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Re: VIDEO: Fluoride Deadly Poison

Yeti, the legislation has been passed but as far as I know it's not yet being added to the water. I understand this will be done gradually, area by area.
No doubt the info would be available on Qld government's website.
Re: VIDEO: Fluoride Deadly Poison

Yeti, the legislation has been passed but as far as I know it's not yet being added to the water. I understand this will be done gradually, area by area.
No doubt the info would be available on Qld government's website.
There are some f^cked up things happening in the Queensland Government at the moment.

They have also been going through and banning a stack of the most effective medicinal herbs as well while poisoning your water...
I am a new comer to this thread so i cannot be bothered reading it all but from the first few pages i read it seems no one really has a great understanding.

Fluoride naturally occurs in water, the concentration of fluoride depends on the location of the water source.

European water is naturally high in fluoride hence they have no need to add it.

Queensland water has almost no natural fluoride, however fluoride was added to Townsvilles water supply and it showed marked improvement in dental condition. This acted as a case study and it was found that it would be beneficial to add it to the rest of QLD's water supply.

The concentration of fluoride they intend to mix into QLD's water supply is similar to natural concentration occurrences in other parts of the world. I.e. Europe.

Im not sure why people get so worked up about something that occurs naturally in water and not all the other things that are added to water like chlorine etc..

I'm just trying to work out why my water is so alkaline. It's probably always been that way here, I only moved in January this year, but it's off the scale of my fairly narrow range indicator. It's making keeping fish rather a challenge having to deliberately acidify the water just to get it back to neutral.

Anyone know if chlorine, fluoride etc affects the PH of the water? I'm going to take a sample and check but I doubt the water going into the treatment plant is so alkaline.
The Qld Fluoridation issue isn't going away.

It still hasn't got into my part of the state, but I've thoroughly read the legislation and all the advisory committee notes and these people are thinking along the same lines as me.

There might just be an anomaly in Qld law for their campaign to win.

Whiskers, I received the same email. Whilst it's a worthwhile effort, I don't see it having any effect. All the ministers effectively have to do is to state that, yes, they have indeed thoroughly read and understood all the presented anti-fluoride information (which presumably they would say they have already done) and as a consequence still decided that the benefits outweigh the risks.

Can you really see them changing their minds at this stage?
Nah, I can't see the ministers voluntarily changing their minds.

If they can force a judicial review there's a better chance a judge could view all the evidence a bit more fovaurably in terms of risks and adverse consequences.

The other thing is I've heard the Nationals intend to allow better public input into the issue. Not sure what they mean by that, except they're assuming they'll win the next election.

But at the end of the day, it seems that many of the US cases where states or counties have ceased using the stuff, it has come about by public outrage over some misshap like an accidental (even minor) overdose or spillage that has affected people and has hit a strong enough chord with health professionals, parents of school children, media etc to overwhelm the pro fluoride 'it's safe... trust us' campaign.

It's surprising talking to people, some who have even come from fluoridated areas, that say 'but I've been drinking it all my life and I'm OK' ... but actually know precious little about it, particularly what the long term effects to look for, accept to say that 'if it wasn't safe the authorities wouldn't be using it'. rolleyes: again)

So I think as more people rate the issue a bit more highly and get better information than just trusting the government press, the better chance of getting it reversed.
I found in my local newspaper today an interesting "letter to the editor" regarding fluoride is poison.The article makes known that in the ACP newsletter of January 2009, quoting website
Premier Anna Bligh is quoted as admitting that fluoride in tap water was something she was "instructed to do" by a UNited Nations policy.
"I certainly don't think fluoride is safe - and I know that it is a toxic poison - but my job is on the line. They gave me a script - and I have to say it to the media." the Premier said.
Nothing could be clearer than the immediately foregoing, in relation to who is really running this country.If this is the best the Premier can do, then she should resign.
I find it difficult to believe Anna Bligh said that. You need to quote the source of the quote, please.
She has been a fervent advocate for fluoride.

The link you mentioned makes no reference to Anna Bligh.

She is, however, quoted elsewhere as saying "It is time to stop being superstitious and to look at the science. It is compelling evidence that fluoride works. All of the nonsense about fluoride making you glow in the dark belongs to the Queensland of the last century."


"There is no evidence anywhere in Australia, where we have had fluoride for 30 and 40 years, to demonstrate that there is any health problem or poses any sort of risk.",27574,25486488-1248,00.html

fluoride supplier has 'get out clause'

Queensland residents given an overdose of fluoride in drinking supplies

May 15, 2009 11:07am
Text size

LAWS introducing fluoride to Queensland's water supply contained a clause banning legal action for compensation if problems should arise.

Lawyer Mark O'Connor, of Bennett and Philp Lawyers, revealed the clause while demanding that the Queensland Government should pay for medical tests for Brisbane residents affected by a fluoride bungle.
Thought I'd bump this thread again.

Got an email (below) indicating the momentum is starting to gather against fluoridation or at least the level of fluoridation. I haven't studied it carefully yet.

The following was attached - Fluoride Action Network, Bulletin, February 9, 2011.

I'm surprised that this thread doesn't get more attention in this forum.....the fluoride poisoning of the water supplies and the fluoride additives to food products has been investigated enough to warrant immediate action by governments to stop the use of fluoride (aka an industrial waste that is corrosive and highly toxic).

I guess it's because fluoride is considered a “nutrient” by Government health organisations.

Yet the warning lables are clear on toothpaste - it's a poison least in the US - and apparently ok for your child to ingest it here in Australia - so no need for warning labels like this...

Many reverse osmosis systems can remove fluoride and switching to fluoride free toothpaste are simple steps most people can take. I have taken these steps to reduce the fluoride risks but it won't stop the fluoride being used in food.

It also surprises me that so many Climate extremists are crying foul of "deadly" CO2 yet aren't active trying to stop the obvious poisoning of humans and the environment - perhaps it's because there's no hype from the lamestream media or there's no money behind the elimination of fluoride, go figure.

FIRE WATER: Australia's Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace (Part 1 of 9)

So who had this billiant idea to fluoridate water? I think it was these people...The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride's supposed effect on children's teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission. (Ref. book: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin.)
Oz, I agree with you, but all the uprising and furious protests, at least here in Qld,
have been utterly pointless. The government has just ignored them and gone ahead with fluoridating the water. It hasn't reached where I live yet, but when it does I'll use tank water instead, though that's less than convenient.
Thank you for this illuminating video OzWaveGuy. The knowledge that the fluoride compounds added to our drinking water are poisons, that they do not prevent dental caries (a problem caused by poor nutrition and lack of dental hygiene - which some people like to overlook), and that they have detrimental effect on the human body, has been known for years. I first became interested in the matter more than 30 years ago when living in London and there was a move afoot to fluoridate the Thames water supply, and read what was available at the time.

What astounds me is that governments are still doing it, with all this information available, and refusing to listen to reason. I was one of the thousands who wrote letters of protest to the Queensland government about it, with no effect. I once cornered Kate Jones (minister for climate change now but I thing she was something to do with water fluoridation at the time) at a street market, and she absolutely refused to even have a discussion with me on the subject. Her face was set in a blank stare and she spouted the usual robotic answers without listening to a word I said. Her sidekick, the uselsess Murray Watt was there mouthing the same platitudes.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but the blatant lies that are spread about the safety and 'necessity' of this poison in our drinking water often make me wonder what is behind it all!! For the record, none of my children ever drank fluoridated water in the time they lived with me ( first 20+years) and none had a filling in that time.

Dental caries is not a fluoride deficiency disease - as has been suggested by some posters in this forum.
Dental caries is not a fluoride deficiency disease - as has been suggested by some posters in this forum.

''In the 1920′s and 30′s Dr May Mellanby conducted diet trials to determine the effect of vitamin D and nutrition on the development of tooth decay. Importantly, these trials were conducted in resident hospitals and orphanages, which allowed precise control over food intake.

Compared to the Standard Diet of the day, Dr Mellanby obtained remarkable results with the Mineralizing Diet. Over a six month period, those children following the Mineralizing Diet experienced very few new cavities, with the widespread arrest and healing of pre-existing decay, while those children on the Standard Diet continued to developed more new cavities with no healing.''

Link to the study

Sir Edward Mellanby, GBE, KCB, MD, FRCP, FRS (8 April 1884 – 30 January 1955) discovered vitamin D and the role of the vitamin in preventing rickets in 1919.

He was born in West Hartlepool, the son of a shipyard owner, and educated at Barnard Castle School and Emmanuel College, Cambridge University, where he studied physiology.


But they were malnourished pommies, victims of a class war, comrade.

I have never seen a pom who didn't put on a half a centimetre or so in height, develop better teeth and body skin and hygiene after migrating to Australia.

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