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Financial Crises Around the World

Forget the 6 O'clock free to air BS wait for the ABC at 7

I don't use it as a basis for any specific action, but if an FM radio station that is focused on music and entertainment is talking about shares then to me that says that practically everyone, including those who normally take no interest in financial matters, will be aware of what's going on. They don't report a 1% drop, it doesn't even make their news at all, but today it's the headline item.

My basic thought is that such widespread coverage would prompt at least some people to take action (selling or buying) that they otherwise wouldn't have taken.

Whether or not that is true I don't know, it's just a theory of mine, but if you accept that advertising works because people keep hearing the message well then today the "share market is falling" message has been heard on the hour, every hour, by anyone who simply had the radio on. That's a lot of people. Hearing that over and over must influence at least some people surely (remembering that not everyone knows much about financial matters beyond what they hear via the mainstream sources)?
Same theory as when taxi drivers start talking about their share portfolio it's time to get out.
A one thousand point drop in the opening five minutes of the DJIA this morning is amazing.

Recovered 800 points since on what appears as an unregulated press release of inside information.

As I said a few days back, the action of the PPT this week will be interesting
Hope everyone who thought they missed out on the GFC buying opportunity, managed to jump on board the latest buying opportunity. 1000 point drop in the asx.

That is of course unless it was a dead cat bounce, and the real crunch, is just around the corner.

Time will tell, if the asx is 7000 in 12 months time, those who didn't jump in will say, get rid of the cgt offset. You fat cat.

If the asx is 4000 in 12 months time, those who didn't jump in will say, don't worry about it, it's only money. But we're always here for you.

Then you have those on defined Government pensions saying, what is all the fuss

The moral to the story is don't make money, spend it or lose it, people and the government think much more of you.

Yea I jumped in... too early as it turned out though.

Been holding onto a not small amount of cash then decided to buy since it's been too long and a stock I like drops to a good level... then the bottom fell out a couple days after. dam! Then sold some to buy some other and that also fell further. double dam!

But it might work out OK. If it doesn't then it's Centrelink we go.

Sounds like my
I thought it was just me
Bought just before the crunch this seems to be my destiny
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