So if massive change doesn't occur in the next decade or so, kiss your kids goodbye?
So 2050 is basically about the time major impacts like crop failures and extinction of fish is projected to start?
NO ....
not that quick .... the actual impacts ... it takes time ... watch the PH level of the sea ...
watch both CO2 and Methane and Nitrous levels ....
All the rest is a chemical reaction.
One leads to another .... to another thing ... arctic ice if removed .... speeds up warming .... and whats up there ? I asked for my box of crackers !! But rather than wait, in the Permafrost, which will eventually thaw, and HOW quickly is the issue, is about 40 years at full tilt of old plant and animal matter. Again, exponentially adding to CO2 and Methane.
The sea, and its PH level, even by 2100 will not be too toxic, but irreversible its march to a much lower level. Last time, and it was NOT massive CO2 levels that did it ... about 95% of all life in the sea stopped and temp at the equator was 36 degree's so that by around 2200.
For us, our lifetime or say 2050, not too much, just coral reefs all going. Life cycles of some things in the sea broken beyond repair. Not much sea rise or temp ... 2100 another matter and from there, well it gets exponentially worse.
What these deniers, seem to forget, the 260 million year ago 2000 PPM CO2 and 95% of all life, WAS GONE ... not just the dead, on land as well. Last one, yes forests flourished at the poles ... life was abundant, NON HUMAN I MIGHT ADD. So needing 50 million sq km to feed 7 billion and hopefully via better production, not much more .... but as things get worse, higher solar radiation ... LOWER YIELDS lower contents of proteins and so on ...
it takes TIME to stop pollution, it takes TIME for the crap to come back down and dissolve carbonates and make things more acidic in the ocean. By the time, say we hit 4 degree;s .... and I sadly suspect its 2100 .... or 2125 ... with cause I might add, its a slope that maybe if we devoted 40% of GDP to we may delay it, not stop it. But by then, well, over 10 billion minus a few massive famines ... so 8 billion ... and meanwhile, debate and bull-dust about what is causing it.
It is, on the main, simple chemical reactions or release of energy reactions .... what makes it difficult is the unknown, beyond human stupidity .... unknown what the sun will do ... its been quite .... volcanoes same thing .... all an aside really when ice disappears fro m Arctic, NORTH ... the release of the frozen matter and its either released slower ... say over 200 plus years, or, quicker and that is not a thing we want.
For now, nope no real impact for me, or these cretins ... deniers and oligarchy. Even to 2050 a mass fail in crops, say 5 years of droughts ... about 40% ..... but its assured post 2100 ... so too the CO2 and it eventually being broken down in the ocean. Funny thing the oxygen producing things there hate acidity ... but I am sure some others ... will thrive, BUT for a source of protein ? Lots of ifs whats and buts even for me and some, very unpleasant when factored in. Either way, releasing so much energy via burning them, the oceean, vast as it is ... is sucking it up as quick as it can at the rate of Horisma every 2 seconds, eventually however, it hits a point and one easily seen unable to efficiently cope, and hey presto ... almost overnight in a geologic sense massive rises.
CO2 the last event, 65 million years ago, caused by Volcanoes and then suspected massive wildfires, actually took a very long time to build up CO2 levels, 2 events about 2,00 years long over 200,000 year total time. Well we are doing the same and have exceeded it ... post 1800 to NOW .... we have NOT as yet seen the temp rises, but as we know and fully well know back then they followed about 800 years after .... BUT THAT ... I might add was with two events .... spanning 10 times ... what we have DONE and we have done MORE THAN the two together ... CO2 wise in 200 years NOT 4,000 years.
What the two main deniers, the Nobel prize winning one and the other fool paid for via Kochs ignore is TIME as well. Not only all things that change the scenario ... but TIME itself ... and in both cases the lack of any or much life in the oceans. So, me going, I am NOT going to factor in this, which I don't, and same for the climate scientists NOW, because ... I just don't know ... there is NO precedent for some idiot doing this !! What I do know, its already BAD .... even without going, well ... the total rise of 8-10 degrees c .... not 1.5 they dream of keeping it too ... a political crap thing, even 2, the real scenario is if we see instead of o er say 2,000 years thermal bloom of 8 degrees, one much shorter, again its beyond the 2,100 year mark any of this.
Warning sign, Watch that CO2 and more so CH4 Methane and stop using nitrate fertilizer because the ozone layer is being removed AGAIN ....
Impacts post 2050, with 10 billion souls ... and say 500 PPM and CH4 at 25% more than today are, well it tips the models on their head. As it should. Chemical reactions, pure and simple. What is needed, is to stop this **** NOW ...
Enough. It is free or very low impact economically now, low overall, pity about oil field owners and say Russia and Saudi Arabia and coal mines and so on ... but conversely green energy employs more people and COSTS LESS .... COST LESS PER KWH of power ... something which eventually economics will dictate we use, but for now subsidies out of USA all go or 80% go to dirty crap power.
It is NOT something I can change, what will be ... will be ... reducing the rate at which we increase BEYOND 33 billion tons of CO2 is NOT fixing it, its merely reducing ... the rate of increase and with say 50 years of full tilt emissions.... impacts as it slowly comes back to earth, more and more hits the ocean and more and more it does a simple chemical reaction, whilst the PH of the ocean is good, its moved 25% and again no real massive impact till post 2100 unless my own arctic permafrost and release of the organic methane and CO2 is wrong and we see, a sudden massive in 20 year rise of say 10 degrees in ocean arctic temperatures, then ... wind the clock forward ... but, well prior to this ... well well prior to this, the game is up.
I suspect, due to the convoluted fractured and indifferent nature of the world and its economies, the need of the planet, to have everyone on the same page is NOT possible. Not till, its far too late. The pan as such, NOW ... toi reduce the amount of stuff thats assured to kill the species ... is absurd in itself.
Fossils and various other records tell us what happened last time. It was not good.
Enuf, don't worry, we are safe .... your kids are safe ... its all a hoax and I am kidding. Then again, doing something, anything, which will alter your interests as a coal moine owner, or oil tycoon or as a chemical producer and polluter on a grand scale, I vote we ... step it up.
BURN MORE ... it does not matter. It has no effect. Neither does when your in the bath if you pee in it, or do a dump. Same thing, a problem if you have to drink the water to survive at some stage if you have dont that.
Have fun
Mark M