Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Defending Brett Kavanaugh

What's happened to the real wordly WayneL and who has taken control of his account??
Who is this credulous doppelganger?

We are expected to believe in an obviously faked official document released to the WWW and a confession signed by Jane Doe?
(Not likely to be related to an election soon?)
Lol. Fake documents. Whatcha got to say for yourself Wayne? TFDS (Trump fan boy derangement syndrome)??? :D
The irony is that the Republican are uniting for Trump in the face of these despicable attacks by the Democrats. Combined with the current immigrant caravan approaching the border with Mexico, it's been a great fillip to the Republicans ahead of the US mid term elections.

Bravo to Brett Kavanaugh for not being bullied into withdrawing. He showed great character. Daisy Cousins described it as a 'political atrocity', and she is right.

Dr Ford is equally a victim, and I hope she gets the help she needs.
So, DK and Knobby, how do you two buffoons feel now you've made fools of yourselves?
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Soo... old man Chuck there figured the other so-called victims of Saint Brett were lying and should be investigated. But the biggest liar of them all, Dr. Ford... the one who brought his nomination to a stand still... she's not being referred to the DOJ for some serious talking to?

So was Dr. Ford lying or not? By the FBI's and the wise old farts not finding any evidence.. Ford must be lying then... if she lied, why not referred her to justice too?

I thought these old, wise lawmakers know when to quit while they're ahead and have already won.
Beats me why this thread is still running.

It wasn't very interesting in the first place and it's been done to death since.
Beats me why this thread is still running.

It wasn't very interesting in the first place and it's been done to death since.
I thought it was an interesting development on a number of levels.

My deepest and sincerest apologies it was so very uninteresting that you clicked on, and read it. :rolleyes:
I thought it was an interesting development on a number of levels.

My deepest and sincerest apologies it was so very uninteresting that you clicked on, and read it. :rolleyes:

Haha yeah, Kavanagh himself is boring but the verbal battles here between the opposite sides of the spectrum are amusing. :roflmao:
Haha yeah, Kavanagh himself is boring but the verbal battles here between the opposite sides of the spectrum are amusing. :roflmao:

There's not much difference really. Always a bit of Yin in the Yang, Yang in the Yin :D

btw, where's Tisme?
Beats me why this thread is still running.

It wasn't very interesting in the first place and it's been done to death since.

I second that Sir Rumpy.
When I was very young, all sorts of things were thrust at me. However I was never a rabid feminist so had no problem with a young man's peccadillos. I found it mildy flattering if slighly annoying. I had no problem with putting a bloke in his place.There were more than a couple of blokes I could have named and shamed if I had wanted to be a female canine but I became a grown-up.
Who would like their entire life to be judged through the prism of their behaviour when 17 years old. Any volunteers! Own up you undergraduates.

As for Dr Ford, a polygraph test would be a start, as if she would ever submit to it
Ford will be busted eventually. Already her testimony has the credibility of a $3 note, once the hard evidence surfaces, she's going to gaol.