someone comes into my shop and wants to buy a lolly, I have the right to not engage in business with them.
If Mr market comes to you in the morning and says buy a 100 shares of FMG do you not have the right to refuse without being sued for whatever reason you wish.

Why do you wish for a society that is so closed and restrictive, that a lesbian with some sperm in her pocket can walk into a doctors office and demand that she be inseminated. What if she had just been sucking the president and intends to use his sperm to make some money. Would that be reason to refuse? Or is it just because it is known that the doctor was religious?

Are all atheists and gay activists so rabid that they respond like a bull to a red cape whenever they hear the world religion?

What lies behind this? What's causing you the pain that you attack people minding their own business.

So when God supported the Kings of the old testament, gave them many wives, sometimes hundreds of sex slave concubines as well, how does that fit into you values system that supposedly was provided to you by your creator god?

  • In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.
  • In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines.
  • In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
  • In 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.

Now remember from your bible studies Jesus said all the old laws are still to be obeyed

Therefore, it would be acceptable to your god for a many to have more than one wife. You seem to be condemning something your god supports??

Jesus allowed for a widow to marry her former husband's brother even if he were married, then this negates the Christians' claim about the Bible prohibiting polygamy. A man can be one flesh with more than one woman. In the case of Matthew 22:24-28, the man can be one flesh with his wife, and one flesh with his deceased brother's wife. Also keep in mind that Exodus 21:10 allows a man to marry an infinite amount of women, and Deuteronomy 21:15 allows a man to marry more than one wife.

How is marriage and justice related?

How do you know if you had a gay child that their line will not prosper? Unless you deliberately try to make it so, who are you to say that they will not live a good life and have a family and when they die there will be people who's memories they live on in. You have a very cod and callous view, definitely not based on the teachings of Jesus.

How does allowing a lesbian couple on the other side of town to marry each other affect anything your family does?

If amongst them perchance a gay member of family is born, they will be loved but their line will not prosper. It is about my right to say that in my family, the men shall only marry women and the women shall only marry men.

I do feel sorry for the members of your family who are born gay, to be honest I don't understand why you would want to treat them differently

It is about being true and owing justice to the creator who in creation instituted it naturally to be so. I will not let it be otherwise.

What if the creator that you believe in doesn't exist, and you live your life being unfair to gay family members for no reason?

Keep your hands off our marriages! Get your own word for it.

Why do you not want to share the word marriage with same sex couples?

I'm not proposing anyone to be inseminated against their will.

So you agree that a doctor has the right to deny care based on their religious beliefs?

Would those affected have the right to make this choice known to the wider community? Would the community have the right to boycott the doctor since his choice conflicts with their views?

As for a shop owner, was it right for white shop owners to refuse to serve black patrons? is it ever right to discriminate based on age race sex? If not, why is it OK to discriminate based on sexuality?

In my job we have a number of religious based organisations. generally Catholic institutions. Would you support me going to my employer and saying my conscience prohibits me supporting these customers due to the ongoing child abuse that was covered up over decades, that the Church's stance on abortion causes great harm to women and children whose parents may not be in a financial position to support.

Once you allow people to do things based on a discriminatory attitude, where do you draw the line?

Would it be Ok for a doctor to withold life saving treatment based on a religious view? Is it right for a parent of the Mormon faith to let their child die by not allowing them to have a blood transfusion? Would you support a Islamic doctor refusing to treat a Christian, or to treat a non Muslim woman? These are just some of the pandora's box of issues you would unleash if we followed your path.

We have discussed this in earlier posts already. Nobody wants bullying of anyone, treat the cause not the symptoms
Well from what I see, the gays are the ones suing when things don't go their way.

that's called standing up for yourself.

The difference here is that gays are not fighting to take anything away from you, they are fighting for equal rights, how ever you are fighting for the continuation of an unjust law that denies them of rights.

Allowing Gay marriage takes absolutely nothing away from you, you are not under attack.

gays win = tink loses nothing
Tink wins = gays continue being denied rights.
The homosexual lobby wants everyone to submit to its agenda, and they are more than happy to use the force of law to achieve their aims. They want all dissent crushed

Freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and religious freedom are all being trampled on as the homosexual activists use the heavy hand of the law to ensure that everyone submits, and no one demurs.

Doctor's can choose who to treat if they are in private practise and not being paid by the taxpayer, just as patients can choose only to be treated by a particular doctor and not others if they pay for the services.

If a cake shop won't produce a wedding cake for gay people, there are plenty of other cake shops around.

Join the two sentences I have highlighted together. If you do believe in a god as a creator then how the hell can you then say "It is about my right to say that in my family" or anyone else's family.

Religious grounds for discrimination is astoundingly hypocritical! If someone is that way then surely that is because your god made them just like that???

No, thousands of years of experience and insight and learning and observation have resulted in the situation.

Why do you believe that you are more intelligent then billion before you who have had the experience of life.

Do you think that 2000 years ago gays were not wanting to marry and have children?
Do you think that we ignore the fact that 2000 years ago and in every generation before and after there were gays who had unions they liked to call marriages and had children that they adopted, or whatever.
The elders and wise saw that this was a bad idea by experience and outlawed it. We perhaps have lost their experience, I don't think so, but I don't think I am so smart as to willy nilly negate their experience.
Why are you so selfish that you don't want to help protect children form what they are too young to experience?

Yes, that's a perfectly valid question. I'd like to hear those higher ups in the Catholic church answer that one. Something along the lines of moving paedophiles from suburb to suburb comes to mind as one of the ways they protected children over the decades.

Actually uhmm no !

But go read what he said.

Try check out Matthew 9 v 1-12

But look I don't think you are a man who cares much about Jesus anyway and that's fine.

Why should I have the LGBT activist dogmatic terrorist force their non-religious dogmas onto me?

You know absolutely f all about life until you have married a woman, had several children your wife gave birth to in front of your eyes and nursed with her own breasts and raised till they are at least 30. It's easy to mix some powder in a bottle and throw it in a babies mouth and pretend you are a good mom if you can breastfeed and don't.

Yes its all gay marriages fault, despite the internet being pr0n central. You waging that battle yet?

Marriage is so sacred we have:
Open marriage.
Celebrity marriage (5 year or less).
Las Vegas marriage where an Elvis impersonator will marry you.
And divorce running at what?? 50%
And plenty of affairs.
Its a joke unless they bring in a no divorce law (which would be funny).

You and your religion do not own the rights on telling other people how to live.
Taking examples of bad behavior and then blaming the whole community as the same is a cheap way to score points.

"Think of the children" bloody hell. Next you will be insinuating anyone for gay marriage is a pedo like some of the above are trying to turn the debate.
Heres the thing: Todays children grow up a lot more accepting. The current religious fruitloops trying to dictate everyones lives are on the losing side of the battle. And the wrong side of history. Todays kids will be tomorrows adults pushing for acceptance.

Like I said no problem if you practice your faith. But that does not hold sway over how others are allowed to live.

The fact that those that claim to be religious here, are the ones making people suffer to prove faith, or out of hate and fear is laughable.

Go speak to a Rabbi he will explain what all that really meant and what it means. You would need a degree in Jewish culture to explain things properly to you. And I am not demeaning you here. It's just the way it is.
moXJO, you have come in a middle of a conversation where this was mentioned

Well they are on the same par, TH.

The homosexual activists and the Islamic activists are becoming almost one and the same.
Both are using similar means to achieve similar goals.

and I have proved the point.

They are both the same in their approach.
To give you an idea of why I support gay marriage, the below is what homosexuals still face today.

Closer to home

Stephanie McCarthy said she was waiting to perform with her band at the Town Hall Hotel in Newtown on Friday night when she was set upon by up to five men and brutally bashed in what she says was an unprovoked attack

The bigotry this violence hides behind uses some form of pseudo religious intolerance to justify it.
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