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Finding the truth vs. "The Rule of Law"

I thought the 3 week bit might have triggered your brain that it was construction but anyway the reason they offer bonuses in Kal is the money is shite mate and who wants to go undergroung anyway been there done that.
Ive just picked up a job at Pluto 18x10 nice lifestyle gig
You can stay in Uranus where you belong
Great link between $300 and $600 a month chicken feed
carton of beer a day lol
Great link between $300 and $600 a month chicken feed
carton of beer a day lol
Not everyone is on $250k a year, like you.
My son in Kal is only on $180k But he does go home to his family every day.
Not everyone is on $250k a year, like you.
My son in Kal is only on $180k But he does go home to his family every day.
I havnt worked a year since Wheatstone and that sort of money is long gone....maybe offshore
Im enjoying more time at home and working away in winter.
Plenty of work in the Pilbara that construction job was full of sparlies from the east paying their own interstate airfares

Anyway this has moved away from an alleged anal rape by a politician
App that caught crims in Australia not used in US due to "privacy" laws ?

It's an interesting contrast of what we and the Yanks care about more, privacy for them and putting the crims away for us.

Who is right, or are we both stupid ?

Photo op taken move on please
Well back to the Christian Porter case, whether he did it or not, he is toast IMO. You throw a bucket like this, some has to stick, it is the law of averages.
Sometimes life is so much easier being a pleb, living a dull pleb's life, in a dull pleb's neighborhood.
Also after being married for 45 years, it is still a slap for any unwanted flirtatious advances, maybe I married an overly prudish lady? But we have been together since she was 17 and I was 19, how times change.
My missus would have taken half of everything, after the forced oral sex incident, let alone staying around for what happened next. All very very sad IMO absolutely no winners in this situation.

From the article:
The original dossier detailing a rape allegation against former attorney-general Christian Porter has been made publicly available for the first time, including allegedly contemporaneous diary notes written by the woman who accused him shortly before taking her own life last year.

The 31-page document, which had previously been circulated among politicians and journalists, details in the woman’s own words her account of an alleged incident in 1988 involving Mr Porter in Sydney while they were both teenagers.
The woman, known only as Kate, alleges in the document that she was raped three times by Mr Porter in the early hours of January 10, 1988, in her room at the University of Sydney Women’s College where they had walked after dancing at the Hard Rock Cafe in Kings Cross. There had earlier been a formal dinner for the World Universities’ Debating Championships.
Mr Porter has strenuously denied the incident occurred. He brought a defamation action against the ABC for reporting on the existence of the dossier, which was sent to politicians including Penny Wong, Scott Morrison and Sarah Hanson-Young.

The defamation case has since been settled and will be discontinued.
Parts of the dossier have been published previously, but the full document has not been made publicly available. Its release, with a trove of other Federal Court documents late on Thursday, came on the first anniversary of the day Kate took her own life.
The first alleged incident Kate said occurred was after she was propositioned for a “pearl necklace” and Mr Porter complained he could not be left with “blue balls”, forcing her to perform oral sex, which was the first allegation of rape.
After vomiting on her own dress, she says Mr Porter offered to “clean” her, in a bath or a shower at the college, and he washed her before dressing her in her nightie and underpants. She said they fell asleep and alleges she woke up to Mr Porter anally raping her while she was lying face-down and naked.
She alleges he ejaculated, which she described as “violently shocking”, and he anally raped her a second time. She said she was too ashamed to report it the next day. Some of the details contained in the document are too graphic for The Herald and The Age to publish.
Other documents released on Thursday include a lengthy transcript and video of an ABC interview with Kate’s friend Jo Dyer. Ms Dyer, a festival director who knew Kate in the 1980s, detailed the reasons why she believed the allegations her friend made.

“There are a number of reasons why I thought Kate was telling the truth. First and foremost was the story that she told was so clear and so consistent and so detailed,” Ms Dyer said in the interview.

“Secondly, really, the incident as she described … the acts that she described were not something that a 16-year-old virgin would consent to.”
Ms Dyer said in the full interview that Kate told her “a level of sinister detail”. This included an account of being anally raped twice, which was “enormously painful for obvious reasons”.

“There was, as she described it, this mantra that C [Mr Porter] was repeating – this was just a bad dream, you’ll be fine, everything will be OK. Again, extraordinary detail in the story. And an extraordinary thing to say.”
Kate took her own life in June last year, before she had made a formal police statement. In March, a NSW Police spokesperson said there was “insufficient admissible evidence to proceed” with an investigation in the matter.
Also among the documents released by the court were a series of text messages between Ms Dyer and ABC presenter Annabel Crabb, where Ms Crabb wrote that the former attorney-general was a “strange dude” and Kate would be moved to know that her friends were seeking justice for her.
In the messages, starting shortly after Kate took her own life, Ms Crabb wrote that she was “completely poleaxed ... even though I hadn’t seen her for so long and didn’t know her all that well to begin with”.
“It’s really coalescing with the stories of those [former High Court Justice Dyson] Heydon women just fading away out of the law... leaves me with such a boiling sense of rage and grief,” Ms Crabb said.
“I’m glad she at least managed to talk to a lot of people, some never get that. What a strange dude CP is. And how amazingly arrogant to think you can mistreat people and get away with it for ever.”
Ms Dyer responded that Kate was a “shining star” and it was “devastating” that her life was “very troubled for so long”.
“Regardless of whether it’s exclusively or only collaterally because of CP’s entitled arseholedom, it similarly fills me with rage. She deserved such a different life,” Ms Dyer wrote.
The documents had been tendered as part of a court case where Ms Dyer stopped high-profile silk Sue Chrysanthou, SC, from representing Mr Porter in his defamation case against the ABC.

Ms Dyer successfully argued Ms Chrysanthou was privy to confidential information about Kate and Mr Porter because the barrister gave her free legal advice in relation to an article in The Australian that mentioned Ms Dyer.
At a press conference in Perth earlier this year, Mr Porter said: “I did not sleep with the victim. We didn’t have anything of that nature happen between us … I can say to you all it didn’t happen.”
As part of his recent settlement deal with the ABC, Mr Porter attempted to file a consent order removing the ABC’s defence from the court file.
But Justice Jayne Jagot refused to remove it and has allowed The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and News Corp Australia to make submissions that the defence should be released to the public.

The details that have now been disclosed might have forever remained suppressed if Ms Chrysanthou had surrendered her brief to act for Mr Porter and avoided Jo Dyer’s litigation.
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I checked out the interview Louise Milligan had with Jo Dyer, Katherines friend and fellow debater.

So much in there echoes the shared experiences most of us have had. Life is messy and complicated. xhit happens. You try to get over it.
But in this case a woman watched while a man who abused her and then behaved as calculatedly as Jo Dyer noted become the most powerful law officer in the land and had sights on being PM.

I suggest it is well worth reading. I'm also going to send a copy to Christian Porter and make it clear I will never believe anything he ever says in denying this incident.

3.15.05 If this had happened to me, I'm not sure that I would have been rushing to tell people, either. There's a great deal of shame that can come from unfortunate, ill-advised, let alone illegal sexual acts. As a young woman, you blame yourself for things that happen. I mean, we've all had the situation where a sexualised situation has gone further than we really would have liked or expected. It's not always, in fact, it's rarely a situation that would be defined as criminal. But it does, occasionally get out of control. And as 15-16 yo girls, you don't have much control in those situations, whatever you think going in. If you've been drinking heavily and you've been gregarious and flirtatious and, you know, extroverted, if something goes sour, late in the night, when booze has been consumed and everybody's perhaps not a hundred per cent clear, you're not likely to rush and tell anyone. I think you're going to accept it as an inevitable, if unfortunate, outcome of a situation which you helped create. And so the best thing that you can do is put it behind you and try and remember next time to be more careful.

J: 3.16. 46 You'll try and moderate your behaviour, rather than think that the perpetrator's behaviour is the thing that should be moderated, or is illegal and should be prosecuted. So I'm not surprised that she continued to interact with Christian in those few days, last few days of the championships and beyond. Because it would have been unusual if she didn't. And then people would be asking 'why, what's wrong?' and then she would have had to confront the situation. And all she wanted to do was put it behind her

L: 3.33.46 You haven't read K's statement? (No) At the end of her statement, she says, 'in order to complete this account, I have drawn on all my resources, emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual, physical and financial. I have spent literally all of my savings and maxed out my credit card in order to do this work. But I have no regrets. All I really want, in the end, is for this to have been reported to the NSW Police Force. And to know that a copy of this document, and a transcript of any interview they might do with me, is in their archives. My original training was as an historian. This is my story, plain and simple. It's not pretty, but it's mine. And I stand by it, every single word and image in this document is true. If this story does become public knowledge, I hope that it will encourage other women to come forward. Not for me, but for themselves. I am sure that CP has violated other girls and women. I also hope that other people who have endured similar traumas, should these facts become public knowledge will feel less alone. Our bodies are precious. They are a gift from god, however we understand this. They should not be abused by anyone, ever, under any circumstances'. How does it make you feel to hear those words, knowing that she never got to fight that battle?

J: 3.35.26 Well, it... it's heartbreaking. It really is. She was very strong. And very clear, as you can hear in her own words. She wanted to tell her story. She fervently believed that there would be others who would come forward eventually. That C as an individual was likely to have behaved reprehensibly, if not illegally, towards other women. But she also wanted women to feel that they could come forward. She - she was under no illusions about how difficult it would be. But she had already had to climb mountains with this burden. So, I'm glad that her story can go onto the public record.

Louise Milligans Twitter site noting the publication of her interview with Jo Dyer around teh rape allegations of Katherine Thornton


Public figure so pretty much open season same as everyone else, Porters problems are there is a lot of other noise that's not a good look all of it his own doing.

Its looks like the defamation case was strategic same a Alan Jones play get the headlines then run to settlement how ever for Porter the wheels appear to have fallen off.

If its fair or not I cannot say but this is some one who runs secret trails, pursues whistle blowers, supports Robo debt, maybe some one can defend him and point out the various good he has done in his public life.
If its fair or not I cannot say but this is some one who runs secret trails, pursues whistle blowers, supports Robo debt, maybe some one can defend him and point out the various good he has done in his public life.
Morrison has led the worst government since Billy McMahon. Poor Billy was no match for Whitlam back in the day, and overshadowed by his wife Sonia in the media when otherwise not getting beaten up by his own party's shenanigans. But as you point out, when you add Morrison's incompetence to that of his useless and heartless Ministers such as Porter and Dutton it's not hard to understand why the public has lost faith in our politicians.
A recent example of Morrison's deceit relates to State quarantine proposals. After Queensland proposed a Toowoomba facility back in February there were ongoing negotiations and requests for further information. On Thursday Morrison finally knocked the Toowoomba idea on the head, using criteria that are at odds with both Howard Springs (which is operational) and the Victorian proposal. Morrison has had 15 months to take responsibility for quarantine given it's a federal responsibility, and ample opportunity to work with the States to make it happen. Instead he has played a game of obfuscation and deceit. And here's his biggest lie on the matter from his letter to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk:
"It remains the priority of my government to ensure that more Australians who are overseas can safely return home."

And when you think things couldn't get worse... Barnaby turns up
A private prosecution against a person one believes has committed a crime ?

Really interesting idea. I suppose there could be the issue of frivolous and malicious prosecutions ?

There is some interesting information out there. I would say however there are some pretty breathtaking political examples of what seems to be corruption that I would love to see examined in a public hearing. CP would be a good start.

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Once again - another law, another set of rules is there to protect the government from the people... Rarely have I ever agreed with Turnbull on anything. But agree with his assessment that Christian Porter should not take anonymous money to pay legal fees. Even the left and right wing news agree!

Who the f donates money to a politician/blind trust to pay their legal fees???? Amazing this stuff is actually legal.


Yeah it is pretty breath taking. Just a few questions that were raised

Labor’s Attorney-General spokesman Mark Dreyfus has previously said if Mr Porter was getting help to pay his legal bills he must declare it.

Commenting today, Mr Dreyfus said, “If Mr Porter genuinely doesn’t know who his donors are, he shouldn’t accept their money. Did the money come from criminals? A foreign power? Apparently Mr Porter doesn’t care.

“Other questions Mr Porter must answer include:

Were any of these donors from overseas?
“Were any of these donors lobbyists?
“Were any of these donors beneficiaries of decisions made by Mr Porter – or do they stand to benefit from decisions Mr Porter may make in the future?

I wonder if Christian Porter will now be sued over accepting such funds ? It seems so breath takingingly dangerous both personally and for the Liberal Government.

So then of course we would have the scenario of the anonymous Legal Services Trust forking out another $1m to defend Porter against charging of receiving unaccountable funds as a Politician.
So NSW never, ever began to investigate the allegations of rape against Christian Porter.

As usual Shane Dowling has been ferreting around on this case. Lots to consider..

NSW police never started investigating Christian Porter rape allegation, internal review reveal

Police asked to close investigation on same day they received a dossier which included a statement by the woman detailing her allegations

Christian Porter has strenuously denies an allegation of raping a woman in January 1988. A NSW police investigation has acknowledged the alleged victim died ‘without having her wish of the person of interest being held to account’. Photograph: Mike Bowers/The Guardian

Paul Karp

Sun 19 Sep 2021 21.09 EDT
Last modified on Sun 19 Sep 2021 21.11 EDT

New South Wales police acknowledged they “never had the opportunity to commence the investigation” into an allegation of rape by Christian Porter, conceding the “investigation or lack thereof was not successful”, an internal review document seen by Guardian Australia has revealed.

Porter’s accuser withdrew her complaint and took her own life in June 2020, without police having taken a witness statement from her. The police assessment of the investigation into her claims, which was first produced in a more redacted form to the NSW parliament, concludes that, as a result, an alleged victim of “childhood sexual abuse” had died “without having her wish of the person of interest being held to account”.

The same document also reveals that police asked to close the investigation on the same day they received a dossier which included a statement by the woman detailing her allegations sent to police by her friends.

Christian Porter still faces a legal challenge to his version of what never happened to Katherine Thornton...

The New Liberals are still intending to moun a private prosecution against Christian Porter. Traditionally prosecutions are bought to court by Government prosecutors. However there is an option for a private citizen to bring a case.

I contacted the New Libs recently and they still intend to prosecute. Good thing for Christian he has his Blind Trust eh ?

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