One of Young Traders old favourites, if I remember correctly.
Cullen has applied for ground over six known graphite prospects a number of which include airborne EM anomalies and some very significant reported historical drill intersections, such as:7.6m @ 34.8% C and 99.55m @ 12.1% C for further investigation.
Cullen has now lodged three Ore Prospecting Licence applications (Exploration Licence equivalents) and four Claim Reservation applications over six graphite prospects in the name of its wholly-owned, Finnish-registered subsidiary company.
The major strategic advantages of Cullen’s Finnish graphite portfolio are:
•Location in a first world country with very good infrastructure and a well-educated and trained workforce;
•Existing, accessible data and drill core material that will allow rapid evaluation and determination of potential;
•Proximity to potential graphite markets in Europe; and,
•Advanced prospects with indications of potential multi-million tonne Exploration Targets1 of fine to flake-size graphite from work completed to date.
Redefined Targets from downhole EM surveying -North Tuckabianna Project
A short, initial, seven-hole, reconnaissance Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling programme (~1000m) completed to test three strong VTEM conductors identified by Cullen’s helicopter-borne geophysical survey over the Eelya Felsic Complex did not return any significant assays. Subsequently, downhole EM surveying was completed at all three VTEM anomalies. The positions of the conductor plates have been redefined by these surveys, and show that the conductive targets have been narrowly missed by this initial drilling which, therefore, has not been adequately tested. Drilling of the redefined targets from the downhole EM surveys is planned.
Drilling programme commenced –Minter Tungsten Project, New South Wales
A combined RCP(reverse circulation percussion)/diamond drilling programme (~800m in total) is underway to test geochemical and geological targets at the Doyenwae and Orr Trig prospects within the Minter tungsten project, located approximately 50km north west of West Wyalong in central New South Wales. It includes shallow RCP drilling of soil and rock-chip tungsten geochemical anomalies at both prospects. In addition, a deep RCP/diamond drill hole to 250-300m is planned at each of the Doyenwae and Orr Trig prospects with a view to testing for tungsten mineralisation at and/or proximal to inferred mineralising intrusives.
At Doyenwae, Cullen has previously discovered significant shallow tungsten in the form of ferberite (FeWO4) with associated goethite and limonite in aircore percussion drilling. Best intersections of 8m @ 0.38% WO3 from 22m in DAC3 and 24m @ 0.32% WO3 from 4m in DAC6 were obtained.