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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Feeling pretty vindicated at the moment.
Maybe you should be feeling pretty lucky at the moment instead.

Unjabbed? That was obviously your decision to make and I'm not here to judge you. I will suggest though that had you caught the Delta strain way back when, your ability to cope with it might very well have been different to what it is now. It is pure luck that you hadn't caught it until now. I should have caught it 3 months ago when it ripped through my workplace in two days, except that I wasn't there that week. Luck.

No I don't feel lucky. We have spent our lives augmenting our health and immune systems, to the best of our knowledge.

We are not, nor ever have been on any sort of medication, apart from the occasional NSAID or antibiotic, both both standing heart rates under 60.

In fact, there is a possibility that we caught Delta way back in April 2020 as we have some symptoms then. Unfortunately I cannot prove that either way as there was no testing available.

Good health requires both diligence and hard work, but as such is available to every person in our society unless they have some sort of genetic compromise... And I do feel for those people, but they can help themselves in the same way as much as possible.

Where I do consider us lucky is that we do have good genes.
Wayne - your symptoms sound similar to a work colleague l work with who got Covid a few months ago. Headache for half a day, thats it. Stay safe. For the record, l'm not getting any more jabs. l'm done with it. I played their game, it's now over.

There is also tons of data coming out from the USA that shows, without a shadow of a doubt, that "masks vs no masks", states were the same regarding infection rate. However, our media is now starting to turn up the 'we should return to wearing masks' dial. Masks should be optional, everywhere.

Currently in Brisbane Airport

Mask mandates in place at airport

I did a walk through both Qantas and Virgin terminals

My rough mask estimates -

Around 80% wearing masks
Of those 80%, at least 50% aren't fitted correctly
Maybe 5% - 10% are wearing K/N95 masks. Of those people, around 40% aren't wearing them correctly.
Kids under 10, none wearing masks.

In the cafes, food courts & bars, 99%+ take off masks for eating/sitting.

It's all theatre/political posturing.

Masks should be optional at this point and we should be striving to get natural immunity from the Omicron strain asap, not stopping it.
^ Why are you quoting a Pommy RWNJ rag for something that may or may not be happening closer to home?
^ Why are you quoting a Pommy RWNJ rag for something that may or may not be happening closer to home?

From the article:

"South Australian Labor premier introduces $75k fines"
From the article:

"South Australian Labor premier introduces $75k fines"
So after making people shake in their boots and wesring nappies on their faces to feel better
Here comes a real disease with respectively 1% and 10% fatality rate.
The monkey pox, the origin of the disease not being PC, the dynamic northern part of the African continent is minimising the media coverage and focusing on Putin
I would suggest we start euthanasy by poll to avoid hospital system collapse and lockdown any person within 100km of detected case with martial laws reinstated?
This is more than 100 times worse than covid...
I am a monkey pox expert, give ABC and News ltd my contacts please,bulk billing for 10+ interviews....
From the article:

"South Australian Labor premier introduces $75k fines"
I note that my question remains unanswered.

The article itself is misleading and in my opinion designed to keep the conspiracy theorists all het up. The fines have NOT been introduced. People will NOT go to jail for two years for failing to wear a mask on a tram. Normal parliamentary processes are yet to take place and it is up to the Libs to introduce amendments in the upper house to accompany the ones already forwarded by SA Best and the Greens, if they could be bothered. The legislation will see the promised removal of the Emergency Declaration, which was necessary but comparatively dictatorial compared to this.

I'll ask again. Why source the article from such a disreputable overseas publication? Is it because the way it was written suits your narrative? Don't you find it strange that there doesn't appear to be any locally produced articles themed similarly?
^ ?

That's an info page from a gov't department, not a piece of gutter journalism written or approved by someone with an agenda!

We can now surmise that because you can't find a local article written in a similar vein to the one from that Pommy rag that you love (neither could I), it is unique in the world for the way they have spun the story. Not even The Australian ran it, from what I could find. As such, we can also assume that that's the sort of stuff that you sniff out in a constant attempt to confirm your biases. I bet you don't even realise that you get sucked in by dog-whistling.

Even though you probably hate the ABC because it is critical of conspiracy theories, misinformation, sensationalism etc. you should at least read this article for balance:

Doesn't seem so bad after all, does it?

Speaking of large fines and jail terms, is it any worse than this? Feel free to comment on the Morrison government's anti-capitalist stance!:
You may have noticed that I'm not a Scomo supporter, so **** off with your asinine straw man argument.
So we got another eager troll here...pun intended
i really hope he got his pfizer shot from his sponsor.

Page 42 if the link does not open directly
That's local, accurate news..
So local that no chance you will read this on any mainstream news
just a coincidence probably..and imagine if that poor lady had got covids and headaches for a week..
Some time on Thursday this week, Australia will have its 7 millionth recorded COVID case.
At the end of June 2021, not quite 12 months ago, we hade just passed the 30,000 mark.
On Dec 31st 2021, around 5 months ago it had jumped to 430,000.
So the vast majority of the cases have occurred in the last six months of a pandemic that has been going for nigh on 2.5 years.
I know of two people who have been unfortunate enough to have caught the bug twice, but last night I met someone who has now had COVID THREE times! Talk about unlucky!
The bloke is a driver for one of the freight companies, so spends a lot of his work time in the cab of his truck, has been required to wear a mask out of the truck , but seemed to be exposed to it.
The "good " part of it all he says is that (a) apart from the first dose he got where he felt pretty ordinary for a week, the other two doses have been largely asymptomatic and (b) he never gave it to his wife , though she did get it when she went over to babysit the grandchildren cos the parents both had it. As he said, at least she did not come home and give it to him for a fourth time!
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If we use the 7 mill as a guide, I think could safely say 14 or 15m have had it, before RA tests people would not get tested unless they were really sick.

Flu like symptoms were treated as such so that people could keep working, since RATs people test then monitor, report it if they get too sick.

Rumours abound in my area of people under 35 not telling anyone if sick, go surfing is the recommended protocol around here
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