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Double Dissolution 2016

BER sub contractors were the ones that got shafted waiting for money or having unrealistic time frames set upon them. A lot of subbies were shafted when govt payments taking months or not at all.


I know I lost about $200k on schools who wouldn't cough up because they overspent. Not one govt official insight to explain why no oversight.
I know I lost about $200k on schools who wouldn't cough up because they overspent. Not one govt official insight to explain why no oversight.

I know a young bloke who took on some schools against my advice. Bit wet behind the ears and these were some of his first big jobs. When they decided not to pay him (similar to the above) he had no way of paying his material accounts. Young family, too much debt.
Ended up hanging himself. A bloody waste.

Many people think labor is for the working man. But the thing is they hate most tradies, small business and subbies. They prefer big business that they can unionize.

Workers comp is another mob that specifically said to a mate we want to put you subbies pri.cks out of business.

I've known of quite a few suicides from default payers over the decades, most of them in the construction industry. The courts and govts seem to consider it a peril of the industry as do far too many people who manage far too many building companies.... the last bastion of govt sponsored frontierism, bastardry, dishonesty, profiteering, bribery, bullying and the solution = go after the unions alone instead of cleaning up industry entirely by insisting on solvency, payments, profitability and prosecution of delinquency & criminal behaviour.
Good article.

Wondering at what point will Australians be out on the street demanding changes.

Seems we all know of inequality and job insecurity, then rush off to our day job... wait... hehe

It's just the winding back ownership of the means of production to modern day wannabe Aristocracy and workers having nothing to sell other than serf labour for serf wages . Of course it's all wrapped up in pretty titular packaging like, "teams", "subcontractor", "free market", etc, but we all know from year 8 economics classes what it really is.

But if you want to make good you have to ride that gravy train and play by the rules, coz few of us are going to risk losing the edifice to our success that includes a kitchen, toilet and a few bedrooms, because of martyrdom ... that's the ACTU's job.

I blame Bill Shorten
Good article.

Wondering at what point will Australians be out on the street demanding changes.

Seems we all know of inequality and job insecurity, then rush off to our day job... wait... hehe

If Labor win on July 2,

Job security out the window.

There's a deepening interest from a lot of people I talk to into the effects of Supply Side or to Quote George Bush senoir 'Voo-Doo economics' and how this shichcainery has defrauded their future.
The last budjet is extremly suseptable to a sharp focus on this trickle down drivel if it's effectively argued.

Can-oz's points to the destruction of the Car industry, and we are talking abliteration, with the direct associated jobs in the hundreds of thousands... Industry Policy... What Industry Policy??? this gives a strong possibility to see one of Xenophon's party take Pyne's(minister for rust and decay) seat and little wonder. The sclreosiis in this 'Agile Government' is a thing to behold.

Musk with 400,000 orders booked in a month to fill for a Tesla3... $17 billion plus on an order book and no factory to build the righthand drive component of that.... And Pyne and the LNP will watch that oppertunaty disappear like a fart in the wind.

I knew I should've paid attention in Year 8 economics. Wouldn't then have to learn it the hard way after the first love, or was that the second? In between?...

I too blame Bill Shorten!
I knew I should've paid attention in Year 8 economics. Wouldn't then have to learn it the hard way after the first love, or was that the second? In between?...

I too blame Bill Shorten!

Economics is such an easy subject, you must have been very busy with the (girls?) loves.

Penny Wong also s4it5 me
If Labor win on July 2,

Job security out the window.

I think job security for the plebs have long been out the windows noco.

Have you seen a recent doco on wealth inequality and other ways of the world stuff?

Check it out if you can: Requiem to the American Dream Available on NetFlix.

A good (and very scary) overview of the economic and political policies of American (and ours) democracies - as seen by Noam Chomsky.

It's amazing to see how our own great leaders follow the same failed policies as those being implemented in the US and elsewhere. Why are they doing it when it obviously resulted in greater job insecurity and economic instability?

Statecraft and grand strategy like the good old days of Rome and practically everywhere else before Hitler and Communism and people power scare the pants out of them.
Economics is such an easy subject, you must have been very busy with the (girls?) loves.

Penny Wong also s4it5 me

Oh yea, very very, very, really seriously busy... with girls and stuff

I think it's a sign of good mental health when any politician shiets you.
Economics is such an easy subject, you must have been very busy with the (girls?) loves.

Penny Wong also s4it5 me

She ****es me too but not as much as the Belgian Bozo.

Repeat after me Jobs and Growth (with a German accent) 500 times.
Oh yea, very very, very, really seriously busy... with girls and stuff

I think it's a sign of good mental health when any politician shiets you.

You may have gathered by now, that I have had good times (no gay liaisons!!) with various politicians from the spectrum far left to far right. The ones I like is because I like them, even if they don't have a fricken clue and disagree with my view of the world, which is rather remarkable because they normally don't care about other people's views. So if I don't warm to them it's because my radar says they are not good for us.

Did i mention Plibersek gives me the screaming sheets?

Actually unemployment dropped to 5.8%..I was 6.2%.......It was 4% when Labor took over in 2007...It was 6% when The Libs took over from Labor 2013.

Why? What has Plibersek not/done to you/us?

I don't follow Australian politics too much. Maybe because they don't matter all that much - what with doing what Uncle Sam says or does

No, I thought you only knew some of our enlightened statesman because all the Irish hang out at pubs all the time.

So you were sent to one of those Emperor's Club where future leaders are kept until there's a vacancy in Parliament were you? Didn't make the cut or got sidetracked from occidentally reading some real books?

Serious question. Of the Masters of Man you were unlucky enough to hang out with, are there any who understand what it means to be that "Aussie battler" and all that campaign slogans we hear once every few years?
Actually unemployment dropped to 5.8%..I was 6.2%.......It was 4% when Labor took over in 2007...It was 6% when The Libs took over from Labor 2013.

I think the GFC hit the world late 2007 into 2008 noco. So a 4 to then 6% rise was quite a miracle.

But I wouldn't be giving Labor all the credit for that either. The Mining Boom kinda save us a bit there. But Labor under did a lot of economically smart things to my mind. Then Rudd dare take on big miners and polluters Then Abbott kinda happen and here we are... into the new Turnbull Innovation Boom where national security/high tech project are given to the French and SirR and neighbours will have to live with 9Gig ADSL for a long while yet.

Not sure how much NASA's Space Programme costs - but it spun off a whole lot of innovation and high tech booms out of just sending a few guys to the Moon and back. We're going to spend some $100B next few decades and maybe will create a few cleaning jobs on them subs.

ADSL ? Looxury !

Wireless out here, phone lines no good.

There was one bloke who was an opposition leader and he genuinely cared about people. He was universally respected by all sides of the argument. He was Ozzie to the I'm sure most politicians consider themselves now days, since we realised the Brits gave us the toss back in the seventies.

Kim Beazley ?

He would have make an excellent PM. Not from a union background but as you say he cared about people.

Pity he got turfed by Rudd.
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