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The whole worlds a stage and so now is politics, the public at large only do what the TV tells them to, people like Rudd can win, wrong as it may be.

You don't see the irony there with what the TV was apparently telling people a few weeks ago?
You don't see the irony there with what the TV was apparently telling people a few weeks ago?

Effects younger people mostly, older ones can still hopefully think for themselves.
Gillard's incompetence was obvious to all, Rudds is more hidden........for now.
You don't see the irony there with what the TV was apparently telling people a few weeks ago?

Effects younger people mostly, older ones can still hopefully think for themselves.
Gillard's incompetence was obvious to all, Rudds is more hidden........for now.

I'd have to agree with Some Dude there, Burnsie, KRudd is a master manipulator.

He looks at the camera, purses his lip and says something that appeals to youth. It may have nothing to do with ALP policies. But he gets away with it.

He reminds me of a dangerous nun who terrorised me as a 4 year old.


I wasn't disagreeing.
Keating used to say, he would switch to Vaudeville.

Give Rudd a little time and he'll trip but TA cant match him in the Vaudeville stakes.
I wasn't disagreeing.
Keating used to say, he would switch to Vaudeville.

Give Rudd a little time and he'll trip but TA cant match him in the Vaudeville stakes.

The only input I can give in to this is that TA has more mongrel than KR.

He will fight KR who his own party hate, and have described as a psychopath.

The Australian shoppingtrolley mob have been drip fed on entitlement, and Rudd appeals to them.

I personally feel that more migrants are necessary to counter the lazy slob culture that prevails.

I do believe in Strong borders.

So, more talented migrants, let Princess Kevin KR appeal to the KMart/BigW Centrelink mob, and let the rest of us work for a better Australia.


Agree with all of that and I sincerely hope the public choose a good man over a prissy BS artist.
Agree with all of that and I sincerely hope the public choose a good man over a prissy BS artist.

Regardless of political persuasion, any thoughts on what would be a good way to get the public at large to engage in a more substantive discussion than the political equivalent of Survivor or "Australia's Got Talent" where votes are sms'd in?
Regardless of political persuasion, any thoughts on what would be a good way to get the public at large to engage in a more substantive discussion than the political equivalent of Survivor or "Australia's Got Talent" where votes are sms'd in?
It's a good point SD.

I find the level of education amongst native born Australians woeful.

I honestly do not believe the present "average " Australian is as educated as their counterparts outside of Australia.

An Entitlement Culture prevails, and Wayne Goss, an ALP Q Premier alluded to this.

Perhaps it is my mood. But all I see are distasteful ugly greedy grey nomads touring Australia, and spending their grandchildren's wealth, farting about in caravans, and delegating the grandkids care to "daycare", while their children chase McMansions and debt.

So I believe in more education, more inter generational engagement and less chasing of entitlement by old farts.

So I believe in more education, more inter generational engagement and less chasing of entitlement by old farts.

It does set a precedent doesn't it for the younger ones to follow. As we get older, we all like the moral superiority that comes with being able to point at the younger generations about some aspect that we either don't understand or dislike but it is the older ones generations that need to demonstrate and show by example.

Agree Sd,

In my experience most young people want to do their best, find the best mate, have kids and live the dream.

I am very much against grey nomads who abrogate their responsibilities as carers, wise persons and nurturers of their grandchildren.

So, I would be in favour of youth over these evil caravaning camry driving sloths, living for death.

So, I would be in favour of youth over these evil caravaning camry driving sloths, living for death.


Perhaps more discussion like this. Again, agree or not, but provide details.

Let's start dissecting some of the details beneath the slogans.

Perhaps more discussion like this. Again, agree or not, but provide details.

Let's start dissecting some of the details beneath the slogans.

I know bugger all about economics but I know people.

Many grey nomad are good and useful people visiting grandkids and helping out.

Under the ALP there is an abrogation of responsibility from the Family to the State.

I see no reason why grandparents as they always have, should not look after their grandchildren while the parents work.

The State should stay out of it.

Under the ALP, the dissolution of the family will progress.

Coalition Policy is pro family.

Under the ALP there is an abrogation of responsibility from the Family to the State.

Can you elaborate on what you mean here? For example, my parents are in no position or location to be able to look after my kids while working so in what way does facilitating my ability to access day care not provide a net benefit i.e. I can work full time etc.

Strange take on older people gg.
I would think a lot grey nomads, have brought up 4 kids and have probably done without most of their lives. They probably have children who are more successful than themselves, yet you begrudge them living a dream.

Probably off topic.
Effects younger people mostly, older ones can still hopefully think for themselves.
Gillard's incompetence was obvious to all, Rudds is more hidden........for now.

I think you are underestimating the young folk in this country. You would be surprised how many of them are right onto him and cant stand him.

One of the young ladies on radio commentating was really saying her piece yesterday, how pathetic she thought he was. She said, please dont let him get in, I couldnt stand it.
She had the young ones ringing in all giving their opinions about how he is a narcissitic, power hungry man.

Everything revolves around him, and they wouldnt be surprised if he tries to put the election on his birthday, thats the type of man he is, all puff with no substance.

He was pulling my leg

Oh, my appologies for jumping in.

Thanks for your understanding , I was probably being a bit harsh on retirees, "living the dream".

Good on them.

I just hate caravans and think caravan drivers should be given their own track to dawdle along and leave the roads to the rest of us who have work to do.

And I apologise for taking the thread off topic.

Tony Abbott doesn't have a caravan by the way, Rudd would be your typical knob driving one. Mr.Slow speeding up at all the wrong times.



In retrospect you're right, they didn't like him before so it wont take long for them to reach that conclusion again.

The only question is, do they like Tony any better ?
I hope they can see through the awkwardness and let him have a go, certainly any dysfunctional rabble under Rudd wont get us anywhere.

I notice Abbott has been changing emphasis, trying to be a bit less of a nay sayer but to the public (and me) he appears to be a regressive politician. Old Howard policies, old has been ministers, climate change denier etc.

He needs to show some vision, make some forward looking statements. He will then the look like a waiting Prime Minister. That's all the Rudd is really doing. It won't take much to make him more electable than Rudd. Slogans such as "Stop the Boats", isn't going to cut it.
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