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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

They are giving us more compensation than we need for the extra cost the carbon dioxide tax is going to cost the working famlies and pensioners.
How do we know this? Today's "The Australian" suggests the compensation paid to pensioners and retirees will be the massive sum of $210! Will we be shown the modelling that demonstrates how much the tax will push up all prices for all consumers, and then that the 'compensation' does actually compensate for this?

I wouldn't be surprised if they've just picked what they consider to be an affordable figure and tossed it out there, on the basis that "if we tell people they're going to be over-compensated, they'll believe that."

The next lot of polls will be interesting.

(This is an aside and not relevant necessarily to the thread, but I was just polled today by an organisation called "Q & A Research", which asked some incredibly loaded questions in a very badly designed questionnaire clearly designed to elicit responses critical of the LNP in NSW.)
What one wit had to say on Andrew Bolt's Blog,

Its not that Julia is being rude, its just that she would like to see where the knives are coming from ..

It illustrates the contempt she has for others as a whole.


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The article opens with what seems reasonable commentary, but returns to the company line in the final paragraphs. Knows which side her bread is buttered does Lenore. Her place on The Insiders couch is safe for another week.
I had exactly the same thought. Started reading it and thought 'wow, this is a turn around for Ms Taylor', but she soon reverted to character.

Still, we should perhaps be encouraged that she has even made any slight noises which represent objectivity.

Julia, the statement on receiving more compensation than required was made by both Gillard and Swan on TV today. They way I understood their message was pensioners would be better of by $210 over and above the basis of compensation. I stand corrected if I am wrong.

Tomorrow will reveal all.

Julia, here is a link confirming what I observed on TV regarding the extra $210 pensioners will receive over and above the amount they would have been compensated for the extra cost of living created by Gillards carbon dioxide tax.

But of course you have a different interpretation to me, but that is the way I read it.
Don't know, noco. The comments following the article seem to echo my interpretation but those people could be wrong too.
She is today quoting the cost of the tax as $10 per week. So compensation would need to be over $500. $210 certainly won't cut it, so you're probably correct with your interpretation.
I don't have time right now to look, but no doubt the detail is available somewhere.
Home at the Lodge.

"Well Tim my polling is not going so well at the moment, do you think it's because of the Carbon Tax?

"I am not sure Julia dear".

"What do you think I should try to do Tim?

"Well Julia we could dye your hair to another colour."

"What colour do you suggest Tim"

"Any colour but red or green Julia"

I know a number of people will see through the charade of tears, but I wonder how many don't.

I think its summed up in the Australian.


I think Australia needs it to happen before Christmas, then reduce rates and devalue our dollar slightly.

joea ( the back yard economist from Miallo Nth. Qld.)

Joe, you are spot on "THE BEGINNING OF LABOR'S END".

The Greens have all but destroyed Labor who knew not what the Greens were capable of doing. Labor has only got theselves to blame.
Gillard fiddles with the Carbon Tax while the World economy burns. Somebody should whisper into her shell pink ear "It's the economy, stupid"

World holds it's breath as US plays with fire on debt and default.

"but the cost of inaction is higher than the cost of action now"

or some other crazy statement.

Welcome to the real world people. We are in for extremely interesting times and YOU gave the greens the balance of power.

I hope Wayne Swann has made allowances in his budget for extra seats in the centrelink queue.
I think the tears are genuine - "nobody loves me and I'm going to be thrashed at an early election" WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!
I don't even think they're genuine on that basis. More likely imo that she was responding to Graeme Richardson telling her she needed to 'show a softer side'.

The speech was embarrassing and the tears as fake as the 'fake Julia' we saw some months ago.

This is the sort of trouble you create for yourself when you act in opposition to your core beliefs. She sacrificed her previously sensible approach of obtaining community consensus, and waiting until/if the rest of the world were to act, on the altar of doing what the Greens told her she had to in order to get their backing.

As a consequence she has ever since come across as insincere, unconvinced in any real sense. The electorate can see this. They are not stupid, as Ms Gillard seems to believe.

And of course the alterantive, Tony Abbott, is so much better. Here is a link to todays Sydney Morning Herald letters to the editor where some of the puplic have written in with their views on Mr Abbott,

I thought this one particularly worth a read...

"When a politician runs his own country down for the sake of his own ambitions, it is leadership at its worst. The Abbott effect is being felt all across Australia as a torrent of constant and unthinking negativism has dragged down our nation.

While we have one of the healthiest economies in the world, with most of our citizens still earning what they did before the GFC, still in their own homes and with our banks still in good shape, our retailers are slowly dying.

People are afraid, the Abbott effect has stripped the confidence out of our nation as he rips down anything and everything that stands in his way to power. Tony Abbott needs to get off the bike, stop looking at himself in the mirror, and see what his negativity is doing to our country."

Reminds me of the old axiom "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" and now ofcourse..Mr Abbott.

Big whoop-di-whoop, that's the opinion of one person.
Letters to the West Australian this week were something like 70% against carbon tax and only 20% for, according to The West.

Gillard should look at what her putting us at a competitive disadvantage is doing to our country.

Simple fact: Gillard wants to export our dollars offshore in the form of 10% handout to the UN and purchasing overseas carbon credits. Abbott wants to keep our dollars here.
It's O.K saying Abbott is being negative, however maybe Julia and the Labor party could try and do somthing that will bring about a positive outcome.
Jeez give me a break, tell me one thing in the last four years that has had a positive outcome.
What an absolute joke, if Julia , Wayne and Bob are so pleased with their achievements they should have no problems going to the polls, that would shut Tony up.
The only reason they are going to drag out an election to 2013, if they can, is to try and lock in a better pension for themselves.
I loved the way Julia got the independents on national t.v swearing their allegiance to the carbon tax, thats got them locked into the same fate as Labor and the Greens.
The next election will certainly rewrite the record books, it will be another one of those once in a lifetime events we seem to be having. At least it will give us something to tell our grandkids about.
At the local vegie store ( cane farmer diversfied) I had a discussion with a pensioner who was born in Germany.
Gillard is her friend she said, she is giving her an extra $210 dollars a year.
She pays $110 a quarter for electricity and everone can do the same.

No logic could convince her that she is a single person and others have family's.
She says that is irrelevant, we must save the planet like Europe is doing.
She say's listen to Gillard and Brown and we will save the planet.

Well I went home and on the way, I took out my frustations on my cap, and now have to buy a new one.
It did not taste very nice.

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