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Yeah ,lets see the final wash up... Look how many times the Equititrust return has been revised from a possible return of 80 cents in the dollar...

McIvor's incompetence was only truly discovered in the wash up... Even more discoveries to be revealed soon...
Anybody seen the ghost who walks lately, is he still using the mode of transport below...


The ASIC accusations against McIvor are worth examining further in the context of further scrutiny by authorities...
No Trust
I want to remain positive but I'm finding it harder as the reality of the Mcivor disaster sinks in. Don't you think it strange that years after the ASIC raids on the Mac Mansion and the Rats den that ASIC has still not brought charges themselves. What's with HC claiming they are seeking access to said files and info from those raids to assist them in formulating a line of questions to put the Conivor at the up coming examination. Oh Please...if ASIC can't do it or hasn't done it why would the story be any different when the Rats "friendly" self appointed Receivers are now assisting. ASSISTING WHO. More Window Dressing to garner fees.
Yes Word75 as in the PFMF, it's all nearly at an end, just a few miserable cents/unit to go and then it'll be all over. There's no need to bother about ASIC riding in on a broken down horse to save the day, and there's no need to bother about lawyers - all that's left is what's left.
And where's BDO's latest report. Should be a goody when it finally lands. Word is the Dog Property of King Cons is still not sold with offers of $9mil being discussed. I want to be wrong but I wouldn't bet on it. That will make approx $63mil of Oldies Super gone in one hit, and Swan wants the rest. I guess we tricked him, lost it all before the big grab.
Seems the crew winding up LM are on it, harder and faster and calling in the outfitters to size Drake up for his Green Onesies. As I understand specialist valuers have been appointed to value the PROPERTIES and I'm also to understand they will value the properties back when they were first acquired/ or secured. Seems flushing out any dud valuations or collusive activities is high on the agenda.
Is there a pattern these shonks follow. Dud up values lend more money rip more fees loose everyone's money and retire to a secure pile of protected super. Then live a life of comfort knowing that the system they operated as flawed as it was PROTECTS THEM NOW.
Word 75 ASIC is a lazy toothless tiger at best run by public servants. I don't expect much from them, however I do put some weight on my ability to keep this in the public eye as well as put pressure on ASIC to do something because they know for a fact that they were forewarned and a file sits at ASIC to prove that. Now given what's happened with Prime Trust and LM etc the new head of ASIC really has no choice but to prosecute. They are now revisiting Prime Trust and taking action against the founder Bill Lewski which the previous useless head of ASIC refused to do... In the same vein ASIC now has some seriously damning evidence against McIvor and must act. They have no choice and although it may take some time prosecutions will occur as they have will Bill Lewski... It's no going to make a difference to the return but at least it will make McIvor pay and not go on to the same thing another day to innocent elderly retiree's...

I agree the latest report should be very interesting, whilst I believe David Whyte is doing his best, he should stick to his promises and file monthly reports.

In terms of LM I think a lot of lessons have be learnt and ASIC seems to have been on the scene a lot earlier. Amazing what media pressure will do... LM looks like a mess however the same old traits appear in the asset profile of the founders.... PRIME beachfront property bought with the sweat and blood of others... Don't forget the related party loans etc etc... It's a bloody joke what these scum bags have allowed to get away with and ASIC is squarely to blame through their intransigence and not investigating people like McIvor when they were given volumes of material which were damning... Given the culture and the idiotic behaviour of the previous head of ASIC in not prosecuting Bill Lewski is it any surprise that ASIC took no action against McIvor some years back when given this material...

Now ASIC needs to front up as they have had to do with Bill Lewski and answer why they did nothing to prevent something that was very preventable. Instead McIvor was given a green light and subsequent to the information being given to ASIC went on to do the sweetheart deals with his mate King Con... This was nothing but pure and utter negligence which now has to be redressed...

Hi All,

I've copied down all of the files on:

I intend to start a new information section on:
(just an open file as yet)

I notice that there's only financial reports up to 31 December 2010. Is anyone able to post later reports so I'll be able to update the proposed information section?

Just like the PFMF experience, the Equititrust and LM experiences will be important to investors who may chance upon before investing in these dogs of managed schemes.

Dogs of the lowest breed indeed... I'm talking about the promoters of these schemes...

Lets hope ASICK's information Section warns off other innocent Australians from ever investing with McIvor again or for that matter letting him near a Financial Services License again... Lay with dogs and wake up with fleas... Apologies to all dogs for using them in the same sentence as disgusting greed driven mortgage fund managers...
Bad Bad Energy

The McIvor's bad energy seems to infect everything...

Call it Karma, but is this weird or what... Some may even describe it curse like... McIvor was warned some time back that this would all come back and haunt him... No smoking ceremony will brake this curse... Alas the Macbeth's were warned yet they chose a nefarious path and took something sacrosanct from someone who never forgets...

Now that Tucker has stepped up the legal action in the Supreme Court on Marky Boy and Racy Stacey, it seems there will be more explosive revelations in the recovery action of assets on behalf of the Liquidator Gerry Collins who seems to have had a gut full of McIvor...

Tucker has gone from trusted lieutenant to sworn enemy for life given the description in McIvors deluded Novella Strange Animals Come Down to Drink... It seems the only strange animals are the McIvors given the airing of the families Dirty Laundry in the press... This is trailer park stuff....
Here's the link so far:

If any of you kind folk have any links (relating to Equititrust or the EIF) that you'd like to have added, then please post them here and I'll add them in due course.

Advertising material would also be useful.

King Con

What will be the final financial wash up of McIvor's deal with his mate King Con... What will Ipswich be worth ? Why was McIvor doing these deals behind investor's backs...

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Finance Fraud

Now doesn't this ring a bell... Marky Boy its time to get into the box and be cross examined... So too key staff and directors prior to the collapse... What does wayward brother Wayne know ??? Tick Tock Tick Tock...

"The top contributors to corruption were a ''lack of senior management commitment to ethical conduct'' and companies operating in ''inherently unethical'' industries."

Read more:
Delusional Idiotic McIvor

It seems McIvor has been writing again under another non de plume... Same old crap except he fails to mention that he lent the bulk of the money to his mate "King Con"... What a delusional idiot... Time to get back on the med's...
"The case of the Bumbling Bureaucrat"

It seems McIvor has been writing again under another non de plume... Same old crap except he fails to mention that he lent the bulk of the money to his mate "King Con"... What a delusional idiot... Time to get back on the med's...

ok, I've dug a shell scape, put on my helmet & gas mask .... I'm prepared ..

Guys, I don't agree that the article is written by McIvor in any form whatsoever.

I agree with the article's contents and said as much myself.

It's always been the law that's allowed those like McIvor to do as they did - there was an encouragement for them to do as they did.

I don't think the article attempts (in any way) to defect the blame from any manager.

I think you guys are dead wrong about both the author and the article.

Ok .. I'm prepared .. go for it.
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