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Gann, honestly, is it a good basis for trading?

Final words...

Anyone out there read "the Black Swan" yet by N.N.Taleb? Interesting read about logical errors that are often made with tragic results even by the professionals.

When I hear this kind of sweeping absolute statement, I laugh:

This cannot be done.
That's proven.

Bypassing the Maginot line through the Ardennes , Aviation, Flying a manned mission to the moon, nuclear fission - the list goes on. Just because some people can't understand something doesn't mean that the case is proven that it can't be done, or is not feasible.

Even when you demonstrate clearly that there is something quite powerful around this, it is never enough for the small band of fanatics.

What I have yet to see on this thread from that camp are sensible measured discussion points based on the work in question in depth. The evidence is there about one portion of a large work. Like Sails, I can't even contemplate trying to assume the mantle of being an "expert" in all aspects of a lifetimes work. I've delved into what I can on many fronts including EW, and I'm still learning.

I have attempted to intelligently make a case for quite a few years now. It is up to each individual to do the due diligence and decide for themselves. No amount of mind game playing is going to influence me to change my thinking.

Cold hard logic and reality will continue to be my guide. I hope this example will provide inspiration for the people out there with inquiring minds, and give them some fortitude to ignore the "myopic inquisition".


If you're really interested in trading Gann time, talk to Magdoran

Tech Magdoran has posted plenty of charts with explination over the years with a incredible hit rate on his turn points as well.

I am not a Gann fan in anyway but I have total respect for what Magdoran can do.

Just because some people can't understand something doesn't mean that the case is proven that it can't be done, or is not feasible.

Yes I agree 100%. That's why before you waste countless hours following someones lead make sure they are actually practising what they preach.
If you're really interested in trading Gann time, talk to Magdoran

I am not a Gann fan in anyway but I have total respect for what Magdoran can do.

Apoc, i think most of us have respect for Magdoran, --- i dont think there is anything personal meant by most who are quizzing the method

im not looking to trade Gaan time, but i am curious how we can perceive time to be anything other than a relative concept (relative to price) when talking trading markets?? ---- putting a man on the moon is pure mathematics and physics ---- markets are a different swarm of bees i reckon

im not gonna go on either --- too tired to look for an argument this week

i see the Markets simply as a result/bi-product of human emotions at work --- the desire for wealth --- trying to overlay long term time cycles onto that platform seems a difficult task ---- BUT --- if you enjoy the work/study, i say good luck to you --- thats more important in the end anyway !
The difference between you and I is that you have a course to sell, and I don't, right? You'd traduce a whole area of knowledge in your sweeping bigoted fashion to squeeze a few dollars more out of your income base, wouldn't you?

Well for the amount of work I put in for a measly $43 per month to cover
at least some of my time. You might say I have a course to sell.

I also post freely on this website.

You have however had a negative, and I'd say arrogant disposition towards me right back to the reefcap days when you were quite rude. Nothing seems to have changed here.

Well I haven’t mentioned your name before, and I’m simply responding to
your comments about me in this thread.

Now I remember why I have an arrogant disposition towards you....

Because you were a goose then and you’re still a goose now.

Some things really do remain static.

Time to move on...
Well for the amount of work I put in for a measly $43 per month to cover
at least some of my time. You might say I have a course to sell.

I also post freely on this website.


And I for one hope you keep doing so. Your common sense insights and obvious knowledge comes through.

Thank you explod

ps: and I am not a subscriber either

That's fair comment, there are real benefits in enjoying what we're doing.
But some people become so fanatical about the work and study and theories that they rarely get around to trading. When I see those bloody great long posts that prattle on and on with theories and rhetoric, I have to wonder if the person concerned is the real deal who actually trades professionally for a living, or whether he's just a pretender who likes to come across as a bottomless pit of knowledge, but is unable to convert that knowledge into practical trading ability that produces real profits.
I've come across countless people over the years who were walking encyclopaedias of trading knowledge, but were only paper traders because they had a history of wrecking their accounts whenever they tried trading with real money.
When it's all said and done, trading is first and foremost about making money, not constantly sprouting theories about how to.
Very interesting how this thread developes as time goes on. One e-mail sparks a flurry, and then sometimes nothing for days, weeks, and then one e-mail can suddenly spark another flurry. Any familiarity with trading?

OK, straight to the point. A CHALLENGE. LETS see if there is real value in GANN, and lets make believers of the NON believers. This will be fun!!!!

Starting January 1st 2009 thru December 31st 2009 let us all make a record of our chosen trading account, with starting balance and closing balance. At the end of the year those that choose to continue to argue about the merits of this approach will be given a chance to show if they are real traders. We will get an independent auditor and accountant to review the trading statements. Posting these on a public forum is understandably an issue. Anyone considered the taxation implications!!!!!

Those that are skeptical of GANN, choose your representative to represent you as your champion VERSUS ME. I will represent GANN. At the end of the year if my trading account shows a greater return, then I pay nothing for the costs in getting this challenge independently audited. Further to that lets put up a dollar wager of 10,000 USD to the winner!! The loser pays the winner 10,000 USD plus all costs associated with this challenge. We will get a solicitor to arrange setting up the contract, all legal and above board.

OK non believers who wants to step up to the plate and challenge me?
If you want to revise these conditions feel free to suggest an alternative.

I think this will silence the critics once and for all. Warning any shallow and mindless responses to this will be obvious.

I look forward to your responses!!!
Further to this challenge I'm happy to play the game but the gannist have been give a chance to post proof of their methods, and still most welcome to show that they have traded using Gann. They still haven't.

so any challenge of % returns I will want to have a start date of Now or some time in the next couple off weeks.

no doubt a few other things to iron out but looking forward to it.
LOL, this will be funny.

Want some more contracts to hit for the challenge TH? I'll give you half my limits and take 50% of winnings on my contracts.
Just want 6 charts but I'm happy to have your PM as well.
This will be fun.
Oh just another thing. I'm not saying my method is the ducks guts just that I apply it. Which is what we haven't seen from the Gann dudes. which is what is so frustrating.

(oh and my method is better)

How would it in fact be proved that seekandfind is applying Gann theory to real trading and not just using some other proven method with records overlaid by esoteric phrases?

An independent auditor will only validate the trading records, not that Gann was actually deployed.
Oh just another thing. I'm not saying my method is the ducks guts just that I apply it. Which is what we haven't seen from the Gann dudes. which is what is so frustrating.

(oh and my method is better)


Same here,mines better because I can apply it.
Ive not seen one demonstration of Gann live.
Guess I'm not about to either.
For me I would want to see the trades that have actually been Gann based not just swing trading.
The sort of analysis which has been touted as necessary complexity in trading.
Astro stuff and Squares off highs and Lows.
So if this is all part of the challenge and BOTH are open to public scrutiny,I'm excited!

M/S we crossed.
I agree.
Starnge how "Seek and Find" just appears out of now where.

One of the Gann clan.
I am happy to 'moderate' this challenge if you guys desire that. I think it would be good to be in the public domain, but understand if you dont want to make $ figures shown.

Also, note how SeekandFind wants to 'start' from 4 months ago. Probably has made some money at the start of this year so thinks he/she will have a head start... :

Didnt see that.
What a bonus!
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