Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Deceptive Terrorism Support

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23 June 2005

Anti-war protesters gather

SEVERAL thousand people have gathered in the centre of Sydney, calling on the world to "give peace a chance" in the Middle East.
Protesters carrying Australian and Lebanese flags and placards have converged on Town Hall and blocked off George Street, in Sydney's CBD.

Organisers are expecting up to 20,000 people to rally today and demand an end to Israel's attack on Lebanon and Palestine.

They have stressed today's protest will be a peaceful one and have warned demonstrators not to burn flags.

"For the sake of everyone and for the sake of the people we are trying to support (those in Lebanon) – they don't want this to be violent. They have had enough violence," an unnamed organiser told the crowd.

After 1pm (AEST), the crowd will march down George Street to King Street and into Martin Place.

Mostly Lebonese who really dont like the idea that Israel has a great capability of defending itself instead of allowing itself to be pushed into the sea and murdered and butchered by the Arab peoples around them including the Lebonese.
One more thing; are these Lebonese protesters going to ask for the release of the unprovoked kidnapped Israeli soldiers as well?,21985,19874889-5005961,00.html

Mid East policy a failure, rally told

July 22, 2006 04:54pm

THE deputy chairman of the Australian Arabic Council (AAC) has told a Melbourne rally against Israeli attacks on Lebanon that Australia's foreign policy is a failure.
Several hundred people turned out for the Rally for Peace and Justice in Lebanon which started outside the State Library in Swanston Street about 2pm (AEST).

The protest, organised by the Committee for Peace and Justice in Lebanon, Victorian Peace Network and AAC, called for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon.

AAC deputy chairman Taimor Hazou, who was one of the speakers at the rally, said Prime Minister John Howard and Foreign Minister Alexander Downer had failed to pressure for a ceasefire.

"The inability to pressure for a ceasefire is a perfect illustration of the failure of our Middle East policy," Mr Hazou said.

"Our influence is insignificant.

"Australia has done the bidding of Israel and the US, yet the impact and relevance of this relationship is negligible when it concerns Australians or Australian interests.

"The Government should support the United Nations and demand an immediate ceasefire."

Mr Hazou said Israel had responded to the kidnapping of soldiers in Gaza and southern Lebanon with a "disproportionate use of force".

"There should be no mistake that what Israel is doing amounts to collective punishment ... it is deliberately imposing suffering and infrastructural damage on civilians in both Gaza and Lebanon," Mr Hazou said.

The only thing that would keep this racist jew/Israeli hater happy would be to send Aussie troops to help Hezzabollah whilst the young men of Lebonese descent run from battle with a free trip to Australia by the Aussie tax payer.

What an absolute joke, they need to see the spirit of the young Aussie diggers of past wars as an example of patrionism......

c'mon Lebonese stand up and fight for Lebonon its your land.

They seem totally ignorant of the effects that Arafat caused years ago and now hezbollah. Get rid of hezbollah and let the government military do the defending independent of Iran and Syria. There exists a regime within and perfectly operating government - one of the better middle east societies.

Years agao it was the best society before Arafat corrupted it after being kicked out of Jordan for causing trouble. History notes, where ever the palestinians go there is trouble.

And for those PC, green types who think the palestinians are poor and lower class deserving our help; they have been one of the more educated and intelligent people of the the Middle East.
At yesterdays rally in Melbourne the so called peaceful Lebonese attacked other protesters that were stating the fact that Arab leaders overseas need to do a lot more in regards to terrorist attacks against the nation of Israel.

It is time our state and federal governments got up and tell these Lebonese in Australia that if this is the way they think;leave and make your home in the middle east and let Israel deal with their terrorist mentality.
Hey didnt I see you guys at Cronulla last year?????

Educate yourself with more than just CNN and then post your sweeping general wonder meatheads like G.W.Bush get re-elected........

This garbage does not even deserve correction........

I think this thread needs to be retitled "Deceptive white supremacist support"
the_godfather4 said:
Hey didnt I see you guys at Cronulla last year?????

Educate yourself with more than just CNN and then post your sweeping general wonder meatheads like G.W.Bush get re-elected........

This garbage does not even deserve correction........

I think this thread needs to be retitled "Deceptive white supremacist support"

These statements are facts "Godfather" and dont expect us to censor facts! if you dont like it dont ask us to lie about what is really and actually going on.

You can always start a new thread.
TheAnalyst said:
These statements are facts "Godfather" and dont expect us to censor facts! if you dont like it dont ask us to lie about what is really and actually going on.

You can always start a new thread.

I don't think any of us *REALLY* know what's going on.

I suggest we all have some sort of bias one way or the other.

Those with extreme bias should examine the reasons for such... religion, propaganda, whatever. Then they should give themselves an uppercut to wake themselves up. This sort of thing never happens in a vacuum in the modern age.

I have said it before, there are no white hats here. Both sides have agendas.

However, the targeting of civilians, no matter who's doing it, is obsene, despicable, and in fact is terrorism.

The way I see it, we have two terrorist organisations fighting each other, with the possibility of other terrorist groups (governments) joining in.

I repeat! There are no white hats.

I just wish the general populace had the wherewithal to call these organisations ( governmental or otherwise) to account. It is our lives they are gambling with.

Hey didnt I see you guys at Cronulla last year?????

It`s this type of comment that is ruidiculous and shows the poster`s maturity, or lack of. :mad:

Well for your information God4: I lived in the Bansktown area of Sydney for over 3 years and worked there as well. If you don`t know it is the Lebanon of Australia.

Lets just say I have first hand knowledge of these people and the way they treat Australia. I had tenents who were part of the PLO with banners proudly displayed in their dingy little apartments and photos of themselves holding machine guns. I had people accuse me of being jewish because I was white etc. Lebanese worked on my car, cut my hair and were, apart from the Vietnamese the main source of my income. Generally I got along well with most of them, because they treated me ok and I did the same. I actually understand that they are people being led astray by their religions and leaders. There were some who created trouble for others and some who were locked up for rape etc. Most tried to fit in , but there were those who will never fit in. The Lakemba book shop selling hate books: I`ve seen it; I didn`t know exactly what they were selling - books I know, but I have seen the creepy looking weird ones that hang out there. Lakemba is one dangerous place now - recall the Police station being shot up, well it is opposite that book shop just down the street. But, I am not drawing any links here, just a geographical coincidence.

I used to buy Lebanese bread nearly every day for snacks becuase it is the best and I miss it now - go to Yagoona if you want to try the best. The bread in Riverwood is not as good.I have friends who I miss and yes they are Lebanese.

Educate yourself with more than just CNN and then post your sweeping general wonder meatheads like G.W.Bush get re-elected........

I don`t watch CNN. My statements are not general - I have seen it all in Bankstown, Lakemba and Greenacre.

Don`t you think it is a bit arrogant to think that we all get our info from the idiot box etc?

This garbage does not even deserve correction........

I think this thread needs to be retitled "Deceptive white supremacist support"

Call it what you like, but I suggest you start to wakeup and find out for yourself. ;) And leave your prejudices for the game of cricket and soccer.

Oh and every Israeli I have met has been a very nice person and law abiding, but I realise it is not representative of the rest of them. :cool: Though I wish I had met more so I could understand why they are hated so much.

Think about it God!
the_godfather4 said:
Hey didnt I see you guys at Cronulla last year?????

Educate yourself with more than just CNN and then post your sweeping general wonder meatheads like G.W.Bush get re-elected........

This garbage does not even deserve correction........

I think this thread needs to be retitled "Deceptive white supremacist support"

Actually God,

Hezbollah is an illegal army. Do you not respect the mandate of the UNations?

Do you not repect the fact that Lebanon should rule themselves without Iran and Syria interfering?

what you need to do is study the whole history of Israel and the reasons for its rebirth as a nation in 1948 and find out the reasons why the Arabs hate them and want them driven into the sea and how the Arab leaders have propagated racism and lies about them. What is terribble is these people have brang their racism and murderous doctrine to our land and it was ignored from the beginning and we actually have a bigger problem than our intelligence services are telling us.
TheAnalyst said:

what you need to do is study the whole history of Israel and the reasons for its rebirth as a nation in 1948 and find out the reasons why the Arabs hate them and want them driven into the sea and how the Arab leaders have propagated racism and lies about them. What is terribble is these people have brang their racism and murderous doctrine to our land and it was ignored from the beginning and we actually have a bigger problem than our intelligence services are telling us.

Fair enough Analyst. But my point is that the other mob ain't skeaky clean either. Lets not get carried away with the lop-sided analysis. Lets examine history from both points of view.

wayneL said:
Fair enough Analyst. But my point is that the other mob ain't skeaky clean either. Lets not get carried away with the lop-sided analysis. Lets examine history from both points of view.


Hi Wayne

My point is what the protesters failed to denounce which to me and others says a lot about their real motives and have never seen Jews behave this way in Australia.
TheAnalyst said:
Hi Wayne

My point is what the protesters failed to denounce which to me and others says a lot about their real motives and have never seen Jews behave this way in Australia.

But have you seen the way they are behaving in Lebonon? The people being killed are not Hezbollah, just folks tryng to get by in the world.

Speaking of history, the irony is that the zionists practised terrorism against the British in palestine.

There is no difference between these two opponents. Terrorists are terrorists whether guerillas or government, whether Israeli or Arab... or American or British for that matter, muslim, jew, christian, or hindu.

What is happening in the Mid East is terrorism... from both sides. Dropping bombs or firing missiles into civilian areas is terrorism.
wayneL said:
But have you seen the way they are behaving in Lebonon? The people being killed are not Hezbollah, just folks tryng to get by in the world.

Speaking of history, the irony is that the zionists practised terrorism against the British in palestine.

There is no difference between these two opponents. Terrorists are terrorists whether guerillas or government, whether Israeli or Arab... or American or British for that matter, muslim, jew, christian, or hindu.

What is happening in the Mid East is terrorism... from both sides. Dropping bombs or firing missiles into civilian areas is terrorism.

Whoo Wayne I am talking of the protests in Australia and stating facts that if the Lebonese and their leaders want to protest then let them state all the facts and not leave any out and let them tell what they really think of Jews and we know what that is here and abroad.

Dont forget after Britian helped the Jews establish their own land again they then trained the Jordianians and the Ejyptians to kill them but the Israeli's were good at shooting down British war planes. So lets conentrate on what they are trying to spread in Australia.
TheAnalyst said:
Dont forget after Britian helped the Jews establish their own land again they then trained the Jordianians and the Ejyptians to kill them but the Israeli's were good at shooting down British war planes.

My point exactly. They are all terrorists. Even the Brits, Yanks, and yes, Israelis.

TheAnalyst said:
So lets conentrate on what they are trying to spread in Australia.

What are they trying to spread?
Just read what the protests were about Wayne a one sided story with lots of pieces must be very niave.....leave it at that.


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TheAnalyst said:
Just read what the protests were about Wayne a one sided story with lots of pieces must be very niave.....leave it at that.

Now you're going ad hominem. That usually means someone is finding it difficult justifying their position with logic. So just start casting aspersions.

Weak as p&^%.
wayneL said:
Now you're going ad hominem. That usually means someone is finding it difficult justifying their position with logic. So just start casting aspersions.

Weak as p&^%.

Whatever Wayne.........
wayneL said:
What are they trying to spread?

TheAnalyst said:
Whatever Wayne.........

Why don't you just provide a link so I can read what they are trying to spread?

It was a genuine question FFS.

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