Value Collector
Have courage, and be kind.
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VC, you are only good at putting people down when you have nothing to say, go learn some manners.
Maybe you should think about it before mouthing off.
Actually I think you have far more in common with the activist Islamist trying to force your religious based dogma onto the the rest of us than gays do.
What do you believe Jesus would be saying about same sex marriage? The same Jesus that supported polygamy mind you.
Just how exactly would Same sex changes to the Marriage Act would undermine constitutional rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
No political wishy washyness please. I'd like some specific examples of how you believe this would occur.
As for the example of the doctor you provided. Would you support a doctor that refused life saving treatment to a homosexual on the basis of their religion? At what point does someones religious beliefs over ride law and the secular state? Do we renounce discriminations laws so those who don't like <insert minority group> can just tell them to F off? Would it be OK for a gay run business to refuse to serve Christians and Muslims due to the centuries of persecution they've dished out to homosexuals? In your doctors case, would it be Ok for a gay doctor to refuse to treat a religious person?
My marriage is a symbol for ever, to be handed down as an inheritance to my descendants, that they will be happy and our family will continue as a family supporting one another, united and not divided, if they follow my example then we can pass down the riches we accumulate to tide us over against future rascals and governments who wish to steal what my family creates. If amongst them perchance a gay member of family is born, they will be loved but their line will not prosper. It is about my right to say that in my family, the men shall only marry women and the women shall only marry men. It is about being true and owing justice to the creator who in creation instituted it naturally to be so. I will not let it be otherwise.
Keep your hands off our marriages! Get your own word for it.
Call it Gayrriage and go be happy I won't bother you. You can even put it into the constitution for all I care. I want it distinct from my values.
Jesus said: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)"
My marriage is a symbol for ever, to be handed down as an inheritance to my descendants, that they will be happy and our family will continue as a family supporting one another, united and not divided, if they follow my example then we can pass down the riches we accumulate to tide us over against future rascals and governments who wish to steal what my family creates.
If amongst them perchance a gay member of family is born, they will be loved but their line will not prosper. It is about my right to say that in my family, the men shall only marry women and the women shall only marry men.
It is about being true and owing justice to the creator who in creation instituted it naturally to be so. I will not let it be otherwise.
Keep your hands off our marriages! Get your own word for it.
In your doctors case would it be ok for your gay doctor to request a religious person to be inseminated against their will?
This is what you want from the doctor who refused the lesbians request for whatever reason.
If someone comes into my shop and wants to buy a lolly, I have the right to not engage in business with them.
If Mr market comes to you in the morning and says buy a 100 shares of FMG do you not have the right to refuse without being sued for whatever reason you wish.
Why do you wish for a society that is so closed and restrictive, that a lesbian with some sperm in her pocket can walk into a doctors office and demand that she be inseminated. What if she had just been sucking the president and intends to use his sperm to make some money. Would that be reason to refuse? Or is it just because it is known that the doctor was religious?
Are all atheists and gay activists so rabid that they respond like a bull to a red cape whenever they hear the world religion?
What lies behind this? What's causing you the pain that you attack people minding their own business.
How does gay getting married and deemed equal before the law harm society?
For one, it let the confused and gay children (the one group we're all worried about right?), it let the kids know that it's not a crime or wrong or weird or mutant or otherwise harmful if they happen to be gay, happen to be attracted to Steve instead of Eve.
That would do wonders for gay kids mental and psychological development. Maybe even cause most of them to not be so depressed and morose as to become poets and artists
Serious though, there are cases where young gay teens commit suicide due to bullying or just self-loathing caused by social disdain and discrimination. Making it legally and socially acceptable for homosexual to get married, have a family if they want to... that will send a good message.
But while it's tough on teen homosexuals, they have come to deal with it and I'm sure most do not grow up with this victimisation mentality - they find strength and resolve issues as we all do, then work, contribute, go about their lives, and work to forced change in the laws and institution that make them out to be some alien, some second class citizens.
Marriage is not like money or goods where if you give it to others it lessens it. And even if legalising gay marriage somehow demean the holy institution of traditional marriage where there's no abuse of children, no abuse of partners, no break-up, no divorce and all live happily ever after... homosexuals are citizens too are they not? So who the heck are we to say they can't enjoy all the natural rights all other citizens are automatically given?
Well from what I see, the gays are the ones suing when things don't go their way.
Once you allow people to do things based on a discriminatory attitude, where do you draw the line?
Would it be Ok for a doctor to withold life saving treatment based on a religious view? Is it right for a parent of the Mormon faith to let their child die by not allowing them to have a blood transfusion? Would you support a Islamic doctor refusing to treat a Christian, or to treat a non Muslim woman? These are just some of the pandora's box of issues you would unleash if we followed your path.
If amongst them perchance a gay member of family is born, they will be loved but their line will not prosper. It is about my right to say that in my family, the men shall only marry women and the women shall only marry men. It is about being true and owing justice to the creator who in creation instituted it naturally to be so. I will not let it be otherwise.
lol Tink, you are fast becoming one of the most hysterical religious nuts I have interacted with.
Why are you so selfish that you don't want to help protect children form what they are too young to experience?
Actually I think you have far more in common with the activist Islamist trying to force your religious based dogma onto the the rest of us than gays do.
What do you believe Jesus would be saying about same sex marriage? The same Jesus that supported polygamy mind you.
Just how exactly would Same sex changes to the Marriage Act would undermine constitutional rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
No political wishy washyness please. I'd like some specific examples of how you believe this would occur.
As for the example of the doctor you provided. Would you support a doctor that refused life saving treatment to a homosexual on the basis of their religion? At what point does someones religious beliefs over ride law and the secular state? Do we renounce discriminations laws so those who don't like <insert minority group> can just tell them to F off? Would it be OK for a gay run business to refuse to serve Christians and Muslims due to the centuries of persecution they've dished out to homosexuals? In your doctors case, would it be Ok for a gay doctor to refuse to treat a religious person?
Live sex on the other hand is something sacred that happens between two people that love each other in the privacy of their sanctuary.
Do you not see the difference?
Did you ever see what happens on those parades? As it turns out I don't take the children there because I have a brain. Nor do I take my children to beaches where people fornicate. But I should not be the only one protecting my children. We live in a village and everyone should be protecting the children.
Why are you so selfish that you don't want to help protect children form what they are too young to experience?
So when God supported the Kings of the old testament, gave them many wives, sometimes hundreds of sex slave concubines as well, how does that fit into you values system that supposedly was provided to you by your creator god?
- In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.
- In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines.
- In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
- In 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.
Now remember from your bible studies Jesus said all the old laws are still to be obeyed
Therefore, it would be acceptable to your god for a many to have more than one wife. You seem to be condemning something your god supports??
Jesus allowed for a widow to marry her former husband's brother even if he were married, then this negates the Christians' claim about the Bible prohibiting polygamy. A man can be one flesh with more than one woman. In the case of Matthew 22:24-28, the man can be one flesh with his wife, and one flesh with his deceased brother's wife. Also keep in mind that Exodus 21:10 allows a man to marry an infinite amount of women, and Deuteronomy 21:15 allows a man to marry more than one wife.
How is marriage and justice related?
How do you know if you had a gay child that their line will not prosper? Unless you deliberately try to make it so, who are you to say that they will not live a good life and have a family and when they die there will be people who's memories they live on in. You have a very cod and callous view, definitely not based on the teachings of Jesus.
Well they are on the same par, TH.
The homosexual activists and the Islamic activists are becoming almost one and the same.
Both are using similar means to achieve similar goals.
The 22-year-old owner of Grand Central Pizzeria and Grille in Delta, Utah, was closing up shop for the night when an unknown assailant grabbed him by the head and slammed him against the wall. “I remember waking up and I was lying on the floor,” he says. “Somebody was on my chest and legs and they were trying to force me to drink bleach.”
He returned to consciousness with a concussion and found that medical teams were already attending to his wounds. $1,300 had been stolen from the premises. Released by the hospital the next morning, Jones returned home to find the words “Die Fag” spray-painted on the garage door of his family home. Later that week, a Molotov cocktail was hurtled through Jones’ bedroom window. He put out the flames with a fire extinguisher before too much (physical) damage was done, only to find more graffiti spray-painted on the facade of his house: “You’ll Die. Burn Fag.”
A Seattle couple who sustained multiple injuries during an attack at a Gay Pride event on Capitol Hill now face thousands of dollars in medical expenses.
Rawstory reports that Steven Briggs and Patrick Dettling had been out celebrating the legalization of same-sex marriage last Sunday, when a gang of three men and two women approached them.
The situation quickly intensified, with the attackers shouting homophobic slurs as they repeated punched the two men in the face and kicked them before fleeing.
A man was brutally beaten in Paris over the weekend in an anti-gay attack he says shows the “face of homophobia in France.” Gay rights activists say ongoing sentiment against same-sex marriage has turned into homophobic violence.
According to Wilfred de Brujin, he and his boyfriend were attacked Saturday night in the 19th arrondissement in Paris.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention released today its first set of national prevalence data on intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence (SV), and stalking victimization by sexual orientation.
Among the study’s most disturbing findings, nearly half of female bisexual victims (48.2%) and more than one-quarter of female heterosexual victims (28.3%) experienced their first rape between the ages of 11 and 17 years old.
The number of hate crimes reported to U.S. law enforcement agencies decreased by 6% from 2010, while anti-LGBT violence increased slightly by 2.6%, according to a new report by the FBI.
Of the 6,222 hate crimes reported in 2011, 1,508 were based on sexual orientation, up from 1,470 in 2010. Nearly 21% of all hate crimes were motivated by sexual orientation, said the FBI, with men most often as the victims.
“FBI statistics vastly underestimate the actual number of hate crimes committed in the United States,” Levin told the L.A. Times. “When the Justice Department asks victims anonymously whether they have been targeted for hate offenses, they get a figure that approaches 200,000 hate crimes annually.”
Add Senegal to the list of places it sucks to be gay. “Even death cannot stop the violence against gays in this corner of the world any more. Madieye Diallo’s body had only been in the ground for a few hours when the mob descended on the weedy cemetery with shovels. They yanked out the corpse, spit on its torso, dragged it away and dumped it in front of the home of his elderly parents. The scene of May 2, 2009 was filmed on a cell phone and the video sold at the market. It passed from phone to phone, sowing panic among gay men who say they now feel like hunted animals. … In the past two years, at least four men suspected of being gay have been exhumed by angry mobs in cemeteries in Senegal.
Stephanie McCarthy said she was waiting to perform with her band at the Town Hall Hotel in Newtown on Friday night when she was set upon by up to five men and brutally bashed in what she says was an unprovoked attack
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