ASICK has not spoken to Piper Alderman and I suggest investors do so and get any independent advice they think fit before making a decision. Piper Alderman is on the front foot and it will not cost the investor's anything upfront. Investors do not have the money to fund a legal claim. What Piper Alderman is doing is sensible. They are first investigating the merits of the claim via the Federal Court rather than launching into a full scale assault. This costs the investors nothing. NO ONE else is doing this and this is what should be done at this Early Stage rather than waiting for a liquidator to firstly get appointed and then to get of his ass and do something. This is a proactive approach and why a lot of investors have signed up even after getting independent legal advice...
I encourage investors to speak to Piper Alderman and get all the facts before making a decision...
My understanding from the Piper Alderman proposal is that the costs of investigating the merits of the case are deducted from any settlement sums before the percentage split between the litigator and investor are dealt with. If costs are awarded in the settlement, this should not be much of a problem for investors, but if there are no costs awarded it will reduce the return to investors - and this could be significant. There are already costs being racked up on this account for work done to date.