17 October 2006
New Drilling Doubles Area of Commercial Mineralisation
Conquest Mining Limited is pleased to announce that the recent discovery known as the Silver Hill Deposit has been substantially extended to 750m strike length. Significant mineralisation has now been intersected over an area of 20 hectares and doubles the previously reported area of commercial mineralisation.
In addition, recent diamond drilling has now demonstrated that the gold mineralisation at V2 not only has strong strike extension, but huge depth potential as indicated by a massive intersection in hole HC06RCD059 of 81 metres @ 2.78 g/t gold from 85 to 166m depth. Uninterrupted drilling with two rigs (one diamond core and one reverse circulati on) has continued in line with projected targets. In the last 2 months 5,426 m of RC and 1,409m of HQ triple tube core has been completed for a total of 45 RC holes and 11 diamond holes.
Priority targets have included drill extensions around the high grade silver intersection in hole HC06RC39 (previously reported as 28m @ 4,350 g/t silver, 0.71 g/t gold, and 5.9% copper), and around the high grade gold intersections in hole HC06RC53 and in hole HC06RC74 (Figure 1 below).
Drilling near hole HC06RC39 has confirmed the high grade nature of the mineralisation and will allow inclusion of this material in the next resource estimate in the current quarter. Drilling has also extended the mineralisation west 100m, and surprisingly also to the north west. At the western end the mineralisation is deeper with holes ending in mineralisation.
Managing Director, John Terpu, said “so far we have tested only 30% of our 1 kilometre circular magnetic target and the continued expansion of the deposit confirms the substantial potential of this project”. As previously reported, the mineralisation occurs predominantly in a flat lying unit with high grade zones occurring near the intersection with major structures. Additionally, recent
holes at V2 hill are now demonstrating considerable depth extension to the north and east.
Near hole 39
Diamond drilling at hole HC06DD004 (to twin hole HC06RC39) has confirmed the high grade with an intersection of 21m @ 1864 g/t silver and 3.52%copper. This is within a 59m zone that averaged 777 g/t silver and 1.31% copper (Table 1 below). Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling has extended the mineralisation west 100m along the vein zone with holes HC06RC77 and 84. Both holes ended in significant mineralisation and respectively intersected 38m @ 191 g/t silver and 10m @ 105 g/t silver. At the western end the alode is deeper with mineralisation not intersected till 92m depth (10m @ 105 g/t silver). Hole 84 ended in mineralisation at 102m depth.
Hole HC06RC78 drilled 80m to the north west intersected 24m @ 190 g/t silver. Combined with the intersection in hole 84, this opens up the immediate resource potential to the northwest.
Near hole 53
Two holes were drilled under the hole HC06RC053 high grade gold zone. The first, hole HC06RCD058, was drilled parallel to duplicate the original intersection. An intersection of 38m @ 8.42g/t gold, 44.5g/t silver, and 0.86%copper resulted. The zone was extended north down dip with hole HC06RCD059 and intersected a massive 81m @ 2.78 g/t gold from 85 – 166m depth. These holes demonstrate considerable depth potential under V2 Hill.
Near hole 74 As recently announced, hole HC06RC74 and adjacent holes 72 and 73B intersected large widths of gold grade with good silver and copper grades. Hole 74 intersected 37m @ 4.93 g/t gold, including 22m @ 8.09 g/t gold; hole 72 intersected 33m @ 1.89 g/t gold; and hole 73B
intersected 31m @2.34 g/t gold. In combination with previous hole HERC83 (16m @ 1.16 g/t gold and 4m @ 4.63 g/t gold) this section adds substantially to the resource and exploration potential on the east side.
Diamond holes will be drilled on a 25m line spacing in this area to provide detailed geology and assays to compare with reverse circulation percussion holes. Figure 1 : Drill Hole Location Plan
Table 1: October 2006 Significant Drill Intersections
Drill Hole Coordinates Significant Intervals
Silver Hill and V2 Prospect Area
RC Holes
HC06RC072 * 7758150 559075 103-136m; 33m@ 1.89g/tAu, 32g/tAg, 0.37%Cu
incl 103-114m; 11m@ 4.40g/tAu, 63g/tAg, 0.72%Cu
HC06RC073B 7758102 559065 105-136m; 31m@ 2.34g/tAu, 7g/tAg, 0.14%Cu
HC06RC074 * 7758050 559065 79-116m; 37m@ 4.93g/tAu, 6g/tAg, 0.06%Cu
incl 79-101m; 22m@ 8.09g/tAu, 7g/tAg & 0.09%Cu
HC06RC075 7757752 558596 24-44m; 20m@ 0.01g/tAu, 110g/tAg, 0.08%Cu
65-71m; 6m@ 0.08g/tAu, 79g/tAg, 0.12%Cu
HC06RC076+ 7757749 558596 44-48m; 4m@ 0.12g/tAu, 28g/tAg, 0.01%Cu
60-68m; 8m@ 0.01g/tAu, 41g/tAg, 0.01%Cu
104-124m; 20m@ 0.10g/tAu, 43g/tAg, 0.09%Cu
HC06RC077+ * 7757793 558550 56-94m; 38m@0.23g/tAu, 191g/tAg, 0.11%Cu
HC06RC078+ 7757840 558550 60-84m; 24m@0.01g/tAu, 190g/tAg, 0.09%Cu
HC06RC079+ 7757840 558588 76-80m; 4m@ 0.08g/tAu, 24g/tAg, 0.02%Cu
HC06RC080 7758000 559065 45-56m; 12m@ 0.62Au, 6Ag, 0.05Cu
HC06RC081+ 7757950 559065 32-36m; 4m@ 0.15g/tAu, 2.3g/tAg, 0.01%Cu
HC06RC082+ 7757895 559070 40-56m; 16m@ 0.52 g/t Au, 39 g/t Ag, 0.05Cu
HC06RC083+ 7757850 558795 32-56m; 20m@ 0.23 g/t Au, 26 g/t Ag, 0.0.8% Cu
also 64-68m, 4m@ 0.04 g/t Au, 66 g/t Ag, 0.49Cu
HC06RC084+ * 7757800 558500 92-102m; 10m@ 105 g/t Ag, 0.04% Cu, 0.003 g/t Au
HC06RC086+ * 7757725 558595 40-99m; 49m@0.069g/t Au, 1488g/t Ag, 1.70%Cu
HC06RC087+ 7757850 558750 40-60m; 20m@ 0.1g/t Au, 31g/t Ag, 0.23% Cu
HC06RC088+ 7757815 558770 16-28m, 12m@ 0.40Au, 27Ag, 0.02Cu
HC06RC089+ 7757903 558760 48-52m, 4m@ 0.36Au, 11Ag, 0.07Cu
HC06RC090+ 7757950 558745 40-52m; 12m@ 0.24g/t Au, 21g/t Ag, 0.1% Cu
HC06RC091+ 7758000 558752 12-20m; 8m@0.06g/t Au, 48g/t Ag, 0.18%Cu
incl: 48-84m; 36m@ 0.12g/t Au, 53g/t Ag, 0.15%Cu
HC06RC092+ 7758050 558750 4-36m; 32m@ 0.07Au, 60Ag, 0.08Cu
HC06RC093+ 7758097 558750 24-68m; 0.06Au, 34Ag, 0.05Cu
Diamond Holes
HC06DD004 7757800 558595 22-79m; 59m@777g/t Ag, 1.31%Cu, 0.050Au
54-75m; 21m@ 1864g/t Ag, 3.52% Cu, 0.071Au
HC06RCD058 7758100 558975 100-138m; 38m@ 8.42g/t Au, 44.5g/t Ag, 0.86% Cu,
Incl: 113-130; 17m@ 18.0g/t Au, 79.8g/t Ag, 1.46% Cu
also 84-96m; 12m@ 2.89g/t Au, 14g/t Ag, 0.45% Cu
HC06RCD059 7758100 558975 85-166m; 81m@2.78 g/t Au, 28g/t Ag, 0.65%Cu,
incl: 1m@ 58 g/t Au,
and 7m@ 5.02 g/t Au, 107 g/t Ag, 4.05%Cu.
All holes drilled magnetic south at -60 degrees, except holes 75 and 86 drilled north at -60 degrees, and hole 59 drilled south at -80 degrees. Holes 57 - 71 are precollars for diamond drilling
+ denotes holes with 4m composite results awaiting 1m ore grade assays.
* denotes hole that ended in mineralisation.
The reverse circulation percussion drilling rig will continue exploration drilling on 50m and 100m spaced section lines to extend the deposit, and will also test new targets as required. Diamond drilling will complete the current pattern on the south side of V2 hill, then move to drill a line of holes to confirm the gold mineralisation intersected in holes HC06RC72, 73B, and 74.
Drilling is planned to continue for the remainder of the year with the objective of defining the extent of the new Silver Hill deposit. A further 95 drill pads have been cleared for this work.