There are three concerns I have with today's announcement
1) Does this mean that the $4.1M raised in Jan 06 has been exhausted and there are problems with cash flow?
2) The perception that 100,000 customers can be achieved by June 07.
Based on the 40,000 figure quoted in today's relase, this would require a sustained increase of 5,000/month for next 12 months.
Looking at the last few months, the rate appears to have reached a plateau and I'd want to establish what strategies the company has to increase the per month uptake. Such strategies I'd also want to see take into account any issues that delays to BPL roll out may introduce.
3) Placement is at the discretion of Board.
Sure - but don't the Board represent shareholder interest????
I'd want to see placement made with institutional investors to see strong financial backing for the stock....
All these things in mind - I am wary of voting no, as this may also result in impeding the company's strategy.