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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
So do vaccinated though?
So do vaccinated though?
Yes. I concede that.
My youngest brother is a nurse and runs the kidney failure ward.
Those patients are obviously very scared of catching any virus.

Anti vaxxers who won't wear there masks properly, lie about having symptoms and argue with everyone about being tested etc. Are selfish. They aren't his most popular people and his one word for them is selfish.

Granted this woman may have not been like this but I am not so sure. There are ways to handle this but instead she made a video. I somehow think they were very wary of her.

I understand why medical staff are very wary of these people.
I understand that with Omicron the reasoning for the ban doesn't stack up as well but I also understand medical people wanting anti vaxxers out of their wards.
Godbothering anti vaxer
We already know Red is a shill for the establishment and @mullokintyre and @moXJO have destroyed Knobby's argument... So 'nuff said .
My mother in law died in hospital during a lockdown last year.
Neither her husband nor 5 children (which included my wife) were able to visit.
The next time they saw her was at her wake in an urn which I collected from the crematorium.
I found your post to be vulgar.
[] Mate, my condolences.

But if you had been following along, you would know my own mother died early last year in a lock down, so probably around about the same time.

I was not allowed to see her in the 10 days before her death.

Although my condolences are heartfelt, you can't pull the sympathy card with me, Rederob.

Additionally, I don't give a flying fig what you think of me, because that's not going to change my opinion of you and what your agenda is here.
Additionally, I don't give a flying fig what you think of me, because that's not going to change my opinion of you and what your agenda is here.
I comment on posts, especially where they are lies and distortions.
As a JP for over 35 years I don't have the luxury of disobeying laws even when I think they are sometimes poorly based.
Nevertheless. in this case the woman in your linked tweet knew full well what the hospital's position was yet chose to make a big scene where there are sick and injured people in treatment and recovery. People like her are poor examples to others and should be ashamed to act that way.
That you saw fit to post it here does not reflect well imho.
Don't care. You are extremely rude and extraordinarily prone to cognitive bias. For you to unironically expect civility is a monumental hypocrisy.
Check out her Facebook page....
Check out her Facebook page....
I have never used Facebook, but it was very obvious that the woman knew exactly what she was doing.
The other stupidity she indulged in was taking it out on people properly doing their job rather than going to Administration with her concern.
I seriously question the motive of people like her who think that what she did was ok in a hospital setting, and that of people who repost this sort of behaviour. The "don't care" response I got was sheer hypocrisy. People that don't care do not respond.
Yeah the fruitloop ones are a danger due to selfishness. If you want to be free of restrictions then you have to be mindful of those at risk. Anyone at risk should be targeted for boosters and the like.

Probably see a better result focusing on a few rather than blanket coverage and wasting money. Rats tests just seem like a waste of taxpayers money for the majority as well.

Big drop in nsw numbers. Possibly not as many testing anymore. But majority of people I have spoken to have had it.

People should know where about they land on the 'risk spectrum' after infection. Inject them and treat them.
With Covid?
Personally I find the government and health overreach on this bordering the line of unacceptable.
I understand the "protocols" and why it's necessary. But the stain on mental health will last a long time for many.

For me (as someone who is very family orientated) the above scenario would be a nightmare.

Condolences. I hope the family finds peace with a very tragic circumstance.
Although my condolences are heartfelt, you can't pull the sympathy card with me, Rederob.

Is the poster Rederob still posting here on ASF?

I had no idea.

The best thing to do is to block trolls.

I think l blocked Rederob over a year ago and have been happy ever since. You don't see their posts, so who cares what they say, which is mostly garbage anyways

Pro tip -

Now this is interesting.

'80% of serious COVID cases are fully vaccinated' says Ichilov hospital director

Vaccine has "no significance regarding severe illness," says Prof. Yaakov Jerris.

Are Israeli hospitals really overloaded with unvaccinated COVID patients? According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, the situation is completely opposite.​

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”​

Jerris also revealed some of the confusion in reporting cases. Speaking at a cabinet meeting on Sunday, he told ministers, “Defining a serious patient is problematic. For example, a patient with a chronic lung disease always had a low level of oxygen, but now he has a positive coronavirus test result which technically makes him a ‘serious coronavirus patient,’ but that’s not accurate. The patient is only in a difficult condition because he has a serious underlying illness.”​


COVID case numbers are likely a lot higher than reported.

So how do you know if you've had it?

The hidden caseload

It's widely accepted that at the peak of the Omicron outbreak in Australia, the real number of cases in the community was far higher than official data suggested. This is largely due to the move towards at-home tests — but also the shortages of them — and the significant proportion of people with mild or no symptoms.​
While there's no way to know the exact number of unrecorded cases for certain, epidemiologist Tony Blakely from the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health relies on a rule of thumb: for every person that tests positive, he estimates another four infections aren't included in the statistics.​
"The case numbers, they're a big underestimate," he says. "That's for several reasons: one, surveillance systems fell over; two, people with mild symptoms just shrug their shoulders and say 'I can't be bothered' and don't notify; and three, asymptomatic people, unless they're a close contact, they have no reason to test and aren't going to be found."​
The International Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates between 80-90 per cent of Omicron cases globally are asymptomatic or with very mild symptoms, based on data from South Africa and the United States.​
Professor Blakely believes the percentage in Australia is likely to be lower, possibly due to the previously low levels of natural immunity from past infections, but adds that we are "grossly underestimating" the true number of infected people in the community.​
Just this week Queensland Health released the results of a random COVID testing survey, conducted on the Gold Coast, which found up to 90 per cent of people who returned a positive PCR didn't know they had the virus.​
"A ballpark figure, probably after this wave, about half of us will have been infected," Professor Blakely says.

I fall into the category above.

Had a sore throat and aching joints for a day or so about 3 weeks ago. No RAT Tests available and to book Covid Test, next available appointment was 5 days away, so l just didn't do anything.

All the people who I know (and work with) that have recently had confirmed Covid-19 (PCR Test) have had very, very mild symptoms - most likely Omicron, not Delta.

1 person l worked with (who l sit next to, 50+ year old male), sore throat for 1 day, that was it. PCR Confirmed.

It's all over now. 50% of the population has more than likely Omicron/Delta. We need to rewind the clock and go back 3 years (pre Covid-19) and just get rid of all mandates. They don't work. QR Check in dead in the water. Masks are useless against Omicron (unless you have a N95 Mask, which most of the general population doesn't have). Omicron has turned Covid into a common cold now.

We should adopt the South African model. Have Covid, feel ok? Carry on, otherwise, stay at home and recover.

Some great news.

I have been beating the drum on this.

Covid-19 is over. Time to move on. Nobody uses the check-in app anyways.

Queensland records 19 COVID-19 deaths and 4,701 new cases as Check-in app removed for some businesses

Queensland recorded 19 COVID-19 deaths and 4,701 new cases in the latest reporting period with the Premier announcing the Check-in app will not be required at some businesses.​
Ms Palaszczuk announced the use of the Check-in app was no longer required at places like shops and taxis, but people would still need to show their vaccination status to enter certain venues.​
Health Minister Yvette D'Ath said people visiting pubs, clubs, cafes and restaurants would still need to check in, and those who were unvaccinated would still not be allowed in.​
"So businesses such as clubs, hotels, and those venues will still operate the check-in for the purpose of confirming vaccination status and allowing us still to ensure checking of compliance with mandatory vaccination," she said.​
"For all other businesses from today immediately, they will not require a check in."​

To my WA fellow posters, your time will come. Hang in there.

My credit card bill tells me where I've been anyway
Silver lining and all that, or just statistics?
From the article:
Australia has recorded 4,201 deaths from COVID-19 since the pandemic began. However, it is estimated that the nation has recorded 12,881 fewer deaths from all causes over the last two years than would normally have occurred:

I read somewhere that in the next few years the general population death toll could be higher than average (and Covid-19 death toll) due to fact that lots of surgeries, check-ups and general doctors appointments have been pushed back/cancelled, which will inevitably lead to people missing cancer scans, general/elective surgeries pushed back/cancelled etc etc.
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