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Gay Marriage

I also know from nature and evolution that there exists for some reason male and female and they have different but utterly compatible sexual organs that evolved for their coupling.

Every time I try to explain that to women they call the police.

Just wow. I'm sure there were plenty of southerners in the US saying exactly the same thing about mixed race couples. totally unantural to mix the races, and the poor children seeing them show affection for each other in public will leave them emotionally disturbed. Gosh, I feel faint.

If a person is born homosexual, how is that not natural? Seems you view a heterosexual couple holding hands in public or on TV as the natural course of things, but a same sex couple doing the same is rubbing it in your face.

I'd say you need to look within yourself as to what's causing you so much angst, rather than telling anyone who doesn't fit your white picket fence view of society that they should not be seen, not be heard, and meekly accept what the masses choose to give them. I'm glad those before me didn't follow your way, otherwise it would still be a crime to be homosexual, police and the general public would still be out treating gays as punching bags, and men and women forced into marriages that leave them unfilled simply to fit into what you want them to be.

If a child turns out to be gay, but is raised by heterosexual parents, what nurturing would cause this to happen?

I'm gay, had probably the ideal childhood in that my parents provided me good role models, as well as my extended families. They worked hard, sacrificed a lot to ensure my brother and myself could go as far through the education system as we could. I lived int he same house for all I can remember. We struggled, grew a lot of our own food, put insulation in houses in the heat of summer, mowed countless lawns to make ends meet, but I count myself lucky that my parents didn't gamble drink or smoke.

Of all my gay friends, whether male or female, not one of them has ever said they were gay because they were molested as children. I like asking people when did you first think you were gay. Not when you accepted it, but when did you have thoughts that someone of the same sex had a better body shape than the opposite sex. Generally these thoughts were from ages 5-7.

That a lot of gay children face virtual expulsion from the family happens far too often. What greater crime is there than for a parent to turn their back on a child, not because of something they have done that's bad, but purely because they can't accept a simple thing about them? Yet society in many cases accepts this, when really it's just the same as I don't love you because you're left handed and refuse to become right handed.

As for children's rights, well while you have the overriding adult right to procreate as much as you want, I'd say child rights will always be a secondary issue.

No, that is rubbish Syd. Do what you like in private but remember that homosexuals are about 5% of the population, so you can't expect the rest of us to like what you do. If you want to see homosexual acts on TV, start your own tv station or lobby SBS to show them

The interracial marriage argument is a straw man. It's natural for a man and women of any race to mate and produce children, but two men cannot neither can two women. I don't see how a person of your intelligence can be blind to that reality.

You may note that I said it doesn't bother me if two same sex consenting adults get married, but leave unconsenting children out of these relationships.

I am terribly sorry that you have misunderstood me. Nowhere have I advocated that homosexuality is a mental disease.

Regarding the "guy" who came back from his God experience. He set up homes for homeless children and abused women. Places of refuge where these people who had been neglected or abused could find sanctuary. He then worked tirelessly raising funds to maintain these places of refuge.

As far as children "necking" themselves I would ask. Where was the support in society for those children? Why did society allow them to commit suicide? Why were these children being bullied to death? Again you want to take away the true responsibility away from who was factually responsible for murdering these people and place it in somebody else's hands.

If I am born with big ears and I am bullied at school to the point that I commit suicide. Your solution is to legislate to make big ears fashionable and desirable so that the big eared child would not encounter negativity but praise.
I on the other hand say that the problem lies in two matters.

1) the big eared child should have been looked after.
2) the small eared children who actually murdered the big eared child should have been raised in such a way that despite the big ears of the big eared child, the big eared child should have been accorded the courtesy of love dignity and respect.

The people with the mental disease are the ones who killed the child .

Don't go jumping to poor conclusions both you and I are united in that we both wish all people to be treated with dignity and respect and love. The difference is in the methods to achieve that objective. I am against half arsed appeasement , I want the truthful real solutions to the problems.
Oh please what would you call it.
"No your not good enough to be married"

I'd say the higher percentage of people that divorce, treat marriage with more contempt.

I fully agree with your last sentence.
. It's natural for a man and women of any race to mate and produce children, . .

As is the revulsion of sexual attraction to same genders. Can't be helped.

If "it" is a congenital disorder and can't be treated, does that mean paedophiles and any others with abnormal desires can't be treated either and that's that? We could save heaps on therapy bills and prison cells if we just accept the truth.
Speaking for myself it doesn't really bother me if two consenting same sex people want to get married, I don't think it's the business of governments to tell consenting adults of sufficient mental capacity what to do.

That's probably the smartest thing you have said in this thread.


All the evidence suggests that Gay people are born gay, so yes created by nature.

I would say that it is extremely egoistical to assume that nobody is harmed by same sex marriage.

Who would be harmed?

I was shocked to learn that a couple of pedophiles were granted the right to adopt children and these guys were pimping their toddler son all over the world for money to be abused by others.

Paedophiles exist in the heterosexual community also, In fact there are more heterosexual paedophiles.

We don't live our own lives, this is a fiction, what I do directly impacts my neighbour.

offcourse, But if you want to ban your neighbour from doing something you have to show that it causes harm to others.

I think that if gay people want to have civil unions and equal benefits they should be granted this but without then ignoring or neglecting the real families who battle to raise children without any support from anyone.

How would allowing gay people marriage rights be neglecting the "real families"? and how is a same sex couple not a "real family"

As discussed, the children issue is a red herring here, this is a discussion about marriage rights, not the rights to raise children.

A dying brain can experience all sorts of weird stuff, it's nothing to take seriously any more than any other dream you have.

Your friend wasn't really "dead", death is a process, not a single event. I know in the medical establishment we like to pronounce people dead at a certain time, but that's not how it works, our bodies shutdown over a period of time, depending on the situation they can be restarted sometimes, all this means is that the process of dying wasn't complete to the point where it was irreversible yet.

The experiences people say they have during the dying process of just really vivid dreams, and like all dreams, we fill in the blanks when retelling the stories later.
Every time I try to explain that to women they call the police.

Mr Burns let me let you in on a secret.

It is the female that chooses her mate and a male chasing after a woman is the biggest folly under the sun that a male can ever perform.

This world is far more complicated then it was decades ago. A smart young male realises the world of today is almost a trap, created to ensnare him. A smart male creates his person, cultivates and refines himself in all spheres of life until he is well on his way to becoming the best person he can be. With every step he takes in this direction he is better able to understand many more things about himself and the world. Once his brain is developed a bit more, for this is required for this world. Then from the age of 22 he can observe if there is any attractive female worthy of the dignity he has formed for himself, who has also respected herself enough to be his mate.

If she chooses him, then they can begin discovering if there is something in that meeting moving forward.

Good it's settled then. Luckily that my friend had that dream though, a lot of people got help from him.
I must admit I am a little disappointed now that you have told me that we simply cease to exit when we die.
I was kind of hoping for a paradise. Are you sure that there is no afterlife of sorts or reincarnation or something else?

If you were a child who experienced deep love from his parents, consider your parents as always being functional and to this day can only experience deep love and gratitude for his parents and you were not abused in anyway by anybody nor subjected to some environmental exposure or exposure to sexual situations or pornography that a child should not be subjected to then I concede that your being born gay was a natural event.

I will never ever however concede that a childs rights are a secondary issue but rather assert that they should be the highest issue. I am surprised however that you have this opinion and it leaves me curious and baffled?
I must admit I am a little disappointed now that you have told me that we simply cease to exit when we die.

I didn't say that's what happens, it's just we have no good reason to believe other wise.

I was kind of hoping for a paradise. Are you sure that there is no afterlife of sorts or reincarnation or something else

We have no reason to believe that any part of our personality can survive the decay of our brains.

All the evidence suggests that consciousness is a by product of the operation of a brain, and everything we think of as being us , eg thoughts, feelings, personality etc all exist in the brain, when that brain is switched off, they cease to exist.

I mean you don't even have to switch the brain off to lose some of your personality, People that suffer brain injuries or diseases can lose capacity for certain emotions, lose memories even have their entire personality change. If you believe "who you are" is not a function of the brain, and you believe it's your "soul" how can these big personality changes be explained when you damage the brain.

And if a damaged brain loses a chunk of its personality, how can this personality be preserved when the brain is destroyed?
I think we're entitled to stand up for the institution of marriage, including the Marriage Act in present form, without being accused of bigotry and retrograde thinking.


I think its up to you then to provide valid reasons why the marriage act shouldn't be extended to include same sex couples.

I did not think that it would be personality to be honest. To a large degree personality must be very specific to the body. I thought that we as persons at our fundamental could be like some pure energy form of our selves. An energy that can't be destroyed but is transferred.

I am interested to see what happens one day when young Man A looses his head donating his body to science but ten years earlier a old Man B who lost his torso and donated his head to science. When the surgeons sew the body of A to the head of B does man B come back to life as a young man.

If that's the case we probably have invented eternal life right? You would not expect the brain of man b to age in a young body?

This is off topic, so I will post my response in this other thread.

Try and get a copy of Robert Heinlein's "I Will Fear No Evil"
All those questions answered....
I am terribly sorry that you have misunderstood me. Nowhere have I advocated that homosexuality is a mental disease.

Well daddy issues and loneliness.
I did make the assumption that you were insinuating mental instability-disease

Yes, but Dumbo doesn't have religious nutters and government legislation telling him he is a blight against nature, backing up those against him. Society was turning a blind eye while the "poofta bashing" went on in the 70's,80's, and early 90's. It was only decriminalized in TAS back in 97. As far as social conditioning goes, pretty sure homosexuals have had it against them for long enough.

Basic human rights between two people that love each other is not legislating to be fashionable. Treating consenting adults as second class citizens is not on. Despite whatever my own personal opinions are on the matter.

On another issue I am against religion being anymore then a personal choice. Not a guide for the state or to be enforced on the population against their will.

You may note that I said it doesn't bother me if two same sex consenting adults get married, but leave unconsenting children out of these relationships.

Penny Wong has a child doesn't she Rumpy. And I'm totally against it. How dare labor members raise children.

Pretty sure homosexual couples can already adopt.
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