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you appear to be right as in two days some 14 million options have been converted.As the rumour is these were controlled by freinds of the company and no substancial shareholder notices have been lodged does this mean they are being dumped into this market. :
Been a fair drop in price for GGG last few days. Has this been due to the most recent comments on this site (release of options) or following general market sentiment or the overall 'no to uranium', albeit GGG is more about rare earths.
From what I can make of the deposits is it has been the reluctance to mine because of the uranium that has held back development. Japans tragedy wrt its Fukushima nuclear power plant is not going to help.
Could see the price stagnate for a while. Any thoughts.

I dont hold.
Reading other sites it looks like this company is in trouble in greenland with the government anyone got any info on this.
I'm no expert, but it seems that GGG had made a few assumptions about the Government's stance on their proposition, and the probability and ease of which it could be swayed. I read that the Greenland Government didn't exactly "fire back" at GGG, but reaffirmed their position on uranium mining as being one of no tolerance. This was around the time of the initial nuclear crisis in Japan. GGG has since being flapping about in the water at 90c to $1.
Still watching closely on this one though. The potential is great.
Simpson appears its disaster in greenland after the company made a dreadful mistake of sending a cd and newspaper to every house in greenland 5 days after Japan explaining why every greenlander had to have a uranium min;the goverment took the un precedented step of releasing an press statement stating greenland minerals statement was misleading and there was a ZERO TOLLERANCE TO URANIUM EXPLORATION.
I now see one of their directors on the local company has resigned in protest at the companies actions.The company still appears to be run by people who dont think before they act,as a result they clearly have lost any possible PR campain in that country.Pity as the project appears to be good.
GGG has sent out the voting packet for the EGM called by Westrip Holdings to remove certain directors from the board and replace them. Some being replaced by members from Westrip which would give Westrip control. Moreover, Westrip is currently suing GGG. Does anyone have an opinion on this and care to share it? It seems there is a lot of hot water surrounding the whole thing. From the bagging out of the Westrip candidates in the letter from GGG, it seems we'd be replacing dodgy directors with dodgy directors.

Sorry about the text, its a C&P, not sure whats happened but the jist of the post is there
32c was still too much (I pulled that bid unexecuted)
However, we seem to have found support at the 1-year EMA, and I'm starting to buy some back today.

Judging by recent announcements and presentations, including today's elaborate slides, it seems that GGG's plans are becoming socially and politically more acceptable.
It was only that report that got me to bring up GGG's chart again - and I like the shape of it.

Volume has picked up of late, and a Flag pattern has formed above the mid-level of the recent trading range. If Fib level 61.8% holds, a breakout from the flag should offer some lucrative trading opportunities. Alert set.
That flag was quickly taken down.
A 12 months long "Saucer" pattern followed, leading to a breakout.
The latest pullback closed the earlier gap and appears to have found support.

I'm taking another punt and have started to build a Long position. Still: Speccie Rules.
taking a different Fibonacci view, based on a saucer pattern.

This view suggests the next resistance at 17c and blue sky beyond.
For now, I hold, to wait and see if today's break out of the D-box is likely to continue and take out 17c as well.
On June 14th, 2018, Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited changed its name to Greenland Minerals Limited.
Big move for Greenland Minerals this week, rising from 7.8c on Monday to 10c today.

Last Thursday the company announced that the Greenland Government has affirmed its committed support for rare earth and associated uranium production following a coalition adjustment. However, I see no other catalyst for the share price movement over the last few days.

Perhaps that was enough? Although it was a little odd that the GGG share price did not start moving until Monday.

From their latest report...

Official acceptance of a mining license application and public consultation requires submission of the EIA, SIA and the Maritime Safety Study in Greenlandic and Danish.
Translations of the Maritime Safety Study and the SIA are complete. Translations of the EIA are scheduled for completion by the end of October

After a long process of compiling reviewing and updating these reports I think we are closer to a step change in momentum to get these massive resources off the ground. The governments have been positive on development. I think there will be a lot more news and activity and hopefully positive reaction with the shares. That is why I pick it in the November stock competition.
Announcement out today, mentions further project optimisation in engineering design requirements, specifically in civil works where there is 80% reduction in cut requirements and >60% in fill requirements from in their 2016 Feasibility study. Impressive improvement I would think.
While that may truly be 'ground-breaking' not so with the share price today.
I picked this for the March 2019 tipping comp.
Reason. A punt. When will we see some rubber on the road. Some feedback from all the updated and amended reports. I am guessing that as we lead towards the northern summer some activity may eventuate.
Oh, am I repeating detail in comment #136....
GGG have their AGM on the 31st of May, and I am banking on them making some fabulous announcement that bangs the share price through the roof and I win the May tipping comp.

But please do your own research and don't act on my advice on this matter. OK?
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