Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Flood of migrants overwhelm Australia's borders

Why is the Pakistani military choosing not to vehemently defend Pakistan against the Taliban Red?

Many say it is because they don't want to fight their Muslim matter how extreme they are.....

And you want this for Australia????
I believe we stopped killing our aborigines some time ago.

This is a thread about migrants overwhelming our borders.
You have failed to provide anything to meaningfully substantiate your case.
If you are concerned about matters tangential, open another thread.
This thread is full of peoples ideas, limited by their ability to say what they think because of political correctness.

This is one of the wins that Keating had.

Remember you are muzzled.

Everything posted has to be couched in pc mode.

So it is not a clear indication of peoples ideas.


GG I've been watching for a while and know that if I say it the PC mob will be all over this like a rash.

Sink the boats - I make no apologies.

With those on planes get them off and dump them in the middle of the ocean.

Our resources are so stretched I query the quality of life for my children - Not someone.

We 'draw' straws in life I was lucky It is not my responsiblity to look after others - I simply can't and keep a comfortable way of life for my family. By that I mean providing food, water, shelter, education, medical etc. Please note comfortable in no way means luxurious - far from it.

My taxes pay for the shocking quality of infrastructure which is woefully inadequate.

I'f I had been born in a sorry situation I'd more than likely have to live it out. Escaping and dying in the process is the luck of the draw.

People who wish to save the multitudes I hope your ready for a decline and poor state of life in Australia.
I believe we stopped killing our aborigines some time ago.

This is a thread about migrants overwhelming our borders.
You have failed to provide anything to meaningfully substantiate your case.
If you are concerned about matters tangential, open another thread.

It is all too hard isn't it Red.

It has always been about protecting our std of living and the environment to me Red.

But you seem to have an intellectual disability to identify what poses a threat to that.
GG I've been watching for a while and know that if I say it the PC mob will be all over this like a rash.

Sink the boats - I make no apologies.

With those on planes get them off and dump them in the middle of the ocean.

Our resources are so stretched I query the quality of life for my children - Not someone.

We 'draw' straws in life I was lucky It is not my responsiblity to look after others - I simply can't and keep a comfortable way of life for my family. By that I mean providing food, water, shelter, education, medical etc. Please note comfortable in no way means luxurious - far from it.

My taxes pay for the shocking quality of infrastructure which is woefully inadequate.

I'f I had been born in a sorry situation I'd more than likely have to live it out. Escaping and dying in the process is the luck of the draw.

People who wish to save the multitudes I hope your ready for a decline and poor state of life in Australia.

Well said!
Why those bleeding hearts don’t shuffle their own money not mine?
Well said!
Why those bleeding hearts don’t shuffle their own money not mine?

No doubt Happy you would have been delighted to read this item in the Australian today;
PLANS to redevelop Sydney's controversial Villawood immigration detention centre will be announced in today's federal budget, as new figures reveal the cost of processing the latest influx of boatpeople is about $38,000 an asylum seeker.,,25465540-2702,00.html

Please note that is just processing
I believe we stopped killing our aborigines some time ago.
A good article to read:
Henry Reynolds claims in his book The Other Side of the Frontier that 10,000 Aborigines were killed in Queensland before federation. The source he provides is an article of his own called "The Unrecorded Battlefields of Queensland", which he wrote in 1978. But if you look up the article you find something very strange. It is not about Aboriginal deaths at all. It is a tally of the number of whites killed by Aborigines. Nowhere does it mention an Aboriginal death toll of 10,000. Reynolds gave a false citation for his evidence.


Aboriginal history is not anywhere near the paradigm shift stage yet. But the early signs are ominous. The anomalies are piling up. The architects of the dominant mindset have been forced to concede crucial ground. They are still clinging at all costs to the old stereotype. They have failed to defend their territory with evidence and have had to resort to personal abuse of their critics, even resorting to changing the words of their critics, just like they have changed the words of the documents on the historical record.
GG I've been watching for a while and know that if I say it the PC mob will be all over this like a rash.

Sink the boats - I make no apologies.

With those on planes get them off and dump them in the middle of the ocean.

Our resources are so stretched I query the quality of life for my children - Not someone.

We 'draw' straws in life I was lucky It is not my responsiblity to look after others - I simply can't and keep a comfortable way of life for my family. By that I mean providing food, water, shelter, education, medical etc. Please note comfortable in no way means luxurious - far from it.

My taxes pay for the shocking quality of infrastructure which is woefully inadequate.

I'f I had been born in a sorry situation I'd more than likely have to live it out. Escaping and dying in the process is the luck of the draw.

People who wish to save the multitudes I hope your ready for a decline and poor state of life in Australia.
It is natural to want to look after your own children first.

As I have said before it is not Australia's role to save the world. As a nation trying to maintain a first world quality of life, civilised life, it is too expensive.
Most in the "1st" world want to be seen "doing the right thing by humanity".

The world knows many Countries and Australian are easy suckers. Worth a go as not much is going to happen to you if you get caught - WOW they feed you, house you and give first rate medical attention. They won't do anything very nasty - just maybe send you home at their expense.

The only way to set a serious example is sink a boat and let them go down with it maybe a few times to let the message sink in. Sure it is protectionism.

Like a parent you set the reaction by action and threatening parents have unruly offspring.

If you were trying to enter a country unannounced you would probably find that they would deal with you in a direct and unpleasant way - immediately.

Every one is so concerned with "saving face" to the point of losing liberty.

Should be like unpaid homestay. Those that want them can put them up and pay for all their expenses out of their own money. Simple.
The only way to set a serious example is sink a boat and let them go down with it maybe a few times to let the message sink in.

I'm unhappy with allowing people into Australia who are not sympathetic to our ethos but I would never find your above suggestion acceptable, and suggest most Australians would feel similarly.

Like a parent you set the reaction by action and threatening parents have unruly offspring.

I don't really understand what you're saying here. Could you express it differently, perhaps?

If you were trying to enter a country unannounced you would probably find that they would deal with you in a direct and unpleasant way - immediately.

I don't think most countries would immediately kill you. They would probably do as Australia does and put you into a detention centre while your credentials and background were established.

Should be like unpaid homestay. Those that want them can put them up and pay for all their expenses out of their own money. Simple.

That wouldn't counteract their lack of social assimilation which I presume is your reason for not wanting them here in the first place.
For that matter, plenty from the radical left would be only too happy to personally house and support all those they regard as refugees. You could start with David Marr. Since he is so ultra sympathetic, he would be an ideal candidate for your proposition.
We should be doing everything possible to discourage immigrants who are not easily assimilated. We encouraged the immigration of cane toads and look where that got us. The toads couldn't even assimilate with the frogs . They just ate them.

A similar thing happened in NZ. They encouraged the immigration of Australian possums. God knows why, they are not too popular here. They couldn't assimilate with the fauna there. They just took over.

Both the toads and the possums are in plague proportions.

Surely there is a lesson there. I think they have learned this lesson in Europe. Too late!
We should be doing everything possible to discourage immigrants who are not easily assimilated. We encouraged the immigration of cane toads and look where that got us. The toads couldn't even assimilate with the frogs . They just ate them.
Just to clarify - you're comparing people of a different skin colour, culture and/or religion to toads?
Julia, yes my views are strong.

It doesn't worry me if most don't agree with my views. I would be surprised if they did.

As the world population increases and its associated problems the wave of migrants will increase and I think all the humanitian types will get an shock in the future.
Most in the "1st" world want to be seen "doing the right thing by humanity".

The world knows many Countries and Australian are easy suckers. Worth a go as not much is going to happen to you if you get caught - WOW they feed you, house you and give first rate medical attention. They won't do anything very nasty - just maybe send you home at their expense.

The only way to set a serious example is sink a boat and let them go down with it maybe a few times to let the message sink in. Sure it is protectionism.

Like a parent you set the reaction by action and threatening parents have unruly offspring.

If you were trying to enter a country unannounced you would probably find that they would deal with you in a direct and unpleasant way - immediately.

Every one is so concerned with "saving face" to the point of losing liberty.

Should be like unpaid homestay. Those that want them can put them up and pay for all their expenses out of their own money. Simple.

We are simply taken for a ride and they just keep breeding like rabbits, almost feels that only for us to feel sorry and stupid circle continues.

I would happily pay for sterilisation thou.
Those posting "against" migration continue to demonstrate a vivid imagination and a penetrating ignorance of the facts, let alone a poor regard for people that might not be to their liking.
It's amusing that if we can "prove" the benefits of migration we are labelled lefties (at best) or intellectually deficient.

Some seem hellbent on sidetracking this thread to irrelevant themes, hoping to gain some traction for their rather interesting views. And some traction has been gained, although how sterilisation is relevant is not explained.

By the way Happy (and others), Christians and Muslims worship the same god. They just go about it differently.
There are many ways to repond to the thread title.

Flood of migrants overwhelm Australia's borders - My take is GG meant refugees & humanitarian migrants. If I'm wrong GG let me know.

The Humanitarian Program has two components:

The onshore (asylum or protection) component offers protection to people in Australia who meet the refugee definition in the United Nations Refugees Convention.
The offshore (resettlement) component offers resettlement for people outside Australia who are in need of humanitarian assistance.

I don't believe in handing out Australian Citizenship willy nilly.

If the title relates to legitimate work visa applications, fine they obviously didn't arrive unannounced. They are not the ones I'm referring to. There are some visas I don't agree with - personal reasons.

Now assuming I'm referring to the 1st interpretation of the title.

For me it is not a matter of dislike towards any nationality or country.

When will those for it (I don't like left and right as most are really in the middle and THAT is beside the point), accept the fact we Don't have and Will Never Have the support infrasturcture for a population increase of any great magnitude.

You obviously think our current standards are 1st class? I beg to differ. Having been a 'city slicker' my whole life and now very much rural the standards are low in either across all facets.

Those that want the 'flood' please enlighten me as to how you expect to accomodate all their needs once the're here. How to deter people permanently just 'dropping in'. How would you explain to Australians who have worked for years at Australian companies with loyalty and lost their jobs that you'd give it to some with less skill, less time paying taxes, unproven loyalty?

Should I give up my standards and those of my children for non citizens - NO

Times change and so must policy. It appears to change rapidly with many other topics regardless of outcome.
What is the tipping point of war invasion over acceptable invasion.

Our 'civilized' society has made many into flourishing pansies. You don't believe in standing and fighting for your rights?

Protecting ownership is quite simple it used to be an instinct people knew. I suppose you wouldn't mind your car taken for a spin and trashed.

Analogy - farmers have guns and other serious deterrants for a reason. Most city people have no idea what is out here to harm their 'potential dinner' be meat, vegetable, dairy or grain. So we 'protect' your future meal - your health - your job - Just work down the food chain. Farmers are your first line of defense for your food - and they are very much 'with it'. And sadly very much ignored and unappreciated.

Of course that goes out the window when you buy imported product and not supporting your Australian farmers is tragic to save a buck.

First, citizenship is different from "migration". Migrants are not conferred citizenship.
Secondly, the data indicates humanitarian intakes have declined in recent years: When was the "flood"?
Thirdly, when Australia had 10 million people, did it have the infrastructure to double its population? It's really a silly question, because we know infrastructure is built incrementally.
Fourthly, who is it that wants a "flood"? I certainly don't. But given there isn't any evidence to suggest a flood, it seems almost as silly a point as the preceding one.
Fifthly, which of your standards of living have declined? Or, which ones might decline, and what reasons would give rise to the decline? Again, all the evidence suggests migration has a net benefit to our living standards.
Finally, our migration policies are constantly changing in the light of both need and circumstance. By and large I believe our governments in post-war years have managed to do a pretty good job.
My position is that we can afford to do a better job.
Unlike you, I do not repeat lies or try to defend them.

Repeat lies ? time to get it right mate , what I posted was a quote from the media .
You said = our infrastructure can handle more immigrants :eek: now I'm not going to call you a liar over that insane comment so get a grip man on reality .