The Afghani chicken has come home to roost in so many ways for the US.
In the 60s and 70s they pressured the (then, like now) US lapdog government to eradicate Cannabis farming for the purposes of growing and selling hashish on the international markets (Afghani hash being the most famed in the world at the time). Before this the king would provide fertiliser and horticultural support to farmers growing this crop as it provided not only cash but traditional food in the form of hemp seed.
Once this was abolished a new cash crop had to come into play, by necessity the farmers began growing poppies to feed their families and pay debt.
Next the Russians stepped in, but for fear of starting Cold War the US did nothing overtly. Support was for guerrilla factions through the CIA. As noted in the great movie "Charlie Wilsons War", none of these people really realised it was the US who saved their butts, nor that they were once again US puppets.
Then 9/11 happens and the rest is history.
Well, what do we have now?
Opium and opiate based stockpiles large enough that if the poppy production of Afghanistan stopped tomorrow there would still be enough stockpile for 8+ years of illicit opiate supply (compared to a 90% reduction of poppy during Taleban regime). Reintroduction of Cannabis production as both a cash crop and excellent anti-personnel cover for guerrillas.
Insurgency spreading everywhere, easy drug money has fuelled extremist Madrassas on the Pakistani border. Warizistan, Balochistan and in fact the whole Peshawar district is in the flames of extremist fervor, with extreme hate pointed towards the Pakistani government (current US lapdog in the area) who seem unable to control the tribesmen, even giving them concessions!
Continued and increasing cash inflows from Wahhabist countries to fund the insurgents. The "elected" government can't even leave Kabul city walls, spend their time in the equivalent of the Iraqi "Green Zone".
as mayk said,
Spring is fast approaching.