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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters

More than possible I have previously posted this link but what the heck

@barney read it if you wish but if you do carefully read the "Discussion" and in particular "Agreements or disagreements with other studies or reviews."

Also note in the link I provided in post #5149 there is this study:

Another meta-analysis, published June 28, arrived at an opposite conclusion.

So what we have is two independent studies - different researchers by the by - which have both concluded ivermectin as a treatment for Covid is to all intents and purposes BS. And very strong doubts are expressed on the quality of the information presented by two organisations which, as luck would have it, have some common founders.
Covid and delta was where the vaccine was of value. Omicron not so much. It did its job imo as there wasn't really a way of knowing how long the stronger strains where sticking around.
If it was just the hair off your back would that change things?
The exponential increase in Omicron cases across Australia is putting enormous pressure on hospital staff. It seems that the hospitalization rate is around .9% rate which of course is low. But when daily official case numbers are doubling every few days and reaching 23k in NSW and 14k in Victoria the sharp increase in serious cases is squeezing the staff, the resources and of course all other hospital patients.

Last year when everyone and their dog was being tested for COVID the positivity rate was around 1%. Now it is 20-25%. And we know that many thousands of people are not able to be tested and there seems no way of even pretending to know where infectious sites are.

And there are many millions more people open to infection.

The Guardian gives more detailed information on the rapidly escalating impact of Omicron on the hospital systems.
The graphs are pretty impressive..

Covid hospitalisation rates: how is Australia’s health system coping with the spread of Omicron?

We bring together data from across states and territories to track case numbers and how many are ending up in hospital

as has been posted on ASF, we can safely double the actual number of cases as the 18-30 years olds are ignoring it.

They only stay home if actually sick, ASAP back into the partying, so in that age group we can triple the numbers of cases reported

Looking at the news, and after the lockdowns it is party time, so I think it highly likely that they will reach 75% infected within a week, maybe two but it is crazy stuff

I feel for the frontline medical staff, I keep thinking that someone in that field might suggest we treat the mild cases at home but nothing yet.

Meanwhile, we are avoiding the party goers, shopping early and hitting the "placebos" as soon as we get home
Macca, have seen articles on what to do when you catch it and when you should go to hospital.
Few will go unless they are realy sick. Hospital is awful. I am sure if you are mild you will be sent away.

I am being careful waiting for my booster but I reckon its 50/50 I will catch it before then.
This story is quite significant. Seems that the large majority of hospital COVID patients have the Delta version.. So Omnicron is producing even smaller severe reactions than expected.

NSW COVID case numbers hit a new high as hospitalisations eclipse last year's peak

NSW Health has revealed 72 per cent of COVID positive patients admitted to ICU since December 16 were infected with the Delta variant of the virus, not the Omicron strain.

Of those patients, 62 per cent were not vaccinated or had received only one dose of a vaccine.

So what happens if you cop COVID and the Flu at the same time ? We could well be finding out as flu season approaches and our flu immunity has weakened because teh flu has basically been wiped out for 2 years.

But Israel has seen its first cases of Flurona

I think we can see what is happening with Delta and Omicron at the moment.

When only Delta was circulating we had a far better capacity to effectively test and isolate people who were sick or spreading delta COVID. So there was some form of community protection process.

Omicron has now totally overcome our testing systems. In that context Delta COVID can spread far more easily because the testing regimes are now practically useless. So it seems as if the recent uptick in hospitalization is being caused by Delta Covid being masked by Omicron.

The information in post 5173 showed that the unvaxxed or one jabbed patients were most likely to be affected. I think the 5-8% of people who are refusing vaccination are now in serious danger of delta COVID. I won't be surprised when this analysis is made publicly clearer as the figures highlight just which strain of COVID is doing the serious damage.

It will also be interesting to see if catching Omnicron protects people from Delta COVID - or not..
It will also be interesting to see if catching Omnicron protects people from Delta COVID - or not..

Appears that Omnicron may well protect people from Delta.
Norfolk Island now has COVID. So far 30 plus cases and exploding. Only 1800 people on the island so that is a high percentage.

90% plus vaxxed but a small core of vehement anti vaxxers. Obviously a very small medical capacity which is struggling to cope with the situation.
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