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100% agree with you Mozzi.
My biggest fear as an investor, are all the sets of beady eyes looking at the $7,575,460.25 that currently sits as our cash book balance.
Can anyone tell me how the trial, to start in SIX MONTHS, will benefit the investors ?
Here's my take on what will happen.
The Liquidators will win the case.
Tucker will declare bankruptcy.
The Liquidators will then sue the Investors ($7,575,460.25) for their fees.

For information the action against Tucker etc is for the Premium Fund not the Income fund.

As part of Judge Bond J ruling dated 3 Sept 2020 it states in part.
  • Clause 76. In part states.

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The key point is clause 76.

The ruling handed down by the court on 3 September 2020 confirms the liquidators had not demonstrated that the Creditors/Unit Holders would receive a benefit from the directors action.

In other words the Judge has formed the conclusion that the only parties which will benefit from the action is the Funder (Vannin) The Liquidators and the Lawyers. I note the Lawyers and Liquidators I believe have been paid in excess of $2.0 Million in fees to date. Liquidators ($289,000 to Liquidators) Also the funder has recently deposited $2.0 Million in a trust account so the action can proceed.

I should also mention that the last meeting of creditors on the Gold Coast 28 May 2018 before the action commenced. The liquidators were asked to do a "Cost benefit Analysis" which would have clearly shown the above.

The bottom line is Premium Fund Unit holders/Creditors will not see a cent as mentioned.


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100% agree with you Mozzi.
My biggest fear as an investor, are all the sets of beady eyes looking at the $7,575,460.25 that currently sits as our cash book balance.
35th Report online now. Not sure Mozzi wants to spend more hours than has already reading the same, same, same........

Mr Whyte must have got the hint! Does he read this? Do you think?
Oh yes he does... Whytey even made futile complaints to the Administrator which were later proven by me to be disingenuous and I was given a green light to continue to post on the matter.

In fact they all read this thread religiously... Tucker recently also made a complaint which was quite hilarious...

Let’s see if Tucker and Cowen complain about the “upcoming” media exposure about to hit them mercilessly...

It seems to me after reading David Whyte's latest report that the Media Exposure should be focused on the Liquidators.
Let's just get this finished A.S.A.P.
Give me my 2 cents or whatever.....and let me get on with life.
It seems to me after reading David Whyte's latest report that the Media Exposure should be focused on the Liquidators.
Let's just get this finished A.S.A.P.
Give me my 2 cents or whatever.....and let me get on with life.
The Liquidators don’t give a damn about the investors... They haven’t posted a report on the Equititrust website in almost 2 years... What does that tell you...

SEE: Streisand effect
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Streisand effect (As outlined on Wikipedia)

The Streisand effect is a social phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of further publicizing that information, often via the Internet. It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress the California Coastal Records Project’s photograph of her residence in Malibu, California, taken to document California coastal erosion, inadvertently drew further attention to it in 2003.

Attempts to suppress information are often made through cease-and-desist letters, but instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity, as well as media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, which can be mirrored on the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks.

The Streisand effect is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, they are significantly more motivated to access and spread that information.

Tucker is about to get multiple ??? in his life soon from, financiers, insurers and a bankruptcy trustee that will not be of his choosing... Remember folks it was Tucker who has has said he will declare bankruptcy in, of all places, the Federal Court. The judge ?‍ was even gobsmacked...
The unravelling of Tucker has begun in the Supreme Court of Queensland. The insurers have hired top flight QC’s who have settled their pleadings and will throw everything at Tucker in the coming months. Tucker does not have the financial means to fight multiple legal battles of this magnitude , nor does his partner Richard Cowen.

it appears that Karma is the b#tch that keeps on giving... And then there’s me who gave karma a little push... ???

Maybe McIvor will lend Tucker his Bus Pass... What are mates for... ???
The insurers that Tucker is trying to Blame Shift his malfeasance on, will be coming at him hard in terms of discovery…

Will a magical USB make its appearance soon ???
Mossack Fonseca was nothing compared to this information dump… TICK TOCK…

Bye bye David ?
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