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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Yea, spreads the virus within the hospital to all the kids in the cancer ward and in emergency. Extremely selfish and uncaring.
Go to a local doctor.
Logical fallacy traced with emotional inconsistencies.
1. How would the person come into contact with the kids in cancer ward unless it was due to poor practices on the part of the hospital.
2. She said she had no symptoms of the virus, so we do not know if she or her kids had the virus to spread to the kids in the cancer ward and emergency. a more sensible approach would be to get tall attendees to take a RAT test regardless of their vaccine status.
3. If she was vaccinated and asymptomatic , would you blame her if she had "spread the disease to the kids in the cancer ward"?
The vaccine protects the person who gets the vaccine from getting the serious repercussions of the disease.
As to its efficacy in stopping the spread to others, I would suggest that the current outbreaks of omicron when we have had over 80% of people vaxed shows its questionable to say the least.
Interesting article in the Courier mail, obviously omicron doesn't affect the patient as bad as earlier strains:

Secret Covid transmission: Shocking stats as nine deaths, 8k cases recorded

Queensland has recorded 8643 Covid-19 cases and nine more deaths, as a Gold Coast study has revealed just how widespread unknown community transmission is, with figures showing nine out of 10 positive cases didn’t even know they had the virus.
No chairman Dan or Mcstalin for Liberal governments I see....funny that
with figures showing nine out of 10 positive cases didn’t even know they had the virus.

It's actually a very interesting "point" Homer.

I asked my Sister (RN) who recently had ( and is still recovering from) Covid,

And with whom I had an extended "close contact" while she was very infectious .....

Given the close contact, and my recent "unusually feeling head/fog/nervy weird vibe" which I could not explain?

Is it possible I may have had a "small bout" of covid?? without realising it?

She thought .... it seemed a possibility, but could not know for sure of course.

Your post perhaps indicates that may be a possibility?

I would be pretty chuffed if I have been able to gain "some" resistance to the V through casual contacts with family

Similarly , I have often wondered, with regard to attaining community resistance (immunity?) to the big-C .....

If we had a "proven" or even reasonably high % early treatment regime that knocked the V on its head quickly ..

Rather than a vaccine, why not actually "expose" people to the virus under a controlled environment

And then immediately treat them with an appropriate treatment to

1) negate any serious consequences of the infection, and

2) Possibly generate a form of herd immunity from the actual virus

Ok I know that sounds pretty simplistically unscientific, so no hate mail please

But in reality, isn't that what a vaccine is actually supposed to achieve?

Back to my cave!
If you think you may have been exposed recently, a RAT test will possibly show that, but it has to be within ten days or so of the infection.
If its important enough for you Barney, you can get a serology test to see if you have antibodies in your blood.
If you are unvaccinated and the result comes back positive, then the only way I believe that you could have them is to have been exposed to the virus sometime within maybe the last six months.
It can be a tad expensive, although according to The New Scientist , there has been a cheap quick test develeoped that may or may not be in production yet.

Heres a link to an OZ mob clinicallabs which has a bit of explanation on it, and is pricey at 200 bucks.
If you can convince your GP to get done for you, you could get it under medicare.
Historian David Starkey is hilarious on Covid lockdowns, and a variety of other topical issues, mostly from a UK perspective.
Long at 58 mins, but a searing social commentary, and very entertaining.

Lockdown is the revenge of the elites -The Brendan O'Neill Show, 24th December 2021:
'David Starkey on the history wars, eco-alarmism and our descent into technocratic tyranny..'
Just to post a scientific opinion from an expert on Covid.

It is not over and the transition to the next phase/episode of this saga is unknown.

From The Grauniad.

A more global view from those who unlike us do not suffer the tyranny nor benefit of distance.

A client and I were just talking and wondered:

1/ What if the beer bug was reported on like flu epidemics are reported on.

And it's corollary 2/ what if normal flu epidemics were reported on like the beer bug is reported on.
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Indeed GG.

The Guardian says, former "Sage adviser Sir Jeremy Farrar" [doubtless on a good wicket and guaranteed salary as '.director of the Wellcome Trust'] says:

"..that while he has sympathy with the disruption of education and the health and economic impacts of Covid he is concerned about the speed at, which some want to move on.."

Move on. Oh dear me no. After all the salary comes in regardless.

But not for the shop keepers.

Prevalence and Durability of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Among

Unvaccinated US Adults by History of COVID-19 - JAMA Network

As of December 28, 2021, approximately 27% of the US population was unvaccinated against SARS-CoV-2,1 yet the prevalence of natural immunity remains unknown. Blood donor studies may have selection bias and lack clinical information.2 Previous COVID-19 infection is a possible surrogate for natural immunity, but 1 study suggested that 36% of COVID-recovered individuals are serologic nonresponders.3 Even among individuals who develop antibodies, durability of this response beyond 6 months remains unknown. We characterized natural immunity and long-term durability among unvaccinated individuals using anti–spike antibodies, the first line of defense against SARS-CoV-2.​
Of 1580 individuals invited to undergo serologic testing, 816 (52%) did so between September 24, 2021, and November 5, 2021. Participants had a mean age of 48.0 years, 421 (52%) were women, and 669 (82%) were White (Table). Fourteen percent reported routine mask use in public. Anti-RBD and anti-N antibody presence/absence were correlated (95%; Cohen κ=0.908).​
Among 295 reported COVID-confirmed participants, 293 (99%) tested positive for anti-RBD antibodies (≥250 U/mL, 44%; ≥500 U/mL, 27%; ≥1000 U/mL, 15%). A median of 8.7 (IQR, 1.9-12.9; range, 0-20) months passed since reported COVID-19 diagnosis. The median anti-RBD level among those who tested positive was 205 (IQR, 61-535) U/mL. There was no evidence of association between time after infection and antibody titer (0.8% increase [95% CI, –2.4% to 4.2%] per month, P = .62) (Figure).​
Among 275 reported COVID-unconfirmed participants, 152 (55%) tested positive for anti-RBD antibodies (≥250 U/mL, 18%; ≥500 U/mL, 12%; ≥1000 U/mL, 6%). The median level among those who tested positive was 131 (IQR, 35-402) U/mL.​
Among 246 reported no-COVID participants, 11% tested positive for anti-RBD antibodies (≥250 U/mL, 2%; ≥500 U/mL, 2%; ≥1000 U/mL, 2%). The median level among those who tested positive was 82 (IQR, 19-172) U/mL.​
In this cross-sectional study of unvaccinated US adults, antibodies were detected in 99% of individuals who reported a positive COVID-19 test result, in 55% who believed they had COVID-19 but were never tested, and in 11% who believed they had never had COVID-19 infection. Anti-RBD levels were observed after a positive COVID-19 test result up to 20 months, extending previous 6-month durability data.5
Study limitations include lack of direct neutralization assays, the fact that antibody levels alone do not directly equate to immunity,4,6 the cross-sectional study design, a convenience sample with an unknown degree of selection bias due to public recruitment, self-reported COVID-19 test results, the study population being largely White and healthy, and lack of information on breakthrough infections. Participants were given only 1 month to complete antibody testing, which may have contributed to the 52% rate among those invited to test.​
Although evidence of natural immunity in unvaccinated healthy US adults up to 20 months after confirmed COVID-19 infection is encouraging, it is unclear how these antibody levels correlate with protection against future SARS-CoV-2 infections, particularly with emerging variants. The public health implications and long-term understanding of these findings merit further consideration.​


Can we appoint this guy supreme leader of the world? Turns out there are some rational logical honest Canadians - and this guy is a politician!

"What's necessary is your freedom. What's necessary is getting your life back to normal"

“Calls for Daily government intrusion into people’s lives, skepticism regarding anything remotely positive related to COVID, this perpetual state of crisis is having a harmful impact on everyone.”
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