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Gann Square of Nine

Righto, does anyone have any idea what kind of lows you should start this thing at?

Would the 2003 lows be an appropriate place to start it for the current bullmarket? Or does it have to be a multi decade low or something
professor_frink said:
Righto, does anyone have any idea what kind of lows you should start this thing at?

Would the 2003 lows be an appropriate place to start it for the current bullmarket? Or does it have to be a multi decade low or something

Professor, the silence is deafening, what?
wayneL said:
Professor, the silence is deafening, what?
Sorry, Wayne, I can't hear you over all the chattering coming out of the Gann camp

It would be nice to get an opinion from a gann enthusiast, so I'll say please, but if you Gann folk don't want to come forward, that's ok as well.

I'll stick with my patented professor "time" days

Hi folks,

..... very busy right now, but while dinner is cooking, let's
look at the contruction of Gann's Sq09, so that everybody
is starting on the same page .....

Firstly, Sq09 is simply a primitive square root calculator, if
we start with 1 in the centre and use a 9 x 9 = 81 square

Yes, we can use significant highs or lows, like 13032003 low,
but in that way, we should be using it a little differently, as
we must also consider some longer time cycles, in the

Most of the commercial Gann Wheels (Sq09) are not really
complete, in the sense that he used many different overlays
to align price, time and geometry.

Technically, many Sq09 charts are inverted in their
construction, but it does not matter, until it comes time
to marry price and time together, with the planetary

From 1, the count should be to the left for 2, then in
anti-clockwise mode for the rest of the count to 81.

Now, if you look at the chart, there should be a vertical
and horizontal lines across the centre, this is the Cardinal
Cross and represents one season of solar movement or
90 degrees on a 360 degree dial.

That is, Gann's trading year started on March equinox,
represented by the horizontal axis and marked on the
left-hand side of your square ..... from there, every
90 degrees of solar movement finds a solstice or an
equinox, on the Cardinal Cross.

Next, we have another cross shown across the diagonals
of the square chart, known as the Fixed Cross.

Both crosses serve as support and resistance for the price
as it approaches each level, targetted by the crosses.

This also divides the circle into 8 x 45 degree segments,
just as Gann divided the RANGE of market moves by 8
to establish common support and resistance levels, as
used in Murrey Maths, etc.


So, the daily increment commonly used is a step of 1 ... that
represents markets that move about one cent or dollar per
day, like corn and oats (1 cent) or gold (1 dollar),for example.

For markets that move more than 1 unit/day, we adjust the
step-up to the appropriate value ..... you can find a list of
these for many commodity markets, in some Gann-related

So, all that is fine, if we simply want to use a 360 degree
dial to represent a trading year and measure the time by
movement of the Sun.


Two more overlays, that are important for the wheel,
feature a square and a triangle, pointing to the degrees
on the outer edge of the wheel ..... these are used to
determine 60/120 degree moves (trine), with the triangle
and 45/90 degrees moves (square), with the square overlay.

So, by having the overlays pivot around a common centre,
we can adjust each one to align with the planets marked
on the outer degree wheel, according to their current positions, daily.

On some wheels, an additional overlay will show the
calendar for an entire year.


When planets reach critical points on the dial, on the same
day as price hits support or resistance on the square, then a
market reversal may be imminent.


Another use for the wheel is to gauge the price, as it
approaches "natural squares", within the number count,
on the wheel. ie 8 x 8 = 64.


Most markets will be easy to read on the wheel, if the
correct "run-rate" is used ... ie x units/ day.


Truth is, Gann tried a similar approach, using many different
geometric shapes, like hexagon and decagon charts as well.


For more reading about Magic Squares, just google it or
refer to Abra Mehlin's works, along with several others,
like Granville Cooley, W.S. Andrews, Hyerczyck, etc .....
.....there's hundreds of different configurations, really.


If you wish to delve further into the ancient history, then
read up on the Pythagorean Numbers and the Tetractys .....

..... absolutely fascinating stuff from the ancient world
of Socrates, Plato and the esoteric schools of Pythagoras.


Suffice to say, most traders only use Sq09 as a mechanical
method of determining price against solar time of one
degree per day (roughly speaking).

However, by using different overlays for the inner and outer
planets, we can easily appreciate how price movements of a
particular stock, align with one particular planet, on Gann's Sq09 Wheel.

For example:

TIM = Saturn's movements.

AZZ = Neptune's movements

There's lots more too, but that's enough before dinner ... lol

happy days



Hi Yogi,

Good stuff


..... oooops, missed out these bits .....

By using the triangle and square on the planetary overlay,
we can optimize the planetary aspects, against the price
movements underneath, as well.


Left-hand side of the chart at March equinox, also marks
zero degrees on the 360 degree dial and East on the zodiac,
for mundane purposes.

(See Sepharial's Cosmic Symbolism and "Geodetic

happy days


I scanned this thread re square 9 techniques v.quickly (I will read more later ).....I use the sq9 reguarly with the spi & other futres indexs ....
AS far as I'm concerned though the sq9 charts & overlays etc are a waste of time ...I prefer a calculator, fwiw
PS...Sq9 has strong support at 5544 spi ...the low this morn was 5546 so they may go down & retest this level, but it should hold with 44 being limit...5544 points directly at the coming top imo.
here is the gann wheel for those that want..

hope i can get it here and works ..we will see..


  • SQof9a.xls
    159.5 KB · Views: 64
I dragged out all my notes on the Sq9

They say the same as

Never got much out of it and still don't.

I know is esoteric but for a good while I used a calendar in a circle and used to watch dates that were 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees in time with some excellent results.

Some of it though I think is self fullfilling prophecy.

Sorry I haven't got any thing extra for you
Yogi : Have you got any Charles Jayne , he has a few books , parallels their hidden meanings , progression and their directions and a few others . also looking at Ferreras astro course . Charles suggests that the student should establish a strong understanding of plannetary cycles , the opposition points , trine points and plannetary aspects . I would like to develop a firm foundation in this area and then progress from there .


Hi Gazelle,

Sure, there's other big names from last century too, including Johndro, Sepharial,
Chas E. Carter, Corinne Heline, Jim Lewis and more .....

..... other writers including, Lyman Stowe, C C Zain, Ebertin, Max Heindel
and others may present more esoteric views, but they have all imparted
some gems of wisdom for us ...

have a great day


Plotting the geometric positions of the plannets as they rotate through the wheel allows us to pinpoint where an opposition or grand trine alignment will occur at a particular time in the future . Gann talked about live angles which is where the longitude of the major plannets came into square trine or opposition points on the 360 deg wheel . Certain major opposition points could have a higher electromagnetic influence as compared to smaller scale plannets in opposition so the question of individual correlation is a difficult one to estimate . A commodity might respond more consistently and have larger scale long lasting movements when say two of the major plannets align 180 deg . If we break this down further how can I establish ( calculate ) the timing componet ( approx ) when these two majors will be in 180 opposition .
The two plannets could move into opposition on the 1st jan 2005 and as the opposition continues these two plannets might not reach exact opposition till 15th jan and then fade out of opposition on the 20th . so there is a timing window which is in direct proportion to the scale and speed of the plannets orbit .
Using this long time window to position into any given instrument seems like a difficult task and as the plannetary tables are accurate we have no problem there but accurately co ordinating this imformation to position yourself at a low or a cntr trend move has me a bit perplexed .
In an idealised situation we might find that our commodity exhausts into low and turns trend on the 15th jan ( 180 deg point ) which would provide us with a clear indication to position long .
This cycle could also be confirmed further by two minor plannets moving into aspect ( merc mars 126 deg respectively ) .

But what happens if the trend continues down into the 20th day which is at the tail end of the opposition and then starts to turn up as the cycle fades and loses its influence . I can appreciate that the major astronomical alignments do take time to setup and move into exact alignment but from a timing perspective there is a large window and the trend could turn at any point within the cycle . there are wheels within whhels and within this primary opposition a faster moving planet might intersect the 180 deg point or a cluster of plannets might move into conjunction which could be the trigger and turn trend mid way or 3/4 through the cycle .

I need to spend alot of time with this stuff , not esoteric dribble , it is too open to interpretation and unscientific . on the other hand smaller oppositions can take place within the wheel involving smaller planets , I guess it is all relative , you might have the moon square jupiter and this cycle might only run 2 days with excat opposition point occuring and fading rather quickly compared to our last example .

Any help is appreciated
Will talk tonight Yogi .
Looking into Jeanes Long work : The Universal **** : have you read any of her work Yogi .
Looking into Jeanes Long work : The Universal **** : have you read any of her work Yogi .

So how does one of those work? Any different to a regular, non-universal one? Is this something to do with the 3-minute thread?
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