ann out this morning regarding post-seismic evaluation upgrade (threefold) of the potential of ctp's first planned oil target in the amadeus basin

for up to 998 million barrels (MMbbls) of Undiscovered Oil Initially In Place in a number of potential reservoir horizons in the Johnstone Oil Prospect
In particular, the primary Pacoota Sandstone horizon – a known hydrocarbon producer at the neighbouring Mereenie Oil Field and Palm Valley Gas Field – could potentially host an estimated 669 MMbbls of Undiscovered Oil Initially In Place in the Johnstone prospect.
Our seismic remapping has increased the prospectivity of the Johnstone prospect by more than three times, and confirmed it as one of the most exciting hydrocarbon prospects in our current portfolio
We will now move systematically towards the drilling of our first well, Johnstone-1, as a priority of our next exploration campaign, which is planned to get underway in the second half of the year