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Cigarette smoke

Smurf1976 said:
So what does some bright person do? Well they throw a lit cigarette out the window of a moving car whilst travelling beside bush that has on at least 2 occasions in the past been the scene of devastating fires.
Smurf I remember I met a fire fighter up in NSW when there were bad fires about 4 yrs ago - mad made. Exhausted, having risked hs life many times in the last few days. Said they caught one of the culprits. He said he had two utes - one of which had a rifle - and his comment?, that blokes luky I had the other ute.

PS - maybe for a first offence you could ask the bloke to help you put down the burnt horses and other animlas - to say nothing of helping the homeless .

Probably about the best reason on this thread to ban tobacco altogether.
Bloveld said:
Probably about the best reason on this thread to ban tobacco altogether.
All your posts seem to be negative, so now's your chance to show some prowess .
I agree. But in Japan it is estimated that 60% of the population smoke.

Unfortunately I picked up a smoking habit at a very young age. I have been addicted for quite some time now and have tried quitting several times.

"“I have stopped smoking now and then, for a few months at a time, but it was not on principle, it was only to show off; it was to pulverize those critics who said I was a slave to my habits and couldn’t break my bonds.” - Mark Twain -
Howdy, My wife was recently in Greece .............. She said that nearly "everybody" smoked .............They were smoking while selling her food from the Dely's etc and the sales people were smoking in the clothes shops (all the "new" clothes reeked of smoke "before" you even bought them!!) Sounds like we're pretty fortunate here in Oz ............ Cheers, Barney.
Bobby said:
All your posts seem to be negative, so now's your chance to show some prowess .

Prowess: Physical ability for knightly sports including strength, speed, dexterity, training, tactical ability, cunning. In short, martial excellence. Prowess is the basic virtue shared by all martial societies, whether it be excellence in swordsmanship, horsemanship, or in the modern day, movement and marksmanship. Early on these warrior virtues were augmented by additional virtues suggested by the romances and the church, yielding a more rounded gentleman. As late as the Renaissance, Christine de Pisan and Baldassare Castiglione still counted Prowess as an important quality for the courtier.

I would be happy to show you my prowess with pistol or sword.
Bloveld said:
I would be happy to show you my prowess with pistol or sword.
Dawn then? Seconds? :karate:

Ps what a great bit of romantic nostalgia there Bloveld Ahh they were the days - You'll get a role in 'Capitan 'Oratio 'Ornblowair" at this rate

I wonder if its the first duel over cigarette smoke ? unlikely lol.

SIR! That puff of smoke met be in the face squarely - You give me no choice sir! I demand SATISFACTION! lol
Ok mate - have a Winfield! Take it away Boris.

PS Speaking of getting down to the real meaning of words. Peter Stuyvesant used to advertise " Peter Stuyvesant !! the sophisticated cigarette!!" - I knew an old bloke (lay preacher no less, 80 year old in those days) who wrote to the company and politely pointed out that "Sophisticated" means "adulterated, to make less natural, simple, or ingenuous; to alter; pervert: to sophisticate a meaning beyond recognition. " (true there's a slant that - more recently means worldly, but only by being "unnatural" going back to the roots etc)

He was offered a years supply of Peter S cigs but declined saying he was/used to be a radiologist and had seen too much of the effects of their "sophistication " lol. They stopped that ad at the same time.
2020hindsight said:
I wonder if its the first duel over cigarette smoke ? unlikely lol.
this doesn't quite qualify as a duel, as only one person had a deadly weapon, but it's close enough.

don't mess with smokers!


Well Bloveld the above has been your best post to-date.

swingstar said:
Wow, in Hobart and in October?
Yep. 7% humidity and nearly 100 km/h winds according the official data. The official max. temp was lower (34?) but most thermometers on public buildings, radio stations and mine at home recorded around 37. Incredibly dangerous fire conditions, especially given that it's only October and 37 is pretty extreme weather for Hobart at any time of year.

We all need to treat those throwing lit cigarettes from cars etc as the home grown terrorists they are in my opinion. There's just no excuse and it's common knowledge about the drought, danger of fire under those conditions etc.

Back to the original topic, missus Smurf seems to be feeling rather pleased with herself after someone asked her for a cigarette the other day and she replied "no, sorry, I don't smoke". Took a few moments after that for it to sink in that she is, finally, a non smoker and thinks of herself as such.
Smurf1976 said:
... and she replied "no, sorry, I don't smoke". ...finally, a non smoker and thinks of herself as such.
Smurf, this is not totally relevant to anything - except it is a good way to think of air - nice clean air. It's an excerpt from one of AL Gordon's poems ( Australia's first poet) on jumping fences on horseback.. I have posted it before, but heck, there's only so much poetry around of this standard lol, and so - I'm gonna damwell post it again!

"Oh the vigour with which the air is rife !
The spirit of joyous motion;
The fever, the fullness of animal life,
Can be drained from no earthly potion!
The lungs with the living gas grow light,
and the limbs feel the strength of ten,
While the chest expands with its madd'ning might

Thus the measured stroke, on elastic sward,
Of the steed three parts extended,
Hard held, the breath of his nostrils broad,
With the golden ether blended;
Then the leap, the rise from the springing turf,
The rush through the bouyant air,
And the light shock landing - the veriest serf
Is an emporer then and there.

Im not suggesting you piggy back her all over the place - nor she you - but..
It's a good one to recite as youre jogging Love that phrase "Gods Glorious Oxygen - capitals by Adam Lindsay G himself.
By the way - if you jog, noone even asks you whether you smoke

PS you can even recite is as you jump up the curb after crossing a road - people look a bit quizzical if they hear you say ...."the RUSH through the bouyant AIR" under your breath lol.

PS Congrats to your wife - wish mine would stop (Or is it I wish she "could" stop - No I think "would" is the correct word in the final analysis) - at the moment the atitude is "I would if I could but I can't so I wont! - so there)
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