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Etrade, down again?

Etrade is down yet again for "Scheduled Maintenance" for the whole weekend.

OK, at least they've done it at the weekend, but the frequency of this "maintenance" seems to far exceed any other online service / site I've ever come across.

OK, so the market is closed, but I just happened to want to access my account over the weekend since that's the most convenient time to do it. If they had an outage once a year and did it over Christmas then fair enough, but this is getting ridiculous.

I assume other brokers have their act together in terms of their systems actually working?

Yup, this has happened several times over the last few months. Even today the refresh button has been stuck on the same value on my account since midday at least. Did no trading today, but it's not good enough Etrade. It's either better service or smaller trade commissions. Not real happy.
Well I've been silly enough to keep using this mob and they've failed again.

Apparently, according to Etrade at least, ANZ, WOW and a heap of other stocks are "not a valid code"?

Oh really? I'm pretty sure that if the ANZ Bank were delisted from the ASX then that in itself would be a mainstream news item and that practically everyone would know about it. Likewise if Woolworths had gone bust then that too would rate a mention I'd think. In the real world of course, ANZ and Woolworths are both still in business or at least they were went I drove past a Woolworths store an hour ago. It's just that Etrade doesn't seem to have heard of them.

I'm no IT guru, but I really can't think of any other website that has as many problems as this one, and for a broker you'd reasonably expect their IT to be of a fairly high standard and at least somewhat robust. I mean seriously, nobody has as much trouble as these guys, do they?
I'm having problems getting orders executed on ETrade. Would someone confirm that they're having similar problems, please.

ET phones are currently swamped (or they've all gone home). I can't contact them.
Finally, talked to someone and they confirmed that they are having problems.
My sell order was executed over 1 hour after I placed the order. Lucky price was at the limit level.

A second sell order has not been executed even though another sell order (same stock) placed via Commsec after ETrade has been done. Price is now lower. ET you owe me, now.

Bell Direct - 1 second guarantee for placement of trades. Otherwise free.
CMC pretty good with order placement.
E Trade down

Dunno whether this is the right thread or not.
But am I the only one unable to logon onto E Trade today?
Their IT seems brittle to me at the best of times
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