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Clive Palmer wants to enter politics, another Queenslander for PM?

I doubt the Libs will let him get a seat.
If he doesn't get it though, after being a big benefactor for the party, you can expect he will spit the dummy. Should be interesting.
Palmer should step away from this he doesn't have the time or temperament to do the job, he's only doing this to stir the pot but he might WIN and then he'd be stuffed.

But someone should run against Swan, he deserves the sack.
Palmer should step away from this he doesn't have the time or temperament to do the job, he's only doing this to stir the pot but he might WIN and then he'd be stuffed.

But someone should run against Swan, he deserves the sack.


Palmer's just playing a 'spoiling' role, and he's succeeded in taking Swan's eye off the budget.

Heck, it would take Clive 3 years just to fill out the Parliamentary register of all his interests!! :eek::p::eek:
No, he is serious.

And why shoudn't he?
He is a lifelong National party member and a to show how popular he is up there declared a National Living Treasure. He is full of great ideas - love the Titanic one.

He is only 58 so has plenty of time left (though if I look like him when I am 58 I will be very disppointed in myself, he looks dangerously unhealthy).

He has gone for pre-selection previously but lost to Peter Slipper!!!
He is serious and will be very annoyed if he is blocked.

I'm with McLovin, this will be fun!

Palmer's just playing a 'spoiling' role, and he's succeeded in taking Swan's eye off the budget.

Heck, it would take Clive 3 years just to fill out the Parliamentary register of all his interests!! :eek::p::eek:

Yeah, Palmer is just trolling. He has already sucked in Swan, and the ABC news gives it top billing.
I think there should be one short debate followed by a round of hoppo bumpo:D

Burnsie, does he remind you somewhat of one of your egg and spooners from Sector 7G?


If we can get a bloke wearing a moomoo in the Parliament, then it has to be step forward for the country.
Burnsie, does he remind you somewhat of one of your egg and spooners from Sector 7G?


If we can get a bloke wearing a moomoo in the Parliament, then it has to be step forward for the country.

Bring him to me Smithers, he needs to be groomed for PM he'll never make it dressed like that, why that's beachwear, he needs a nice suit, get one of Julias. you'll have to take it in around the rear end though.
I don't believe Clive is serious. He is just trying to have a bit of fun by getting up Swan's nose and he already has had a reaction.
I doubt the Libs will let him get a seat.
If he doesn't get it though, after being a big benefactor for the party, you can expect he will spit the dummy. Should be interesting.
Yes, he's putting the Libs in a difficult position. If they reject him for preselection they look bad given his massive donations, but hell, surely they couldn't take him seriously on this.

Palmer should step away from this he doesn't have the time or temperament to do the job, he's only doing this to stir the pot but he might WIN and then he'd be stuffed.
Agree. His timing might seem smart as far as Swan's budget is concerned, but it has also taken the focus away from the Slipper:Thomson debacle which probably has much more mileage for the Opposition.

Mr Palmer strikes me as having too much money for his own good and like a spoiled kid keeps looking around for his next source of amusement.
Mr Palmer strikes me as having too much money for his own good and like a spoiled kid keeps looking around for his next source of amusement.

I agree. The whole Titanic II thing seems like it's straight out of Alan Bond's playbook. But you always get them in a boom.
Clive is of to a good start if he calls his boat Titanic 11 may as well be Unsinkable 11.
Bet the media is hoping he will run and sink a few $K in Ad's.
Lots of unused container ship out there could be converted so every one could have their own 20 footer with ocean views..