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Dump it Here

Lends itself to a hair colour joke/stereotype, but I won't go there.

Its funny how sometimes the most obvious solution can evade us.

How did it pan out?
@Skate Thank you and Congratulations on a fantastic thread. To say well done is certainly an understatement.

I along with others appreciate the time and effort you have donated transferring your wisdom and experience in life to us.

Also, thank you for compiling it into the eBook and making it available to download.
I have grabbed a copy and recommend everyone to do so, if they can't find something of value within it, I'll be amazed.
It's great to find something valuable when your not looking.

Most of all, what a bonus it was to have such a long thread conducted in such a respectable and courteous manner by all.

@Skate Wishing you good health and happiness and once again, Thank You.
Sad story.

The Father would no doubt be totally devastated, but I suspect he should also be ashamed.

Parents who put undue pressure of expectation on their children without the appropriate balance of support are doing more harm than good.

I don't know Barney. I've seen a Father go to his grave without any empathy or sympathy for a very long time of totally ruthless behaviour which contributed to a very early death of his Wife and Child. Some people are totally devoid of empathy, whether nature or nurture I don't know why.

debtfree, thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate you grabbing a copy of the eBook & recommending it to others. Having it in an eBook format means my posts can travel with you.

Stop & think about what you have just read (you will see the eBook in a different light)
You will be amazed how much you can get out of the eBook from reading it again & again, you'll absorb more & more when you learn to unpack the posts instead of quickly skimming over them.

Heard it all before
Most traders won't bother to read the eBook because they have heard it all before, but I bet if they read one paragraph after the other & think about what they just read there maybe some light-bulb moments for them.

Ambiguity & cryptic
I've written a lot of the post with ambiguity in mind, others cryptic, meaning a lot of my posts have more than one meaning finding those gems will be worth it in the long run. Even seasoned trader will get value from the eBook, using it as a pep talk, words of encouragement or just an affirmation they're on the right track.

At some stage you will think "Ahh, I see what Skate is doing"

We know what to do
We all know what we have to do as traders but find it difficult sometimes to follow our plan under the most difficult of circumstances.

It’s Farkin Hot

Just knocked off all staff outside
The shot is of the steel cutting yard

52c in the sun on the concrete

I can feel the heat through the tin roof over the air con


Skate, I have a fine book in my bookcase by Marcus Aurelius called Meditations. Apparently a more authentic title lost in translation is "To Himself". There's something about this thread that reminds me of this book title. I dont know what; it's just the vibe, as they say on the Castle.

A couple of ideas:

Meditations of a Trading Life
A Compendium of Trading Meditations and Advice

ok and here is one from left of field:

Trading and the Art of Tiramisu

Tiramisu translates as "pick me up"
I can picture Ken Block sliding around that yard. Gymkhana nine.

Been lit up a few times.
Strangely no one owns up.

They have a brain fade--I have CCTV
Not my vehicles so they saved their job.
But they did waste a Saturday morning cleaning it up.

Hasn't happened for a while ---
Great work on your thread Skate.

There is very real value in sharing your struggles and successes so openly for the next generation of trend traders. Many of us started out just wanting to know it really IS possible, albeit difficult, before the climb up the long slippery mountain starts.

You've done more than enough in your Dump It Here thread, but if you decide to start a specific weekly TF thread I'm sure you'd continue to inspire and challenge many.

Its a hard question to fathom DK. Without getting into an in depth discussion on Free Will and Existentialism … there will always be the argument that we are each programmed to be like we are and only have minimal control over changing our behavior etc etc. but who really knows.

It is just a sad state of affairs when a young man has been driven to take his own life off the back of being unable to "please" his Father ….

I think many Fathers seem to be unaware they need to be "Dads" first and Fathers second
Most of all, what a bonus it was to have such a long thread conducted in such a respectable and courteous manner by all.

debtfree, I'm pleased that you found the "Dump it here' thread conducted in a friendly & polite manner. I personally have found this thread refreshing, being nice is a gift to others.

Have your say
This thread by designed was to pass knowledge onto beginners, something members should be proud of. I now encourage others to have their say on matters that interested them it doesn't needs to be educational, we have done that.

Members know the rules but it's worth repeating.

Opinions are welcomed
We shouldn't ridicule or challenge posters as it serves no purpose, it's like masturbating in public, it may feel good to you, but it looks disgusting to everyone else and it just makes the other person work harder to find ways to disagree with you.

Being right or wrong
Whether your view is right or wrong isn't important, what's more important, this thread gives you the ability to express your views without being ridiculed or challenged.

Every member enjoys a different level of experience & expertise, there is never a reason to display your level of knowledge by making others feel inferior.

Timely reminder
Abuse, insults and personal attacks directed at other people are unacceptable in the "Dump it here' thread, I'm not policing the thread but it pays to remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Alternative view
If you disagree with someone rather than argue the merits of their points, post an alternative view, you don't have to belittle members to get your point across. Play the "the point" not the "person"

Never react to a post but respond (Responding will give you time to think)
1. Consider the context of what you are saying, put yourself in their shoes, try to understand their point of view.
2. Consider if your post adds value to the discussion.
3. When expressing an alternative view, start off by saying “In my opinion …” and try to focus on the issues rather than person.
4. We are all wordsmiths to some degree & it's easy to incite an emotional, knee-jerk response, creating an emotional outburst.

Friendly atmosphere
Such posts that incite emotional responses tend to undermine the friendly atmosphere often resulting in long running feuds creating factional loyalty to one side or the other.

Hard to detect
Offending a member is hard to detect. However, some members tend to follow patterns of behaviour, posting to invoke an emotional response, never answering questions directly to justify their position but they "always demand documentary evidence" from others to support their assertions, while offering none in return.

We all deserve a measured response not the alternative.

I'll be the first to post in the new & improved 'Dump it here' thread to start things off.

Why do I play mind games ?
I play mind games for my own amusement that sometimes splash others & most can't understand why I do it.

Conversation controller
I'll tell you why I do it - I do it to control the conversation in tempo & direction other times to start a conversation.

Same old chit chat
Most people you meet like to talk about themselves, stuff that's uninteresting to others, most times it’s the boring same old chit chat making light conversation about nothing.

Time wasting
Talking about stupid crap just wastes everyone's time, others just love to listen to their own voice.

Interesting people
We have all met interesting people, we hang on their every word, we find what they say interesting & stimulating. When you meet someone you find interesting or different that's when a real conversation starts.

Most of my posts I post with ambiguity in mind, other times they are cryptic, you would have read many of my posts without giving them a second thought.

One rule
I only have one personal rule when it comes to mind games, if you catch on "I LOSE", & I don't lose very often.

One member
There has only been one member who has cottoned on so far & it happened on the 12th January this year by @ducati916 in post #780 & again on the 13th January in post #807 (my response to @ducati916 was the next post #808)

I’m not everyone’s cup of tea
I look different, I think differently, I have an opinion on everything as most of us do, I see the world through my eyes, but I’m interesting to speak to. (I must remember, self-praise is no recommendation)

@tech/a gave you an example of a recent conversation with his wife that I found amusing.

That's a segue to my wife, married 44 years so she knows a little bit about who I am.

I love you & my new Donna, both keep me warm at night but one of them doesn't talk ****.

I point to a present from my eldest son & remarked, "he doesn't share your opinion"

Science has given me a clear understanding of how we’ve evolved, why our minds produce and accept ideas, why we will alter our behaviour and even die for and kill for these ideas.

Conditioning (beliefs & ideas)
We all have morals ingrained in us from birth and using this as an example I wish to talk about the universal feature of human conditioning. I use "conditioning", others may prefer to call it "manipulation" to deliver a message to achieve a result.

Conditioning is all about perception (the art of 'manipulating' someones perception)

Perception equals reaction, meaning if I want a positive reaction, (others to react in a manner I want them to) I set up the required perception to achieve the desired result I'm looking for.


Other than procreation of the Species (Homo Sapiens)
What is the point of being this 1:trillions fluke?
Skates Musings---our reactions---

In 80-90 years for me or anyone else what does it matter.
In 200 years and much less-- who was Tech/a--- what did his
presence bring to planet earth?

(I have an answer)--interested in others.

tech/a, I've answer your question in a previous post in this thread.

Repeating my self
I lack the belief that there is a meaningful aspects to life. (I believe in Nihilism)

(for others)
Nihilism is from the Latin "nihil" meaning nothing. Nihilism has many definitions, my philosophical positions suggests that I lack the belief that there is a meaningful aspects to life, meaning I believe that life is without objective meaning, purpose or intrinsic value. Just because we are the top dog in the animal kingdom our life has no higher value or meaning than any other animal in our kingdom.

tech/a, I'm more interested in "your answer" & I'm all ears.

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