I see no reason why you would interpret my sentence with an upper class English accent, as opposed to say a Southern Kentucky yobbo accent. Nothing in my post was trying to attack you and it is unforunate that you have interpreted it as such. The same applies to a number of other posts in this thread - most are just debating the topic at hand and I can't see anthing directed at you personally.
16 trades being an inadequate sample size to determine win% longer term is a simple statement of fact. If you have a larger sample size from your months of trading feel free to put those on the table.
Yeah and show you all the losses I encountered as a beginner - that would really be a good PR exercise for my credibility on this forum. I had some dirty losses when I didn't know what I was doing as most people probably did. I shared those stats cause they were from the last few days and on hand (the account I was actively trading). You said you couldn't understand why saying "and do go get" to someone was rude or snobby so I asked you to say it to yourself in a an English accent, I used upper class to differentiate between the standard British accent and a cockney one. If you'd used a yokels accent of any country, the effect would not have been the same - I take it from your concern that you didn't actually bother going to the mirror and giving it a shot?
Eitherway, I did pretty bloody well last week. I loved every trade I made and it paid off.
I concede this round with a painful case of scoliosis, I'll see you all tomorrow.... or maybe in the new york session