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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
One of the inevitable consequences of the Omicron variant will be that the concept of herd immunity becomes just an idea rather than a real thing.
The reality will be that a highly infectious virus can mutate ahead of any scientific ability to develop an effective vaccine.
Another interesting aspect of what has occurred is that if we can work out what has led to Omicron's infectiousness, we could play with the idea of developing a quasi vaccine being an actual virus of lesser potency than the one causing most harm, and letting it rip ahead of the more harmful virus. This might sound a bit crazy but Omicron may well be proof of concept.

Back to data, using the UK experience as a guide to hospitalisations and seriousness, we see this for England's covid cases:

While increased hospitalisations are leading to more deaths, the cause is more related to comorbidities than previously as respiratory deaths are a decreasing proportion.

Given that we know Omicron is going to weigh heavily on hospital workloads, why hasn't the federal government started to build dedicated covid field hospitals to take the pressure off, and only transfer serious cases to State/Private hospital ICU care? What's about to unfold is as obvious as their failure to work out that covid testing was going to fall into a chasm. It's s about time they actually responded to covid's likely impacts on services rather than continuing their political grandstanding.
@The Triangle If this doesn't wake everyone up that they've been well and truly had, nothing will.

But the Open will come and go, and people will simply go back to enjoying having the boot on their neck.

Viva la greatest psyop ever.
@The Triangle If this doesn't wake everyone up that they've been well and truly had, nothing will.

But the Open will come and go, and people will simply go back to enjoying having the boot on their neck.

Viva la greatest psyop ever.
The actual reason he was blocked doesn't exist anymore due to Omicron. Everyone knows this.

The medical justification (not provided) I expect would be that he has already contracted Covid and so was very low risk.

Sorry, can't get excited, doesn't worry me. I am sure there has been better psyops. Not to say Tennis Australia isn't complicit in working with the pollies to let him in.

In the end, sensible decision using internal diplomacy by the Libs to protect an International Event that would have been used by some parties in the USA to attack Australia and is also being targeted by China.

This decision was flagged. No pollies wanted to be seen back flipping. Watch how quiet Vic Labor will be on this.
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At least Margaret Court wont be the most hated person there this year
The medical justification (not provided) I expect would be that he has already contracted Covid and so was very low risk.

Novak apparently had Covid back in June 2020 so I assume would be submitting natural immunity as a valid argument against requiring "vaccination"

I have no problem with him being given an exemption as long as every other person who has had covid is shown the same courtesy

Pretty much accepted now that natural immunity is way more effective than "vaccine immunity"

Why do the media spin the "hate/division" aspect of the story against Novak when they could be promoting positivity (Rhetorical)

The initial media hype, "we are all in this together" was turned into "our side vs your side" at every opportunity.

Many people I talk to (vaccinated or not) are over it (the rubbish media reporting). If they would just present the known facts, and if the fact change (as they do/will) .... re-present. Honesty and transparency would be a welcome change
Love it..

Powerball jackpots to 4-pack of RATs

One lucky Australian could walk away with enough rapid antigen tests for a family of four, after Powerball jackpotted to two double packs of RightSign self-administered rapid nasal tests. It is the most sought after prize in the history of Powerball.

Powerball spokesperson Henrietta White said there had been a huge surge in interest in tonight’s draw, with thousands of Australians rushing to buy last-minute tickets. “I haven’t seen anything like it. Last year’s $107 million jackpot was pretty huge, but this is definitely bigger. It’s a money-can’t buy prize for sure,” she said.

White said one of the best parts of her job was calling people to tell them they’d won. “I can’t wait to pick up the phone and say, ‘You’ll never have to visit 50 different Chemist Warehouses in the one day asking if they’ve got any RATs left. At least not for the next day or so’. It’s going to be pretty emotional, that’s for sure”.

Regular Powerball player Beth Winter says she couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to win the RATs. “The idea of not having to wait in a queue for six hours is hard to fathom,” she said. Winter says if she wins she might have one for herself and keep the other three to pass on to her grandchildren.

On the other hand consider current Government policy settings...

Greg Hunt: “If RATs were free, there would be nothing stopping people just going and looking after their health”

Outgoing Health Minister Greg Hunt says it would be unwise for the Government to provide free rapid antigen tests, warning of a free-for-all scenario whereby Australians would go to pharmacies, grab test and check to see if they are at risk of passing on an infectious virus.

In a television interview this morning, Mr Hunt said the move to limit supplies was common sense. “If there were no constraints, if they were handed out free, then what we’d see is hordes of people using the rapid tests to see if they are positive for a highly-infectious disease. From there – if they test positive – it would obviously then lead to them isolating in an attempt to reduce the spread of the virus to vulnerable people. We simply can’t have that”.

Mr Hunt said the government’s plan of making tests unaffordable and unavailable made more sense. “Under the more measured approach which we’re recommending, people will be unable to get tested and we’ll have no xucking idea what’s going on, which is much more in keeping with the modus operandi of this government”.

Mr Hunt is retiring at the upcoming election to spend more time doing absolutely nothing.


I would assume they had some sort of restrictions on who could visit the island.

Identifying the source and then following the course of the infection would be good research in such an isolated location.

Hopefully one of our medical researchers might be encouraged by the "Health Officers" to take an interest

Norfolk Island was open to tourists until Christmas. It seems almost certain that one of the tourists brought the virus. He was tested positive later on, after his return.

The virus has spread quick through one of the 9 major families on the island that are descendents from the Mutiny on the Bounty. They had big Christmas celebrations and that was that. I understand most of the extended family are infected. How far it goes is anybodies guess.

I see that the authorities are pleading with people to only ring 000 for emergencies, as they are bogging the system down.
Its amazing how people can be so brainwashed, the media must be impressed.
Truth bombs that I doubt any of our resident luvvies will have the balls to watch.

Any light bulbs turning on, Komrades?

Pretty sad statement from a President

Given the extensive waning of doses 1 and 2 Worldwide to this point

And the apparent failure of "boosters" (Israel particularly + pretty much everywhere they have been promoted)

President Mac might end up getting offside with a lot more French folk than he is bargaining for, not too far down the track.

If the world keeps dosing and it continues to not work very effectively .... what was the definition of insanity again

All this while we have many Doctors worldwide using successful early treatment protocols. I remain bewildered

ps Link to your above vid please @wayneL (My microsoft blocks the page ...thanks)
I get the feeling theres punters here that think the whole saga would be better if there was no vaccines at all to deal with covid,including the ones who have decided its not for them.
Are you riding on the coat tails of the vaccinated or survival of the fittest or what?
WHATS your position
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