Is recreational drugs just as phase?
Good question, not sure, but i think i will use them on and off until i leave this world of ours.
I dont ever plan to be in a nursing home, i'd rather be dead than there. Who wants to not be able to remember your own name and not have control of your bodily functions, not me.
I don't know anyone who plans to be in a nursing home, Jessica so you are not alone or unique in this. But has it occurred to you that if you happen to use some impure substance it could alter your brain chemistry to the point where that is exactly what would happen to you? You would not be the first person to be rendered helpless by drug misadventure.
I don't measure life by how long i live, i measure it by the experiences i have and the fun things i do. I'd rather live to 40 and have done as much as i could rather than live to 100 and have done very little.
At the same time i dont have a death wish and plan to go on as long as i am enjoying myself.
Agree entirely. However, it's not always a choice you get to make.
Reasoning behind drug use?
I use them to further enhance an already enjoyable experience. Also, with E, it is the type of people in the club or group and the atmosphere, everyone is happy, no fights, no issues, how life should be. Thats why i avoid boozy places, its hell.
Without being smart, it is very difficult to explain to someone who has never used it.
It also opens up your mind, i dont know how to explain that either.
OK. I get that except for the last bit.
I don't suppose it's any different from my having consumed excessive quantities of alcohol in the form of fine wine and liqueurs at a stimulating gathering of people.
Its not to fill an empty space, its a choice, like when you go to the pub and have a few beers, i might go out and have a line of coke and a pill of E. I think this is a big part of the problem, many people just cant get their head around this because they have been brain washed by people saying ALL drugs are evil and will kill you. Its just not true.
I don't think I've said all drugs are evil and can kill you. But yes, some drugs can kill you. So can alcohol. So I'm not differentiating on that basis.
Rather that you are using illegal substances which presumably have minimal "quality control" in their production. How can you always be sure that you are not ingesting something other than you think you are?
Of course not, you are getting confused between drug addicts and recreational drug users.
Its like alcoholics and the guy who has a few beverages with his mates. The alcoholic will of course by more booze before he feeds his family but your average bloke on the street will not.
Fair enough. But I guess my concern is - as 2020 asked when he began this thread - how easy is it for so called recreational use to spill over into a dependence? I know you feel you are bullet proof and in complete control.
The doctor in the story I related earlier felt in complete control also, right up until he was arrested.
It's not just that personal connection which has formed my views, but the people I see every week whose lives have been wrecked by what started as a little recreational drug use. And their children. A 15 year old a couple of days ago living on the street because she saw it as the only way to escape the drug induced violence of her family home. This is not uncommon.
And yes, of course you will say: "oh, but I'm not like those people" and hopefully your outlook will be much happier. But all I am saying is that none of those people set out to ruin their lives. They were just "enhancing their existing good existence". Pretty similar to what you are saying really.
Okay - on legalising drugs you ask,
Re legalising drugs: to do this would be to say to young people who have never used drugs (and older people too for that matter) that it's fine.
Just roll up to your friendly family pharmacy and get your week's supply of whatever paid for by the taxpayer. Just to go with the free needles and the state run hygienic injecting rooms.
I do not advocate legalising all drugs, drugs aint drugs as far as i am concerned (just my opinion). This is another HUGE problem, you cant just have a blanket statement that says they are all good or bad, you have to judge each individually.
Saying that, i'd legalise weed. coke, MDMA (E), mushrooms to begin with and look at the others.
I just believe peolpe should be able to have a choice. Making them illegal certainly does not work, look at the mess we have got ourselves into. Young people will always experiment, so you may as well at least let them get clean substances so they know 100% for sure what they are taking.
Of course some numpties will still abuse them as they do with everything, numpties are numpties and they always will be numpties.
You say - Yes, I know drug use has been with us always. And yes, I appreciate that legalising drug use would largely eliminate much crime, but given the drug induced psychoses I have seen with the consequent permanent effects on personality and general health, not to mention the destruction of relationships, I don't believe legalisation of currently illicit drugs will ever happen. The majority of Australians are too sensible to allow it.
All i'd say to that is, we have been trying to go along the path of illegalisation of drugs for some time now. It does not work, crime grows, people are not educated and usage continues to grow expodentially.
So those who are too sensible too allow it, may just be the cause of the problem.
Time to start thinking Australia, look at what is really happening and provide a sensible solution.
I doubt the majority of the population will ever agree with you.
Accepted, however, that the current situation is unsatisfactory in terms of crime, but I don't believe decriminalising or legalising drugs is the right answer.
Once again - each drug needs to be looked at on an idividual basis just as they do at present with legal prescription drugs, same process.
Just as prescription drugs all vary in strength and effect so do the non prescription drugs.
Prescription drugs are more than capable of taking you out of this world for good, if you are stupid enough to dose yourself over the recommended rate.
Same thing applies for every drug, dose is the key and knowing what you are putting inside your body which comes back to education.
I'd say let people have weed and E in cafes like Amsterdam. The others let people get from a chemist with a prescription from a doctor. As for price, happy to pay the same as the street value but knowing i was getting a clean product.
Not sure if that helps or if i have even explained it very well?
You've explained your views clearly, Jessica. Thank you for responding.
I asked if you thought your drug taking might be a phase - a sort of rite of passage, if you like - because I know that most of my friends and I used alcohol irresponsibly as young adults but it was something we simply grew out of. Just didn't want to do it any more.
I don't think any of us -who are probably a generation older than you are - are necessarily sitting in judgement which is probably how it appears. Rather, we have seen some tragic results of drug use and naturally this forms our views. I absolutely acknowledge that many people in all fields do use drugs. You have said that you would be very happy to pay for getting "clean" drugs from a pharmacy. This is an acknowledgement of the risks you run in using the street junk. Good to know you wouldn't be asking the tax payer to fund the supply for you. We are already doing this with all the methadone programmes - that farcical rubbish which is simply exchanging one addiction for another.