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What a great result
"The judge noted that the O’Briens have since paid back all the funds they took which is something of a rarity as in similar cases most of the money is quickly spent. However, the couple invested most of the cash instead. Through selling their property (which had increased in value), emptying their super fund and by their children repaying back the loans, the charities eventually received the cash they had been promised years ago."

Highlighting issues & judgement
@Triple_Witching - post such as these should act as a deterrent (but they rarely do) as human nature never seems to change.

At this stage in their lives, how many lawyers would want to be in the predicament that Tucker and Cowen now find themselves in... This was all self inflicted, meanwhile David Kennedy has slipped the noose and left Tucker and Cowen holding the can... #losers
With April Fools day soon upon us, two fools will be making the perilous walk from 15 Adelaide St Brisbane, to join their peers in The Supreme Court of Queensland, not as advocates, but as defendants... One of many walks of shame to come... #Marevainjunction
This prophetic cartoon from July 12, 2012, in circumstances eerily similar to the Simpsons predicting the future, showcased McIvor's predilection for comfy slippers...

Fast forward to 2021...
The man about to revolutionise banking, crypto currency, and getting constantly kicked out of tenancies, was spotted recently entering a local library on the Gold Coast, "in comfy slippers" to avail himself of some of their finest free internet offerings.

Now don't get all judgey and throw shade on good old (very old) “Mad Mac” (as he now like to be known) folks…

I'll have you know that Gold Coast public libraries have some of the finest scunge internet offerings in the world...

I’m sure good ol “Marky Boy” meets all sorts of revolutionary iconoclast’s there on the same path to global domination of, um, ahh, mmmm... whatever!!! You know what I'm getting at... But here’s the kicker guys, there’s no secret password or handshakes at these genius summits and brainstorming sessions… The Code Sign is…. Are you ready for it… Comfy slippers…
Next week there will an additional requirement… A matching bathrobe…

Who's off to Kmart to join the revolution ??? No one would have thought that the key to the universe would be in the same aisle where you buy grandpa's birthday presents...

#Pathetic #Grandpa
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Remember that Tucker, in a sworn affidavit, threatened to declare himself bankrupt... Justice Reeves' comments will come back to haunt Tucker like the ghost of Christmas past...

Lot going on in the background, soon to be reported in the media... It appears that someone close to the action is spilling the beans to both the local and national scribes... Will keep you all updated.

Oh and a quick hello to our number one reader David Tucker, thanks for your support of the thread... 11 years and counting and another 11 years if that what it takes... JUSTICE IS COMING...

Have a great weekend everyone...

No trust. Many thanks for the updates to keep us up to date list the latest. Will continue to read this forum for further updates.
It's now been over 18 months since the Receiver or the Liquidator have posted a report to Investors.
This is BULL ****.
Even if Tucker and Cowen are taken to the cleaners the Investors won't see one brass razoo.
The Liquidators will take the they did with KPMG.
Now I may be missing something here.... can someone please explain what is going on.
Spot on Meridian...
..Mozzi said a long time ago that we are being treated like mushrooms - Kept in the dark and fed bull****! When you think how much
money has been frittered away by all these "professionals" they can hardly say that they are saving us money by not sending
out mailings etc. What a load of crap! Actually everything about this whole proceedings from start to finish has been exactly that! The Investors will never get another penny from this lot but you can put your shirt on a bet that there will be money made available for
everyone else who puts their hands out. That sure as Hell ain't going to be us.

As for the help we were supposed to get from ASIC - don't start Mozzi on that subject!
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