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I just saw this:

on this page:

sort of complicates things. I might have to dig a deeper shell scrape.

However, I still agree with the contents of this page:

I guess the test comes down to whether a manager is competent or not - and if in regard to Equititrust's performance, I'd agree with you guys in the negative.

I'll also refer to this excerpt, "Blaming greedy, dishonest and incompetent operators is simply scratching the surface." - I agree with this too - I don't see the excerpt excusing "greedy, dishonest, and incompetent operators", I see it as stating the obvious, and it does merely scratch the surface.

The real problem comes about (as it does with the test I cite immediately above), it depends whether one classes oneself as being greedy, dishonest, and/or incompetent. I guess that's where Mr. McIvor and you guys would find no agreement whatsoever as to how Mr. McIvor and Equititrust are categorized.

I guess it's like buying one of those story books for children - one simply puts the child's name into the story. Here we have a story too, but it's not as simple as just putting in the name - there's a slew of adjectives to adjust.
If it gets you through the night

I guess if writing these articles gets McIvor through the night then he's gotta do what he's gotta do. Unfortunately it will not get him to sleep as he has the blood of innocent investors and other people who have dealt with him on his hands... He definitely did write the article, it's in his prose extracted from his idiotic book that the media had a field day with...

ASIC as in the regulator was warned about his nefarious activities years back and did nothing...

This idiot intertwined his personal and business interests in complete and utter abandon. He didn't give a damn about regulations he just skirted under the radar, fudged the auditors and misled a lot of innocent people. Imagine spruiking that he was lending money to "King Con"... How many people would have invested ???

As for his partners, former directors, lawyer, friends and family just look at that train wreck. Is there anyone he has not destroyed a relationship with ???
What's the next relationship to hit to the rocks ???

He has been quoted as saying that he can "detach himself from anything"... Well he certainly detached himself from his duties to his investors by lending money to "King Con"... Look how that worked out... Another McIvor Disaster
Re: "The case of the Bumbling Bureaucrat"

"Mason initial P." is a device or character that appears in "Strange Animals..."

For the record I wouldn't disagree that ASIC has been asleep at the wheel. What is noteworthy is that the author sees himself on the side of the Angels.
Re: "The case of the Bumbling Bureaucrat"

"Mason initial P." is a device or character that appears in "Strange Animals..."

For the record I wouldn't disagree that ASIC has been asleep at the wheel. What is noteworthy is that the author sees himself on the side of the Angels.

Yes, I agree - that is the case.
Angelic maybe not...

There was also an angel that was banished from heaven, me thinks that the author could well be from this side of the angelic spectrum...
Re: Angelic maybe not...

There was also an angel that was banished from heaven, me thinks that the author could well be from this side of the angelic spectrum...

Lucifer was once an angel created good and look how that turned out. I'm sure as a 19 year old surfer on the GC Conivor may have also once been good but his fall fom grace has been Biblical.
Now take Hapless and supposedly Luckless Harry, seemingly a chronic gambler with a known destructive addiction, yet Conivor could still TAKE A PUNT ON HARRY ROLLING THE DICE WITH RETIREE'S LIFE SAVINGS. The story goes that Equititrust held security over properties the High Roller controlled and were already highly leveraged, and in a late evening phone call from the Pit Conivor the one man credit committee approved a further draw down of $1mil that's one million dollars so Hapless Harry could continue his dream run. Certainly when Harry met Conivor he must of thought he had won Lotto. Just ask King Con. Now who was the real looser on those plays ..

Word on the street is that the Conivor will benifit sideways if Harry wins or settles the stoush with the Casino having stuck so close to Harry that they share spoons. So does the benevolence of Harry extend to returning the agreed $5million from any win back to the Oldies or is the MM SUPER FUND it's ultimate destination. Maybe Mr Whyte might be able to shed some light when he gets around to releasing his much delayed but eagerly anticipated report.
Re: Angelic maybe not...

McIvor was never good... Look at who he was and is dealing with... If good ol Harry gets up in court then any sideways payment to McIvor should be closely looked at by his trustee in bankruptcy... Its the hallmarks of truly weak character in dealing what was in essence was people of his level - King Con and Harry a chronic gambler... All at the expense of innocent investors who were none the wiser of McIvor's nefarious dealings...

There will be no side deal...

BDO - David Whyte

Yes I agree, whilst I have been a supporter of David Whyte he is not doing himself a favour by not providing reports in a timely manner... Investors really need to know what's going on...
Re: Angelic maybe not...

The problem with McIvor was that he had a deluded high opinion of himself and his skills as a dodgy mortgage fund manager, yet he lacked the qualifications to be a banker. A law degree does not make you a banker... What other solid qualifications or commercial experience did he have??? One man credit committee is absolutely right. As a control freak he wanted to control everything and everyone including family and staff who would often have tears in their eyes after a tirade of abuse...

The REAL bankers he abused on his website put him in his place and thumped him into submission, they even kicked him out of his house for good measure... What a fantastic conclusion to this morons foray with other people's money... Now who's the real banker Marky Boy ???

Re: BDO - David Whyte

Yes I agree, whilst I have been a supporter of David Whyte he is not doing himself a favour by not providing reports in a timely manner... Investors really need to know what's going on...

Report online now!
Watch for a final few twists and turns which will leave next to nothing for the investors... Sub 5 Cents in the Dollar is more likely...
More dodgy paperwork by Bonnie and Clyde

What a mad scramble to change the trustee of the McIvor Super Fund as detailed by David Whyte in his report below at para 2.2. The trustee was changed on the 20th of September 2011 from MM Holdings Pty Ltd to MSM Family Holdings Pty Ltd and David Whyte was appointed of the 21st of November 2011. Yet McIvor made assertions to David Whyte that the "alleged loan" was repayable to MM Holdings which is now in liquidation... This is clearly a sham and an attempt to avoid creditors in a desperate attempt to shore up their own interests not giving a damn about the investors...

The despicable McIvor's will not get this money as it is McIvor's usual shell game that he played on others by miraculously pulling out a document in attempt to cover his nefarious intent. It hasn't fooled the QLD stamps office in the past and it won't fool ASIC and the courts this time. - 20130418 - 12th Report to Investors.pdf


Now what's really interesting is the fact that the Liquidator of MM Capital Pty Ltd Gerry Collins is now suing MSM Family Holdings Pty Ltd as well as the dynamic due Marky Boy and Racy Stacey in the Supreme Court. What's even more interesting is that David Tucker has now taken over the litigation on behalf of the liquidator on the 5th of March against MSM Family Holdings and Marky Boy and Racy Stacy.

To add to the intruige Marky Boy and Racey Stacy have appointed lawyers to defend this action. Seems like there is something to protect here which has justified appointing lawyers and officially filing a defence on the 8th of April...

As for the investors let them eat cake...
Who's paying the lawyers to defend the McIvor's, where is the money coming from...
As David Whyte alludes to in his report by mentioning his surprise at the change of Trustee THERE IS SOMETHING VERY SUSPICIOUS going on...
Re: BDO - David Whyte

where? are you able to provide a link to the report?

I can't find it here:

could it be the weather? after all, today looks like the first bright sunny day we're had in SEQLD for months !!!!

The report is there and so is Mr Whyte informing us that further reports will not be monthly from now maybe every two or three months. Cost savings he says. So now we will suffer longer for the bad news.

Don't be buoyed by the anticipated meagre return tipped in this's all the DOG PROPERTIES that remain with the exception of Toowoomba where the range is anywhere from $7-15mil depending on who you talk to. Can you guess how much it owes looking at that range.

Now for the Shell Game, Mcivors play for the $3.3mil super money. REMEMBER CONIVOR, it's not when you create the self serving documents, it's when you date forgot that computers date and time when documents are created... Up to your old tricks again, THEY KNOW WHAT YOU DID WITH THE mortgage's and caveats, not enough practice for you. maybe you should not have counted on your In House Legal Dept to do all your bidding. Your staff have formed a choir. You idiot, TO MANY PEOPLE KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST NIGHT

You won't get away with it, there is still the investigation as to the financial position of the companies when you piliged them to skim for your super. Just because you directed payments from a clearly insolvent business to you super fund doesn't mean they will return back to your fund. Implicating Stacey... The Weak Link in all this, well will she lie for you when in the BOX. Any contribution from EL to Stacey's super will be under the microscope. The Tea Lady must have done miracles for you to justify such massive contributions.

And what return to investors then if the remaining properties tank at the bottom end, Conivor wins the super and HC grab the bickies oh and don't forget BDO's ongoing fees?? I ask you!
Wicked Web

McIvor needs to get his story straight... Not pull documents out of a draw as he has done many many times in the past... At least David Whyte has exposed him in a very public way...
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