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What information has been provided to ASIC recently about McIvor and his activities prior to the collapse of Equititrust ???

He's not off the hook yet...
Re: Where is the culprit

Its time for Racy Stacey to answer to the investors, she was after all a director of hubbies failed company..

If investors money was channeled into a super fund controlled by her, then the liquidator needs to have this reversed. If Stace is now in control of the purse strings, how much of an allowance is McIvor drawing... These idiots with no respect for elderly investors need to be exposed... Maybe a camera in the face from a current affairs program might do the trick and get ASIC off their back sides..

Maybe a coffee at Bumbles will shed light on who's driving what around town... Something stinks when these idiots can live a life of luxury whilst investors starve to death in the twilight years...

McIvor has ruined the lives of a lot of innocent people, he will live with this curse for the rest of his life...

We know where they are, living life on their ill gotten gains now disguised as Super, it's where they are going that's the question. Mcivor the Al Capone of the Gold Coast should go down the same way that Dodo went. At the hands of the Tax Office. The Narcisist Mcivor boasted loud AND PUBLICALLY that he and his family amassed $100million that's ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS IN PROPERTY. Please do you do that declaring $200kper annum.

Hiding behind bankruptcy won't protect you from an examination by the Commonwealth. Has any of the receivers referred this matter. They won't out run the tax office. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in their Super Funds and one of them did little more than make the coffee. Sorry ... She spent the money, our money with enthusiasm.

Mr Taxman.....please explain!
Australian Taxation Office

Word 75 is absolutely right the TAXATION OFFICE should investigate the affairs of the McIvor's in a very thorough fashion as soon as possible...
Change of Solicitors

This is an interesting twist, it looks like Marky Boy and Racy Stacey now have their old friend Tucker on their case again in the Supreme Court...

2954/12 BAKER & another -V- MSM FAMILY HOLDINGS PTY LTD & others

It seems that Gerry Collins the liquidator has now appointed Tucker and Cowan (5 March 2013) to take on the action where Marky Boy and Racy Stacey are listed as defendants... Now this should be very very interesting in terms of recovering assets... The party for these two is far from over...
Re: Change of Solicitors

This is an interesting twist, it looks like Marky Boy and Racy Stacey now have their old friend Tucker on their case again in the Supreme Court...

2954/12 BAKER & another -V- MSM FAMILY HOLDINGS PTY LTD & others

It seems that Gerry Collins the liquidator has now appointed Tucker and Cowan (5 March 2013) to take on the action where Marky Boy and Racy Stacey are listed as defendants... Now this should be very very interesting in terms of recovering assets... The party for these two is far from over...

How many Bankrupts can afford professional services to help complete their Statment of Affairs? How many Bankrupts would need to engage such services? Just ask Mark!
Re: Change of Solicitors

looks like Marky Boy is being very careful... What interests me though is the impending litigation by Tucker for the Liquidator Gerry Collins, what's going on there??

Wifey Stacey is in the crosshairs there as well...

How many Bankrupts can afford professional services to help complete their Statment of Affairs? How many Bankrupts would need to engage such services? Just ask Mark!
Is the Liquidator on the hunt for money, looks like it... Stacey may need to spend some of that cash on legal fees now that she is being sued...

The game so far, plunder the oldies piggy banks and stuff the super funds of SM and MM and when thats full stuff more money in MSM Holdings, that's Mark and Stacey Mcivor. Millions in super funds, vacant blocks of land WITH CONVENIENT LAST MINUTE MORTGAGES TO SM Super Fund, half a million in art and that's just part of it.

Then there is the hiring of an (**** protecting from prosecution) friendly Liquidator to go back after the $2.8mil in previously deferred management fees after which THEY will no doubt be paid and any surplus is likely to top up Mcivors super after all he was the sole shareholder of EL and there will be undoubtably freshly minted OLD documents directing such payment to his super fund.

Add that to the $3.3mil SCAM LOAN and you are looking at a serious amount of Fun Coupons for the Conivors.
Why then Mark are you pretending for your Trustees and other INTERESTED PARTIES that you are living with Brock Turner, Stacey's brother when you and the clan are happily ensconced at No.30

The 100 Million Dollar Man, the Mighty Mouse Mcivor may no longer be Disney Land Dad to his band of wieners, but he is still doing way better than those of us stretching a can of beans for 3 days. And he did all this on $200k a year.
So in the Mcivor tome where he publically tells the world he made $100million in his 29 year work history how many years at the rate of $200k per year would that years. Maybe the liars trustees or the ATO can explain.

One more thing, can anybody point out to me in what jurisdiction Mcivor and others are supposedly being publicly examined in July per HC's written declaration. I can not see any court filings or proceedings. The clerk tells me even if such proceedings we're commenced today the court list is already out till Oct. seems more BS from the experts. Sadly these thieves are likely to get away with it, and the return to unit holders now likely to be less than 10 cents there would be a strong case for making Bumbles into a soup kitchen..... If they had a soul betwen them.
Word 75 Spot on... The old last minute documentation is a specialty as was mumsie when required to act as the front woman for the smoke and mirrors...

What is interesting though is the fact that the action against MSM Family Holdings now being run by Tucker could unravel a whole lot of the intertwined transactions between McIvor's Public and Private interests...

What's this about living with Brock Turner??? Don't tell me there is trouble in Paradise... :)

The game so far, plunder the oldies piggy banks and stuff the super funds of SM and MM and when thats full stuff more money in MSM Holdings, that's Mark and Stacey Mcivor. Millions in super funds, vacant blocks of land WITH CONVENIENT LAST MINUTE MORTGAGES TO SM Super Fund, half a million in art and that's just part of it.

Then there is the hiring of an (**** protecting from prosecution) friendly Liquidator to go back after the $2.8mil in previously deferred management fees after which THEY will no doubt be paid and any surplus is likely to top up Mcivors super after all he was the sole shareholder of EL and there will be undoubtably freshly minted OLD documents directing such payment to his super fund.

Add that to the $3.3mil SCAM LOAN and you are looking at a serious amount of Fun Coupons for the Conivors.
Why then Mark are you pretending for your Trustees and other INTERESTED PARTIES that you are living with Brock Turner, Stacey's brother when you and the clan are happily ensconced at No.30

The 100 Million Dollar Man, the Mighty Mouse Mcivor may no longer be Disney Land Dad to his band of wieners, but he is still doing way better than those of us stretching a can of beans for 3 days. And he did all this on $200k a year.
So in the Mcivor tome where he publically tells the world he made $100million in his 29 year work history how many years at the rate of $200k per year would that years. Maybe the liars trustees or the ATO can explain.

One more thing, can anybody point out to me in what jurisdiction Mcivor and others are supposedly being publicly examined in July per HC's written declaration. I can not see any court filings or proceedings. The clerk tells me even if such proceedings we're commenced today the court list is already out till Oct. seems more BS from the experts. Sadly these thieves are likely to get away with it, and the return to unit holders now likely to be less than 10 cents there would be a strong case for making Bumbles into a soup kitchen..... If they had a soul betwen them.
Legal Request for ASIC Files

In an interesting twist the Liquidator has now requested ASIC for the files related to McIvor and its raid on the Equititrust Offices and his home for the impending public examinations... (Let's see I will believe it when I see it)

Given the 4 Corners expose and growing public anger it would take a brave insolvency practitioner to not fully investigate the claims of illegal activity by the founder of Equititrust. These claims were made by ASIC and play an integral part of the ongoing investigation...

If the public examinations do go ahead, then McIvor will have nowhere to hide any longer and will be fully exposed as there is additional information which will be provided to the court which is irrefutable, lets say "it's in his own words"

This has been a long time coming and will be provided at the appropriate time and will ensure the same jaw dropping atmosphere in the court room as in the ICAC inquiry where the miscreants were forced to hear their own words played back to them...

Loose lips sink ships ...................
Re: Legal Request for ASIC Files

In an interesting twist the Liquidator has now requested ASIC for the files related to McIvor and its raid on the Equititrust Offices and his home for the impending public examinations... (Let's see I will believe it when I see it)

Given the 4 Corners expose and growing public anger it would take a brave insolvency practitioner to not fully investigate the claims of illegal activity by the founder of Equititrust. These claims were made by ASIC and play an integral part of the ongoing investigation...

If the public examinations do go ahead, then McIvor will have nowhere to hide any longer and will be fully exposed as there is additional information which will be provided to the court which is irrefutable, lets say "it's in his own words"

This has been a long time coming and will be provided at the appropriate time and will ensure the same jaw dropping atmosphere in the court room as in the ICAC inquiry where the miscreants were forced to hear their own words played back to them...

Loose lips sink ships ...................

Conivor.... maybe your not worried by the odd whistle blower but with most of your ex staff resembling the WIND SECTION OF AN ORCHESTRA and heavier on the HORNS, maybe the time for you to turn States Evidence (against yourself) is closer than you realise....good luck sport.
Re: Legal Request for ASIC Files

The ex staff have really been spilling the beans lately... Amongst the admissions has been their particular dislike for the dynamic duo, seems racy Stacey made quite an impression on the organisation. First of all she was sequestered to the house next door to the office, however this was not good enough for the princess then she demanded hubby move her into the main office much to the chagrin of the staff... All down hill from then on according to reports...

Looks like investor's paid for this idiotic folly as well...

Conivor.... maybe your not worried by the odd whistle blower but with most of your ex staff resembling the WIND SECTION OF AN ORCHESTRA and heavier on the HORNS, maybe the time for you to turn States Evidence (against yourself) is closer than you realise....good luck sport.
Looks like its not only the ex staff who are giving up the gig... Seems a lot more people are putting pleasure on ASIC to have McIvor charged...

Leading into the election it would be a good idea to speak to your local member to ensure this issue is kept alive... An example has to be made...
What else has the liquidator discovered ??? Was Marky Boy as upfront with them as he was with his former directors... Remember David Tucker's sizzling affidavit presented to the Supreme Court...

What else was hidden and who else "very interesting" is also being interviewed by authorities... More revelations to come to the surface soon...
The interwoven web of personal and business interests by McIvor and wifey racy Stacey is slowly being unravelled by the various insolvency practitioners... Word has it that there are some interesting tit bits from the past being discussed at a low decibel level at a particular cafe at Budd's Beach by various ladies who lunch.

Some personal details can be very embarrassing even though the participants thought them safely sealed in the corporate vault some years ago... Every action has a reaction even though it may take some years to surface...

Outward appearances are not always what they seem...
Brethren, this is very true... What happened with Equititrust though was a case of concealment to ensure maximum fees were extracted from innocent elderly investors until McIvor pushed it and the lives of innocent elderly investors into the abyss. Valuations on the properties were delayed because McIvor knew from 2008 what the score was. According to reports ASIC were given a dossier on McIvor and Equititrust some years back and did nothing yet it was clear from the evidence that he was not playing a straight game with either the auditors and ASIC. Due to ASIC's negligence on the matter look at the result. The file I am told still sits with ASIC and outlines a litany of deceit and breaches of the corporations law. If ASIC had taken action then and investigated thoroughly and put in a court appointed receiver at that time the return to investors could have mirrored that of Banksia... Instead the financial vampire was given the keys to the blood bank where the elderly invested.

ASIC IN THIS CASE LET MCIVOR OFF THE HOOK and the end result has been the destruction of innocent people's lives...
Good news ( sort of ) for others. It now appears that Banksia investors will get back somewhere b/w 70 and 80 cents in the dollar.

I also note that the public examinations for that case will occur within 6 months of it going to the wall, a somewhat better timeline than the Equititrust investors have had to endure.....

Really, it's much ado about nothing:

"McGrathNicol, which took charge of the group and froze the $660 million in investments in October last year, said repayments to debenture holders were more likely to be 70 to 80 cents to the dollar – as opposed to 65 cents as first anticipated."

65% to 70%? To my mind, given the error in these sorts of guesses, no more than a spruik.
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