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CZZ - Capilano Honey

I don't know but in today's age. I wouldn't be making any accusations against any big company unless I had hard evidence to back me up. Those companies will take you to the cleaners with big $$$$ backing them against your $100 thou annual wage.
And if the produce sold in Australia were dangerous to eat, wouldn't our H&S watchdogs be barking the house down?

I don't trust the authorities to tell me what's safe to eat and what isn't. Check out Monsantos soy beans, GMO foods etc. Even the stuff they put in our water is toxic.
I don't trust the authorities to tell me what's safe to eat and what isn't. Check out Monsantos soy beans, GMO foods etc. Even the stuff they put in our water is toxic.

Not wanting to derail the thread, but show me a single scientific study showing any downside to 'monsanto' (or any other) soy beans or GMO foods.

Not even going to bother with the toxic water.
Not wanting to derail the thread, but show me a single scientific study showing any downside to 'monsanto' (or any other) soy beans or GMO foods.

Not even going to bother with the toxic water.

Scientific studies are for the right-hand side of the IQ Bell curve.
Social media blogs are spreading conspiracy theories to the other half.
Scientific studies are for the right-hand side of the IQ Bell curve.
Social media blogs are spreading conspiracy theories to the other half.

Yep, and very few people bother to actually go and check the facts, they just click like and share.

Simon is a serial pest, and he blocks anyone that tries to correct any of the misinformation he is spreading, I last two posts on his page before he deleted my posts and blocked me, that's why capilano had to go ahead with legal action.
New product on the shelf, apparently is a world first, capilano adding to their consumer honey market by adding higher value medicinal products to their range.

Chemist warehouse have it in stock if you are interested.

... which may well lend support to the sp, rising from a possible Double Bottom?

I've been buying.
Thanks VC. So is this essentially like adding a teaspoon of Yakult to the honey? Looks interesting... Not sure if it will significantly add to the revenue though
Thanks VC. So is this essentially like adding a teaspoon of Yakult to the honey? Looks interesting... Not sure if it will significantly add to the revenue though

Yakult is a probiotic, this honey is a prebiotic.

Probiotic work by adding good bacteria into the gut, which may not have lasting effects if the gut is a hostile environment for the probiotic bacteria, the prebiotic works to boost good bacteria by making the gut a better environment for the good bacteria to begin with.

I think it will improve revenue and profit, I think this line will sell well, especially in the export market, and it won't subtract from the regular consumer lines.

Prebiotics natural exist in honey in varying amounts, what capilano has done here is firstly clinical prove the beneficial effects in humans, and secondly patent a test that allows the prebiotic level to the tested, so they can select the batches with high levels of prebiotic and pack it into a higher value product.

I also think that having some higher end medicinal honeys in the range will give the consumer product lines more "street cred" so to speak, so it's good for the brand in general.
Thanks VC. So is this essentially like adding a teaspoon of Yakult to the honey? Looks interesting... Not sure if it will significantly add to the revenue though
Without the selling speech: more like adding a teaspoon of sugars so it will feed your pre existing gut flora.
The human body is an ecosystem, and CZZ tries to capture the trends attached to that understanding;
Will see what the commercial success is: trend is the word so if it catches, could be good for the SP.
I do not own nor work for CZZ

No qldfrog, a prebiotic is not simply sugar, it's a non digestible plant fibre that acts as food for good gut bacteria, not all honey has high levels of it.
No qldfrog, a prebiotic is not simply sugar, it's a non digestible plant fibre that acts as food for good gut bacteria, not all honey has high levels of it.
VC, it is clear you are biased cf CZZ.
I do not know if you are a owner (and I do not mean shareholder here) or work for them;
A quick browse thru the history on this thread made this clear:
#156 for example. People can make their own mind.
In itself, it is actually good to have a direct line to a listed company to ask questions, etc and i would question you directly if I had any need.
But, even if some prebiotic may be "non digestible plant fibre " how would you find: "non digestible plant fibre" in purified and filtered honey?

I was not attacking CZZ here was I?They are trying to tap a market of supplements/natural product and good on them.
Honey has a mix of sugars and even treated filtered and sterilised, these remain and have different, mostly beneficial good properties: slower absorbtion, etc [CZZ or not], and that could help your body.
That is true, fair and proven.
If this thread is a ramp thread tell me, but the idea is to share objective ideally impartial information, not company marketing.If I want to subscribe to the Pravda, I can do it knowingly.
Sorry if this looks harsh but I am not happy with one liners like:"it's a non digestible plant fibre" which goes against all my knowledge of pollen purified honey: no fibre left as far as i know.
If i am wrong , feel free to point me to proper material on non digestible plant fibre in purified honey and i would be happy to know it, as you know, i produce honey on a hobby manner and am a keen supporter of honey so my interest in CZZ.
Honestly, it just looks like pure marketing spin - not a bad thing from a shareholders point of view, but nothing moe than spin.

The marketing has no links to any publishd and peer reviewed scientific papers, it hints at some research to support their contention that prebiotics may be contained its honey and that prebiotics may have benificial health effects.

The other concerning thing is that it means CZZ is not required to put the normal nutritional panel on the packaging, so it hides the fact that honey is basically pure sugar/carbohydrate. This has its own health implications which are probably greater than any potential benefits to your gut!
'Clinically shown'
'Based on scientific evidence'

On a product label seems to be the goto memes for marketers these days

VC. You are pretty rigourous backing up your cases against religious dogma.
A bit of that rigour is necessary to separate these ccz claims from The herd.
Active Ingredient: Australian Honey does look a little odd. Why not name the actual active ingredient, if the science is so sound?

I'm also not convinced (enough) that this would be a much more compelling purchase than regular honey. That's not to say others wouldn't buy it though.

Will read with interest.
I'm also not convinced (enough) that this would be a much more compelling purchase than regular honey. That's not to say others wouldn't buy it though.

It's probably not, but where's the science for organic fruit and veg? There may be parts that are worthwhile, but on the whole very little science involved
No qldfrog, a prebiotic is not simply sugar, it's a non digestible plant fibre that acts as food for good gut bacteria, not all honey has high levels of it.

Guys, there are different types of prebiotics. Inulin, hi-maize, sago etc (FOS, or fructooligosaccharides) are what we often find as used as a commercial prebiotic. Honey does contain uniqe oligosaccharides (as opposed to oligofructose) that are not easily digested and meet the criteria of a prebiotic.

This is well known and researched. Honey is a wonderful food - come to think of it, I haven't actually had any for a long time (despite the fact that we are very lucky and receive local honey produced by my father-in-law).

Yes I am a shareholder, I have made that pretty clear throughout this thread.

No, I don't work for the company.

I have absolutely no reason to "Ramp" the stock, none of my shares are for sale or have ever been sold, so any "ramping" would be just making my own purchases more expensive.

In regards to the prebiotic, it is already a well known thing that honey contains prebiotic, however capilano has developed a process that allows them to test a honey and identify the actual amount in each batch, they have also conducted research proving the prebiotic does in fact increase the levels of probiotic in the gut, this was already suspected but had never been proven until now.


I can't see a problem with me pointing out a new product of a company in its thread, not sure why I should be accused of ramping for this.

I also can't see how any of my posts could be considered biased, I mean yes I have been posting about the positive out look for capilano for a long time, but this positive outlook has been shown to be justified by the performance of the company, I mean I remember copping flak in my early posts for suggesting capilano was worth more than $5 pershare when it was in the $3's, was this biased ramping? I don't think so, I think it was just the facts.
From Jan 2014.

Here is one of my early posts, I can't see how it could be considered ramping? It seems to me like I was trying to give people a clear understanding of the companies position.

Since then most of my posts have been either some simple commentary of results as they have been announced, mentioning news of new products or acquisitions, or responding to other comments, again I can't see how any of it is ramping, and also if people had bought when I first posted, they would be up over 500% now, so maybe I should have been ramping harder, lol.
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