Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

A selective appearance by our wonderful PM. Where was she when Swan was making his announcement ?
It's smart of her to make such appearances. Mr Abbott needs to do likewise. Mr Turnbull has done his own session of spouting wisdom at Woodford, as has the now ancient Bob Hawke.

It's entirely possible that Labor will be re-elected purely on the basis of engaging in clever tactics like this, while the Coalition is left wondering why. They need their own version of John McTiernan.
I would say gutless non appearance rather than selective appearance.

At one of her "selective" appearances she said that the introduction of the Carbon Tax was the highlight of her year.

So a lie is her highlight??? Thats what she thinks of the Australian public!
It's smart of her to make such appearances. Mr Abbott needs to do likewise. Mr Turnbull has done his own session of spouting wisdom at Woodford, as has the now ancient Bob Hawke....

I suspect the rock star style welcome is because it is mostly labor/green people there. It would not be the best place for Abbott, however, agree that he does need to get out more to these sort of things.

But then again, I often see on his facebook where he is doing things but it is not reported by the media. Is the media trying to win the next election for labor? Voters need to see through all these tactics.
I suspect the rock star style welcome is because it is mostly labor/green people there. It would not be the best place for Abbott, however, agree that he does need to get out more to these sort of things.
Yes, you're quite right, sails. I'd overlooked the likely political leaning of people going to music festivals.

But then again, I often see on his facebook where he is doing things but it is not reported by the media. Is the media trying to win the next election for labor? Voters need to see through all these tactics.
I expect you can definitely say that with respect to the ABC which is where I heard about the politicians who had been at Woodford. Don't know if it was reported anywhere else?
Interesting. Thanks, noco.
Let's hope they still feel that way when it comes to voting time.
I have thought about this question a lot and have also research the hypothesis that there has been mitigating factors involved.
However after extensive research and allowing for poor performance variables that are outside her control.
The answer I come up with is NO, she doesn't inspire confidence.
Best to ask this question of prospective boat people if you want an affimative answer.:xyxthumbs

Caucus members are reaching for the Mylanta as the AWU fraud scandal is set to derail McTernan's dirty plans for Gillard's re-election.
It seems not only the PM has used the off-season to correct a few bodily imperfections. Julia may have bumped into Joe Hockey as he was coming out of lap band surgery.
Both sides are taking this coming election extremely seriously but physical appearances are likely to take a back seat when it comes to the gangrenous AWU scandal.
Hedley Thomas, a rare investigative bloodhound of the Press, today reported Victoria police spent two days interviewing former paralegal with Slater & Gordon, Olivia Palmer (referred to by Julia Gillard as Olive Brosnahan).
Julia Gillard's newly discovered sweet smile will disappear when she reads this morning's The Australian.
The naysayers of the Press were trusting the scandal would be lost in Xmas cheer. But why would an honest journo revisit the matter over Xmas? It would receive little attention in the haze of goodwill and alcohol.
Two days spent interviewing one legal secretary indicates the serious nature of the investigation. It is also indicative of the value of Ralph Blewitt's disclosures.
It would have been easy to dismiss Blewitt's statement as 17 year-old rumour but it wasn't dismissed and there are many other witnesses to corroborate his claims.
Olivia Palmer will not lie to protect Gillard nor will ex AWU Secretary Tim Daly who is holding extensive documented evidence.
Nor will Bill the Greek Telikostoglou (or "Bill the bull**** artist" as Gillard refers to him as).
Bill, who is returning from Greece to be interviewed by the Victoria police, was the former bodyguard of Bruce Wilson.
A 6" 2' tall ex AWU heavy with a pony tail, Telikostoglou scarpered to Greece when the scam was discovered in 1995. He was also accused of defrauding thousands from the Victorian Greek community.
Telikostoglou may well escape prosecution on other matters by telling the truth.
But there are other 'persons of interest' on the Victoria police list:
Federal Court Judge Bernard Murphy, Bruce Wilson, Marie Murray, Robyn Macleod, Bill Shorten, Nicola Roxon, Bob Carr, Robert Rae, Graham Richardson and Bill Ludwig may well be expected to lie.
FWA Commissioner Ian Cambridge says he will stand by his affidavit. Mmm, let's see.
Bob Kernohan will certainly not lie, nor will Rob McClelland.
And Julia Gillard? Well, she is certainly not averse to telling the odd lie but it will be impossible for her to know what other witnesses have said. If police decide to interview the PM, she appears a gonner either way.
One thing is clear, police are taking this matter seriously and the cloud of suspicion will rain on all of Gillard's coming election parade.
Can Caucus replace her and escape the worst of it? No, not really, they have punted every last cent on her in a last hurrah. There is no escaping now.
It will take much more than a manufactured sweet smile, new gear, a cute dog and a spot of liposuction to make this PM aesthetically acceptable.

I think Miss Gillard's roosters are coming home to nest. It would appear there is a case building up against her.
I think she will go down as the most divisive, disruptive and non productive person in Australian politics.
Her legacy will be, to have introduced taxes, that brought her country "back to the pack".
When the opportunity was there to build a country that could support twice as many people.
I think she will go down as the most divisive, disruptive and non productive person in Australian politics.
Her legacy will be, to have introduced taxes, that brought her country "back to the pack".
When the opportunity was there to build a country that could support twice as many people.

We would certainly have been a lot further advance without her at the helm.

We have gone backwards and it will take years to unravel it all.
If you have an account at the Aus Noco, but confected outrage for political gain is about right. How must Warren Mundine be feeling, passed over twice, in favour of someone who isn't even an ALP member.
If you have an account at the Aus Noco, but confected outrage for political gain is about right. How must Warren Mundine be feeling, passed over twice, in favour of someone who isn't even an ALP member.
Warren Mundine could be ruled out by Gillard on two counts.
He is a very decent bloke.
He was a Rudd supporter.
If you have an account at the Aus Noco, but confected outrage for political gain is about right. How must Warren Mundine be feeling, passed over twice, in favour of someone who isn't even an ALP member.

Actually he congratulated Gillard on her choice of Kneebone.