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Financial Crises Around the World

WOW seems very much down, people will buy food even in a recession so If it drops again tomorrow I'll be tempted....
WOW seems very much down, people will buy food even in a recession so If it drops again tomorrow I'll be tempted....

Well the funny thing is MrBurns, you know as well as I do, that you only make money in the market when everyone is jumping out.

But there are a lot of younger opinionated posters on here, that do nothing but bag the baby boomers, for taking risks and making money.

I wonder how many of those posters, have been to their bank and taken out a loan against their house, to take advantage of this possible recession?

Not many, would be my guess, but everyone will have something to say, when the dust settles.

All true.....
Just reading the Fin Review WOW looks like a basket case.

Yes it bodes well for the Governments reasoning, of dropping the threshold for accessing a pension, heaps more would have qualified, after this fallout.

But like I said, it is a great opportunity for young guys like Sydboy, to take out a loan against their Sydney property to buy shares, make a

Then if they are lucky enough to make money, rather than lose their house, the next generation can tell him he is just a fat cat.

Let's see how they

It's a shame Julia isn't here, to see this all unfold, she would have had a real chuckle .
Yes Julia.....still missed.

She had the ability, to stop people , making it about them and did it in a nice way.

She was a bit like that teacher, you always remembered.

Anyway, off topic, don't get everyone teary.
and don't you think it is a bit early to bank onto a recovery when we are hardly in what i see as a potentially very big fall?
and I would not discard a potential rebound after a september debacle but definitively not long term so I will pass on betting my house on that!!
PS but I will have cash rady to get back in maybe in a staged way once this settles a bit with everyone freaked out
Just bought WOW, I think eventually the new management will sort them out, the share price is now the lowest in 3 years. I'm not expecting miracles in fact it will probably drop further but I think long term it should be ok.
I remember dropping $50k in a day late '80's. Never bet on the markets what I couldn't lose. Made $500k in three months mid 90's and lost the lot ....bugger. Client took me to cleaners for $864k 2001.... double bugger.

Gotta love being a baby boomer though .... only bright horizons with effort.

I'm thinking there has to be some good buys out there.
-4% today, but the good news is that Australia is open for business.

Australia has to get its business competitive, no point being open, if no one is buying.

I've just had an extension built on the house, subies are dreaming thinking they are gong to keep getting $1000/day.
I asked the sparky working on the extension, how much to replace the circuit breakers with rcd combo's, he quoted $100 each. I thought sod that, bought them for $25 each and put them in, 20 minutes work for 5 of them. People are in for a reality check IMO.
I don't mind paying a reasonable amount of money, but people need to get serious about what is affordable. He was already here, he had them in the van 5 would cost him $100 max and 20 minutes labour.
I think our financial crisis is long overdue, from those on silly wages, to those rorting, a reality shock is needed.
With most of the bigger banking institutions leveraged at more than 50 to 1, we are now in unknown territory.

I am right out of the market but feel for those who have had faith in the MSM and financial gurus. Only this morning on TV they proclaimed it would not go down much, at most 60 points and what, ASX over 200 points. China 1200 and Japan 800.

Control has been lost in my view and anything can happen from here. But the 6 oclock news will be interesting
With most of the bigger banking institutions leveraged at more than 50 to 1, we are now in unknown territory.

Well there has been a lot of money printing going on in recent history, a lot of it found its way into equity markets, sooner or later the market has to reflect the underlying value, or lack there of.

Fortunately for Australia, our market didn't get too far ahead of itself, there is a lot to be said for conservative investors.IMO
Just bought WOW, I think eventually the new management will sort them out, the share price is now the lowest in 3 years. I'm not expecting miracles in fact it will probably drop further but I think long term it should be ok.

I wouldn't go near WOW with a barge pole.

Lidl is coming to Australia
Costco is expanding
Masters is losing money hand over fist

Good luck Mr B.

Forget the 6 O'clock free to air BS wait for the ABC at 7
Phat Prophets dude on news radio making soothing noises. It must be bad
I wouldn't go near WOW with a barge pole.

Lidl is coming to Australia
Costco is expanding
Masters is losing money hand over fist

Good luck Mr B.

That was the Coles story, before Wessies took them over, opportunity is where everyone sees no hope, and the assett is valued accordingly.
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