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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
I have cardio vascular disease, a heart attack will likely take me out, had three jabs plus flu jab yesterday and jumping out of my skin, swell was running the other day and surfed twice, 2nd session taking sets on the head with young fellas and hanging in there...just.
My second shot was fine. First one was the killer.
My second shot was fine. First one was the killer.

Yeah young blokes like yourself certainly are at higher risk with vaccine problems, see J & J have had their vaccine restricted in the US due to adverse events
So it seems finally, according to a RAT, I've caught the beer bug.

Last night I felt a bit of a sore throat coming on, by morning well and truly on fire... Mid morning felt achey.

This afternoon though I don't feel 100%, the sore throat is gone, as are the aching muscles.

Haven't taken anything, no nsaids, horse wormers, ketamine... nuttin'.

And at this stage I feel like it's pretty much all over.

Hope you fair well many have said to me the 2nd week have felt run down.

Stay well and good luck.
Because your job is physically demanding it may be worth taking it easy for a while, I have read that people who go back to work too soon can relapse.

Sit in the sun and put your feet up
Today, apart from the gelatinous yellow/green ick coming from my sinuses, I feel pretty much normal.

I have a sense that if wasn't breathing in sublimated keratin as a result of my job, I probably would be completely back to normal by now as my sinuses are always in protest of what I breath in on a daily basis.

I will wait another day or two to do another RAT.
Update: still have a bit of a runny nose, but otherwise feel completely fine.... In fact I've been taking the opportunity to do heaps of work around the property.

It's pretty much like a typical cold TBH... Sans histrionics of the last couple of years I would have thought I've got just that, a typical cold.
^ A RAT told me on Friday that I had finally been caught up. Similar to you, most colds are worse.

Tell me, have you noticed losing your sense of smell or taste? I have. It's a strange feeling, the only way you know what you're eating or drinking apart from sight is due to the texture of the stuff in your mouth.
Sense of smell is a bit down due to stuffy nose, @Eager, but no probs with taste.
Don't know where to put this article, but it does kind of blend into this covid over the top authoritarian regime, that we are readily adopting.
It will obviously flow over into other aspects of security enforcement, as those in charge were given unprecedented powers, so the flow on effect has to be expected IMO.
I think the Premiers, extending their god like status legislation, isn't helping. ?
From the article:
Australia's former Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes has described his transit through Adelaide Airport security on Friday as "humiliating" and "distressing".

Key points:​

  • Graeme Innes says he was discriminated against at Adelaide Airport
  • He is calling for better training for security staff on interacting with people with a disability
  • The airport has apologised in a statement

Mr Innes was returning home to Queensland after a business trip in Adelaide when he tried to use the security body scanner while holding onto his guide dog's lead.

He said he was refused access to use the body scanner and was asked to use a walk-through X-ray scanner, with his guide dog put through separately.

His colleague then had to intervene and question airport staff once a security guard said Mr Innes needed a pat down despite him not triggering the security alarm.
Sense of smell is a bit down due to stuffy nose, @Eager, but no probs with taste.
It's interesting, I didn't even realise that my taste buds weren't working properly until after I tested positive and I put 2 and 2 together. I just thought that the eggs benny I bought for breakfast before I tested myself that morning was bland. One advantage of not being able to taste properly though, is that cheap wine seems just as good as the expensive stuff, lol!
And really eggs benny may be a waste of money, just get the poached eggs and carry some sauce in your pocket. ?
Here in the People's Republic of McStalinstan, they are preparing we plebeians for another lockdown... Either for the Wuhan cold or the seasonal flu.

All the signs are there, extension of emergency powers, minor politicians and bureaucrats calling for mask mandates etc.... Fear pr0n ramping up exponentially

If after the election we don't get lockdown again or at least have mask mandates reinstated I will eat my hat.

In other news I am completely over that Wuhan cold. Worked all day today (though got clients to bring the horses to my place put them in the yards so no contact), no problems whatsoever.

If I felt any better I would be dangerous
Same. I'm fine. Missus still has a bit of a cough and a bit of lethargy; I keep reminding her what will fix her but I keep getting filthy looks.
My Mrs was a bit achy and a bit off for a couple of days about two weekends ago, no other symptoms so didn't test her at the time. We assume now it could have been the beer bug and I may have caught it from her, as she is good as gold now and testing neg.

Still take care and don't over cook it goods news so far hope it continues, you too @Eager
My Mum is 84 and she caught Covid on Friday. She had received her 4th vax about 4 weeks earlier so has excellent immunity.
No issues, she is just a bit lethargic. Her GP has given her the anti viral to be safe but really I don't think she needs it.

i see deaths have climbed to about 50 a day Australia wide but with cases increasing to 50,000 a day now, the less deadly version of the virus, vaccines and the two new anti viral treatments we are in a reasonable space.


I wish her well and hope she is up and about soon.
Re the unjabbed v jabbed scenario, I think you all know by now that both Mrs and I are unjabbed and in our early 60s (but both otherwise in rude health).

We know a lot of unjabbed people, but of those, we are the only ones who have actually caught it at this point in time. Worth noting that we haven't taken any sort of medication for it at all, apart from me taking a bit of aspirin on one day.

Comparing us with everyone else that we no who have caught it, we have certainly been on the milder side the bell curve. Me I would be guessing around one standard deviation and Mrs probably getting close to 2 standard deviations (small sample size so take that for what it's worth).

In-laws are in the 90s so we have dodged them, just in case. (Triple jabbed)

Bro and Sis in law (triple jabbed) we have found at got it a couple of weeks ago and got quite sick.

All in all it does seem to tally up with the pffffftizer data dumps thus far (12% efficacy after 3 jabs for a very short time and compromised immune systems).

Feeling pretty vindicated at the moment.
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