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Discovery! New Pattern

11 September 2009
Hi guys,

Today was a day of great discovery. I was sitting at my desk wathcing the hong kong market when this beast popped up in front of me.

Now that, is unlike any pattern i've ever seen before! Clearly the market has no frigin clue, what it wants to do. That is pretty much a perfect balance of buyers and sellers.

Now, i have discovered this new pattern, and like any great discovery it should be named. My mind is fried from watching the markets all day, so i need some help comming up with a name.

I was thinking "double team" or "tug o war"

(This is really for fun, so if you have some serious comments id prefer you went and bored somebody else.)


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to me it looks like the little known "praying mantis" pattern

here, i have included an example, see:


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Poor bloke. Just a shell of his former self. :
Hmm since its the Hong Kong market, how about crouching tiger hidden dragon?

it's a tweezer top IMO champ.
why's everyone giving this guy s.h.i.t? I guess he's new to this, so why not show a little support to him??

or are we all master players in here? :bowdown:

hahaha apocolypto

i did say it was a bit of fun at the bottom of my first post. im not new, im just having a mess around!

Thanks for the support though!
Pig on the Spit..... both sides f**king the market

or The Handjob.... look at it going up & down, up & down, up & down..... errrr excuse me i have to errr..... go see a man about a dog
Pig on the Spit..... both sides f**king the market

or The Handjob.... look at it going up & down, up & down, up & down..... errrr excuse me i have to errr..... go see a man about a dog

hahaha liking that one, handjob. But will it blow? or will it go down
look familiar guys???

classic handjob/wounded goat/praying mantis etc etc etc haha


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