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Well it's clearly suspicious and yes both Bonnie and Clyde should be put into the witness box for the sake of transparency. The super was clearly pillaged from an insolvent company which should not have been collecting any management fees as far back as 2008...

This is another shell game which will not work this time as he can't fly under the radar as he has for so many years...
Re: Update

An bold move from Mr McIvor to attempt to ( after the fact?) change the trustee of his SMSF so as to be able to direct the $3.3million ( IF that claim was successful ) to an entity he controls and not to one under external admin.

I wonder just how educated he is / is not on the skills of forensic document examiners? I've had the chance to see the work of some of Australia's finest in this area and their skills are AWESOME.

He could be treading on some thin ice, here.
Re: Update

An bold move from Mr McIvor to attempt to ( after the fact?) change the trustee of his SMSF so as to be able to direct the $3.3million ( IF that claim was successful ) to an entity he controls and not to one under external admin.

I wonder just how educated he is / is not on the skills of forensic document examiners? I've had the chance to see the work of some of Australia's finest in this area and their skills are AWESOME.

He could be treading on some thin ice, here.

He's been measured for his Green Jump Suit and caught dead to rights on a number of other CREATIVE WRITINGS. Has he bought a SOAP ON A ROPE yet, maybe he's off to Campbell's Cash and Carry to get a bulk buy, he will be in there for a while. The recent experience in the Big House was a HUMBLING for his Good Mate, Confidant and all round BUMBLING special consultant on everything Green, K.W Carbon Con Roberts. Not the Big Rooster in there mate, retail is a hard game. Maybe a few tips for the Conivor. **** fighting back in the Philipines a far safer bet! CONIVOR and his cohorts are on the nose like Bin Juice at The Fish Co Op, now is the time for ASIC to reach for the DRAINO!
McIvor just seems to follow the same dodgy pattern again and again... We should just call him the magician for his amazing ability to make documents which "favour him" appear out of thin air... This is not the first time he has tried to pull this scam, he has done this many times before to the detriment of his investors, business partners and borrowers...

The next part of his modus operadi was to then use public money (investor's money) to legally bludgeon those who discovered his malfeasance via the courts and cover up the truth... The use of the deep pocket defence and attack until the other party was financially spent was how this financial vampire sucked the blood out of many people.

Vampires don't live forever and it seems that McIvor is now on the firing end of what he meted out in spades to many innocent people over the years, stealing their lives and taking their homes to fuel his spending spree on luxury homes across the Gold Coast and don't foret the "Double Bay" bolt hole for Lady Macbeth....

The latest discovery by David Whyte is no surprise and should be referred to the QLD Police for investigation.

The McIvor's / McBeth's have a lot of financial blood on their hands which they can't wash off...
Re: Update

Bin juice at the Fish Co Op is quite an apt analogy in terms of the smell that is now emanating from McIvor's latest document switcheroo... David Whyte must have to crack open a new can of Glen 20 every time he has to deal with McIvor...

WHAT A STENCH, Marky Boy your gig is up... NO ONE in their right mind would believe your latest scam...

He's been measured for his Green Jump Suit and caught dead to rights on a number of other CREATIVE WRITINGS. Has he bought a SOAP ON A ROPE yet, maybe he's off to Campbell's Cash and Carry to get a bulk buy, he will be in there for a while. The recent experience in the Big House was a HUMBLING for his Good Mate, Confidant and all round BUMBLING special consultant on everything Green, K.W Carbon Con Roberts. Not the Big Rooster in there mate, retail is a hard game. Maybe a few tips for the Conivor. **** fighting back in the Philipines a far safer bet! CONIVOR and his cohorts are on the nose like Bin Juice at The Fish Co Op, now is the time for ASIC to reach for the DRAINO!
What are investors meant to think of McIvor's latest scam in regards to the Super... It shows his true character of greed and self interest... Investors in his mind come last... It's not your money Marky Boy
What are investors meant to think of McIvor's latest scam in regards to the Super... It shows his true character of greed and self interest... Investors in his mind come last... It's not your money Marky Boy

The Canny Scot David Whyte is your worst nightmare Conivor and he's coming to get YOU.
Ever wondered why HC have not followed the TAINTED MONEY TRAIL...the path from EL to Stacey, Tricky, Guardian, Vax and Honey Pot was lit up like a landing strip at night. All those funds leached out of Equititrust in the last days COULD HAVE BEEN CLAWED BACK but no they weren't. $120k to Stacey for what ? Pretty sure that what's paying the rent the waterfront mansion on Salerno. For sure her wage from her investment in Bumbles cant pay it. The Guardian money and the money invested in the Impotent Reptilian Guppy, the Asperger and Barred Financial Misadvisor Tricky Dicky must surely give the Equititrust unit holders equity in those plays.

In fact anywhere tainted money went such as the Conivors many super funds , the $500k in art and furniture neatly shifted to a super fund with the flick of a pen (after the event) the cafe, the house on Capri, the house harbouring the inlaws and the luxury cars are all de facto assets of the entities from which the fund were originally sourced. By virtue they could reasonably be expected to be recovered and ultimately distributed to the unit holders except that HC has shown no interest in making such enquiries. WHY? And how much are they seeking for this miss service?
Ever wondered why HC have not followed the TAINTED MONEY TRAIL...the path from EL to Stacey, Tricky, Guardian, Vax and Honey Pot was lit up like a landing strip at night. All those funds leached out of Equititrust in the last days COULD HAVE BEEN CLAWED BACK but no they weren't. $120k to Stacey for what ? Pretty sure that's what's paying the rent for the waterfront mansion on Salerno. For sure her wage from her investment in Bumbles cant pay it. The Guardian money and the money invested in the Impotent Reptilian Guppy, the Asperger and Barred Financial Misadvisor Tricky Dicky must surely give the Equititrust unit holders equity in those plays.

In fact anywhere tainted money went such as the Conivors many super funds , the $500k in art and furniture neatly shifted to a super fund with the flick of a pen (after the event) the cafe, the house on Capri, the house harbouring the inlaws and the luxury cars are all de facto assets of the entities from which the fund were originally sourced. By virtue they could reasonably be expected to be recovered and ultimately distributed to the unit holders except that HC has shown no interest in making such enquiries. WHY? And how much are they seeking for this miss service?
Hall Chadwick Disgrace

Look at David Whyte's latest report and it you will find that Hall Chadwick did not make an application to the court to have their fees paid from the funds... Why ? Because David Whyte exposed them and their lies to the investors where on 2 occasions "All Bran" promised not to seek payment from the funds i.e. the innocent retiree investors...

Read para 2.3 below: (Where David Whyte exposes Hall Chadwick and "All Bran") - 20130104 - 10th Report to Investors.pdf

Hall Chadwick will not get paid a cent from the funds... If they do try and this is just a little warning to them the Media and I'm sure the Regulator will be all over them considering the climate after the 4 Corners Report...

Hall Chadwick have handled this matter disgracefully and let McIvor off the hook, they didn't even get his statement of financial affairs. That's a dereliction of duty considering the scale of the collapse. At the point McIvor refused to provide this statutory declaration he should have been hauled before a court and reported to ASIC... Hall Chadwick did nothing...

Ever wondered why HC have not followed the TAINTED MONEY TRAIL...the path from EL to Stacey, Tricky, Guardian, Vax and Honey Pot was lit up like a landing strip at night. All those funds leached out of Equititrust in the last days COULD HAVE BEEN CLAWED BACK but no they weren't. $120k to Stacey for what ? Pretty sure that's what's paying the rent for the waterfront mansion on Salerno. For sure her wage from her investment in Bumbles cant pay it. The Guardian money and the money invested in the Impotent Reptilian Guppy, the Asperger and Barred Financial Misadvisor Tricky Dicky must surely give the Equititrust unit holders equity in those plays.

In fact anywhere tainted money went such as the Conivors many super funds , the $500k in art and furniture neatly shifted to a super fund with the flick of a pen (after the event) the cafe, the house on Capri, the house harbouring the inlaws and the luxury cars are all de facto assets of the entities from which the fund were originally sourced. By virtue they could reasonably be expected to be recovered and ultimately distributed to the unit holders except that HC has shown no interest in making such enquiries. WHY? And how much are they seeking for this miss service?
Greed and Self Interest

Whilst the McIvor's do everything to try and scam their super, not a tear is shed by either of them for the innocent investors whose lives they have destroyed...
Yes let's see what David Whyte's lawyers have to say on the matter... McIvors dodgy trust documents are worthless. Best advice for McIvor is to go and buy a budgie call him David Whyte and and use the "Trust Deeds" as lining for the cage...

The Canny Scot David Whyte is your worst nightmare Conivor and he's coming to get YOU.

From David Whytes most recent (in part), "l am still investigating the amount advanced by the Mclvor Superannuation Fund ('MSF') to the ElF, the current batance of which is approximately $3.3 million. ln this regard, I was of the understanding that the trustee of the MSF was MM Hotdings Pty Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (ln Liquidation) ('MMH') and, therefore, if it could be determined that the debt was due and payable then funds woutd be repaid to the Liquidators of MMH."

I'm curious to understand why, even if a trustee is bankrupt, money paid to a super fund for the benefit of its member/s would be paid to the liquidators of the trustee? It seems to me, that subject to the payment itself being legal, if the trustee was bankrupt, there is no legal fault with the payment itself.
Re: Trustee

From David Whytes most recent (in part), "l am still investigating the amount advanced by the Mclvor Superannuation Fund ('MSF') to the ElF, the current batance of which is approximately $3.3 million. ln this regard, I was of the understanding that the trustee of the MSF was MM Hotdings Pty Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (ln Liquidation) ('MMH') and, therefore, if it could be determined that the debt was due and payable then funds woutd be repaid to the Liquidators of MMH."

I'm curious to understand why, even if a trustee is bankrupt, money paid to a super fund for the benefit of its member/s would be paid to the liquidators of the trustee? It seems to me, that subject to the payment itself being legal, if the trustee was bankrupt, there is no legal fault with the payment itself.

I think the issue of the loan made from Conivor's super needs to be investigated back to the original source of those funds in th first place. Just because Conivor sent funds to his super fund doesn't make the contribution legal nor does paying tax there on. The question must be asked how were the funds derived so that they could be paid across. The question for the authorities is Does his declared tax returns support the size of the contributions because it would take him contributing approx $200kpa as a contribution for the 29 years to arrive at the suspected balance of his fund. That doesn't include the art collection, wife Stacey's fund, or other funds in those accounts unknown to the public. Remember Conivor publicly declared he made $100million in his 29 year career. And the TAX?

Now the relevant question would be if the companies that he pillaged for his fees the source of his super contributions were insolvent at the time were the payments legal and was he entitled to enrich himself whilst at the same time ensuring those companies were heading towards liquidation and with it thousands of innocent investors.

And what if the fees were skimmed from sham property transactions based on collusive puffed up valuations that enabled higher transactional fees to be paid to Conivor. Unwinding this sham loan needs to be fought further back in the food chain.

The Macfeast that was Equititrust ran into trouble at its inception, all along it was another GC SCAM, a feed lot created by crooks and only when the music stopped courtesy of the GFC did the rank of deception alert all to the FRAUD.

The NAB called in its loans and for good reason as their own valuers exposed Conivor and the dud valuations so to BUY TIME Conivor was URGED indeed made by the bank to provide additional security. he did not do this because of a sense of conscience but because of a sense of self preservation. He knew he was introuble and if the GIG collapsed all would be revealed and all exposed. The Bank was already holding the money that went from his super and would not release it, so in comes a loan document, to justify the position on the books. Making a bad position good lets wack a massive interest rate on it and tell the investors it's a benevolent gesture by their beloved ruler. wasn't his money any way, it's I'll gotten and hopefully will be clawed back by Whyte.

Sitting at the table at equititrutrusts last supper the CONIVOR madevone last attempt to controll the information and the outcome by bleeding out all the remaining funds out then burning the earth before engaging HC to shovel dirt over the grave. And their payment, the $2.8million in deferred PAYMENTS due fom the funds to EL

A conspiracy theory yes but can anyone point to an apposing argument.
Re: Trustee

... The question for the authorities is Does his declared tax returns support the size of the contributions because it would take him contributing approx $200kpa as a contribution for the 29 years to arrive at the suspected balance of his fund. That doesn't include the art collection, wife Stacey's fund, or other funds in those accounts unknown to the public. Remember Conivor publicly declared he made $100million in his 29 year career. And the TAX? ...

A couple of issues - up until about 2008 personal contributions in super funds could be high, I think (at least) up to $1m in a year. This has been reduced to $450k over 3 years (or an average of $150k per year). Company contributions to a super fund are deductable in the company but 15% is paid in the super fund.

I think it will simply come down to whether the debt is payable, and if so, it must be paid.

The payments to the fund could be long in the past.

I don't understand David Whyte's comment that the $3.3m (or whatever) could be payable to the liquidator of a previous trustee - is he playing the man and not the ball?

McIvor could have millions of $$$$ already in his super fund - the $3.3m could be just "icing on the cake".
It's a scam, McIvor has done the old document switcheroo before... David Whyte has caught him out. He is not playing the man, the man or idiot has played himself this time...
In terms of McIvor, the claw back provisions are what's of interest... If the fund was in trouble as far back as 2007 and he did not disclose this then the management fees were not payable. The super was paid out of these management fees... The other issue which is again another dictatorial decision on behalf of McIvor is the obscene interest rate on the loan. McIvor does not know the meaning of conflict of interest... How could he arbitrarily determine the interest rate which would in turn adversly impact on his investors whilst in turn reaping him a huge windfall... Where is the equity in that ??? Yet McIvor spruiked his credentials as a fiduciary... The only person he cared about was himself.

He will not get a dollar of the super money once the investigation shows the fund was in major trouble years back. Why were investors not told about the demand from Commonwealth Bank... They knew that Equititrust and McIvor were finished when they pulled their money... Now the question is who spoke to Commonwealth Bank on a confidential basis ???
In terms of McIvor, the claw back provisions are what's of interest... ...

They may be of interest, but then they may not be of any effect:
"Under the rules, a transaction is assumed to be made for this purpose if at the time of the transfer, the super fund member was, or was about to become, insolvent. Any records that prove the member was solvent at the time of making contributions will help prevent those contributions from being clawed back."

and this rule only applies to contributions, and it's very narrow, "was, or was about to become, insolvent" at the time of the contribution, not the loan ($3.3m). Which contribution? Such contributions (if any) were probably made from Equititrust Limited (or other corporate entities), not the fund, and could have been made years ago - personal contributions could also have been made. It seems to me that the rule relates to issues probably being dealt with by the liquidators of Equititrust Limited - issues which seem to me to be most certainly beyond the purview of David Whyte.
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