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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

In 1997, leading business figure Stan Wallis' financial system inquiry (the Wallis report) recommended that the pillars be dismantled, to leave the banks subject to the same merger competition tests as other businesses. In response, then Coalition Treasurer Peter Costello's removed the pillar status of the two insurers (National Mutual had by that time already been acquired by France's AXA), however the ban on mergers of the remaining four banks was retained
Of course there was no ban on mergers prior to Costello.

Love the sampling and selective source. Wiki

Time for some more Bob Roberts

Of course there was no ban on mergers prior to Costello.

Love the sampling and selective source. Wiki

Time for some more Bob Roberts

Hey, if you're not happy with the source, i suggest you take the initiative and amend the 'false' info on Wiki, after all it is a publicly amendable site. Go hard GL
Better than Rudd/Gillard & better than Howard/Costello/Turnbull or Abbott

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Where's the Costello interview? Please can any ASFers please post Costello's current thoughts.
Well of course that's what the bank guarantee is.
Shame it doesn't apply to mum and dad businesses!
It is not the role of government to save you. You have to save yourself. It is socialism when governments provide guarantees to stop businesses failing.
Better than Rudd/Gillard & better than Howard/Costello/Turnbull or Abbott

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Where's the Costello interview? Please can any ASFers please post Costello's current thoughts.

The recession we had to have?
Sorry but every time i see this woman i see "Kath and Kim"

Look at me people... Look at meeee.. look at meee...
BBC News: Australia has its first female PM.

"I predict their economy will crash... Into the back of another economy."
Actually, part 1 provides an interesting perspective on the world. Mr Keating does have sense regardless of his mistakes.

Easy to have sense, Snake, 13 years after the fact. Hell, if i could reflect on the last 13 years of my life and be interviewed on it, i'd be changing my tune too. Maybe Keating was before his time?????
Easy to have sense, Snake, 13 years after the fact. Hell, if i could reflect on the last 13 years of my life and be interviewed on it, i'd be changing my tune too. Maybe Keating was before his time?????
I was talking about his sense with respect to his comments in part 1 of the interview - particularly the comments on nations in debt.
It is not the role of government to save you. You have to save yourself. It is socialism when governments provide guarantees to stop businesses failing.
Only big business. Small business is the enemy of socialism.
BBC News: Australia has its first female PM.

"I predict their economy will crash... Into the back of another economy."

Or have a "blowout" and have to wait for some bloke to come along and change it.
If she announces some changes in policy direction in the near future including reaching an agreement with the miners over the mining tax, then she will inspire more confidence that her predecessor and her opponent in my opinion.

They have had some good policy ideas in the last term but they seem to rush too quickly with implementing them without giving them proper thought or considering possible consequences. Just my take.
please can anyone on ASF with a heart help me?

I don't think anyone can help you. You are too mired in the past to contribute anything to a discussion about Gillard. You really are a political dinosaur.

If you care to have a look at the title of this thread, you will find it is about the here and now.
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