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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
The Idiocracy abideth... State govts trying to outclownworld each other.

Can you imagine it, the cabin crew on the intercom, "right everyone, masks at the ready and in three, two, one, masks on. Thankyou everyone we will inform you when we are out of NSW airspace and masks can be removed".
Australia is surging in vaccination rates, this article from early November, so it should be even better by now.

from the article:
After a slow start, the latest vaccination figures put Australia in an enviable position in the global efforts to stop the spread of the pandemic.

A greater proportion of Australia is now fully vaccinated against COVID-19 than in many countries that led the early stages of the global rollout.

This week, the percentage of Australians of any age who have received two vaccine doses overtook the UK for the first time since the vaccines became available, according to the data website CovidBaseAu.

It shows 67.26% of the entire population of any age fully vaccinated in Australia, meaning the country has now nudged past the UK proportion of residents (67.17%) who are fully inoculated.

Figures from Our World in Data also show the rate of fully vaccinated citizens in Australia increasing faster than almost anywhere else at these later stages of the program.
Can you imagine it, the cabin crew on the intercom, "right everyone, masks at the ready and in three, two, one, masks on. Thankyou everyone we will inform you when we are out of NSW airspace and masks can be removed".
It is just so fkn ridiculous.

As everyone can imagine, it is the primary topic of conversation...

For sure many of my clients are very pro-jab, often militantly so. That's fine but the militant ones can probably expect me to withdraw my services at some point. Indeed, l may also be terminated because of my stance.

That's all good because I have a massive waiting list.

Probably the biggest proportion are those who have only had the injections because they either felt forced or coerced into it, or want to travel. Of these, almost all are pretty pissed off about that.... And so often in couples it is one partner stabbed due to coercion, and the other saying no farken' way.

So the high vaccination rates are not due to voluntary uptake; it is so they can keep paying their mortgages.

Classic example is the client I just came from. The husband is a copper and only took the job because he had to... The wife is a riding school and doesn't want it in the slightest.

They are getting away with this because most people have too much to lose.
The thing is, people are soon going to get fed up with booster shots every 6months for the rest of their lives, it isn't as though the vaccine is stopping people getting the virus just reducing the symptoms.
In reality those like yourself may only have to have one shot, by the time you have the vaccine, because eventually they have to run out of new strains one would think.
Sars and mers was deadlier than Covid-19, by a lot. Eventually it just mutates to something more contagious but not as deadly.

They have scared people so much that we get idiots on twitter who won't go to a business because they stopped using masks (nsw).
Good chance that the masks that they were using did bugger all in the first place.
All I can say is "stay inside then"
For the geese who flock to the twitterverse, here's a smackdown by Prof. Chris Whitty (UK's experience) to some of the baseless lockdown claims that have abounded:
Was looking at the latest figures from COVID Live in OZ .
Today in Victoria, there are 1510 cases, 386 in Hospital, 82 in ICU, and 43 on Ventilators.
prior to Omicron, the peaks were 2297 Cases on October 14th, 851 in Hospital on October 18th, 163 in ICU on October 16th and 103 on ventilators on October 18th.

In the NSW case, todays figures are 2213 cases , 215 in hospital, 24 in ICU, and 8 on ventilators.
At its previous peak, NSW had 1603 daily cases on September 11, 1268in hospital on September 21, 242 in ICUon September 22 and 123 on ventilators on September 20th.

The figures show that hospitalisations , ICU and ventilated patients have been consistently running at a lower rate than Victoria.
Don't know why this would be case, but its interesting.

In NSW, since dec 12 hospitalisations have gone up by 30%, but both ICU and Ventilated patients have remained stable.

In Victoria, the Hospitalisation and Icu admissions have gone up, but only a marginal rise in those on ventilators.

Maybe there is a time lag between those going into hospital versus going on ventilators and ICU.
Whatever the reasons, it would seem that whatever the virulency of the current crop of covid, the severity of the illness has dropped off significantly.
Maybe some good news there.
But hopefully before the next escapee. ?

Suspect still 2 to 3 weeks away from getting a clear picture been watching the UK, data still to flow through

Maybe we should have let the OG Covid-19 run and build up some form natural immunity.

QLD is going back to masks.
Got 3 hours?

Joe Rogan interviews Dr McCullough and covers every damn thing to do with this thing.


Bad Santa, no mask!
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Police with a ruler, now the Social Distancing police

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Possibly omicron taking over from delta
Got 3 hours?

Joe Rogan interviews Dr McCullough and covers every damn thing to do with this thing.
This guy is well known for spreading misinformation at every opportunity.
You will learn more watching the Simpsons.
Starting to sound like a common theme?

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce tests positive for COVID-19 in US

He said he had felt tired and pain in his legs, but that the illness was so mild he was uncertain whether he was even sick.​
"I don't feel that bad, that's the crazy thing," Mr Joyce told Sky.​

Barnaby Joyce is 54 years of age. Double vax.

Queensland records 16 new COVID-19 community cases ahead of mask mandate being introduced

Two of those were recorded in the 24 hours to Friday morning.​

Chief Health Officer John Gerrard said one of those was in Brisbane and the other on the Gold Coast, both have been directly linked to the large Newcastle cluster.​
"Both of these individuals were vaccinated and neither had symptoms," Dr Gerrard said.​

Omricon strain?

If so, let it rip mate.

No? QLD, 16 cases, time to mask up. I think everyone is so over Covid, it's time to just move on.​

Omricon strain?

If so, let it rip mate.

Still a lot of unknowns like will it knock over those that are getting treatments for cancer, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, heart diseases etc all which are treatable but where vaccinations are not as effective.

Australia wide suspect the numbers will be significant, with the higher infection rates it will be much harder to protect these people.
Yes it will. Curiously, these are the very people that have been denied appropriate treatment, *because* of covid paranoia.
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