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Cigarette smoke


I didn't say people can't smoke. If a guest in my home wants to light up a smoke I ask them to go outside regardless of rain , hail or shine as is my right to do

So far no-one has ever complained about going outside and if they did then the old stiff-tiddies rule applies : and they'll just have to wait until they leave to have a smoke.

btw, we don't have any ash trays in our household
For a non-smoker, like myself, I actually like the smell of cigarettes. Not the stale kinda smell ya get from being at the pub or the clubs, just the smell of a freshly lit cigarette.

Am I strange or what...?

I also like the smell of petrol too...

I don't mind the smell of petrol STC

I know people that don't mind the smell of a freshly lit smoke, and they think it's a disgusting habit
yep stc, and getting the smell of stale beer, smoke and who knows what else out of your clothes after a night out is not always quick
2020- Great attempt at positive re-enforcement mate. Anxiety is my "monkey" as you put it; one monkey at a time. It would actually do me more harm to quit right now than to keep smoking. Something like jujitsu would help purge some tar though.
Bloveld said:
We already have seen that people can live into there eighties smoking 30 a day, and you are worried about getting the equivalent of a few smokes in a year. Now thats paranoid.

One of lines of defence, or ridicule of people who would prefer to avoid the smoke.

Until there is hard rule, we will be just talking.

Luckily things change my way, so fingers crossed I will be able to smell only every other pollution, without the cigarette smoke.

Well thats a bit selfish of you.

Any plans to target public farters?

I'm a compulsive collector, hoard every chance that I get,
I've got garages and attics just brimming with things that "that I'll get to use yet"
My wife and I have a wager (I got to choose what was bet)
If I can use but just one of those items - she buys me an old concord jet.

I'm a compulsive corrector, stick in my beak for a dime,
When people tell me a poem or a joke, I join in the punchline - or mime,
People have asked me to P off, go find some mountain to climb,
But I just accept it a gesture of fun, and tell 'em their gestures should rhyme.

I'm a compulsive door-locker, windows spring-loaded with mace,
Step on my doormat, a beartrap slams shut and a boxing glove smashes your face,
Someone complained to the courthouse - "Twenty days slammer Your Grace?", well
Now I've a sign on the jailbars exclaiming "KEEP OUT !! 'cos this is MY place".

I am compulsively friendly, say "hello" more than is wise,
(Henry the eighth had a little in common but he preferred headless goodbyes).
I like proposals on first dates, caught one last week by surprise,
Then she explained we were already married - so THAT's where I'd seen those blue eyes.
(There before me - when I put on my specs, was the love of all my nine lives).

I'm a compulsive backgammoner, chasing small stones round a board,
Also I like to re-read all the classics like Milton and my gran'ma Maude,
TV then features in our house, footy show here is adored,
So Heaven for me is to read while I backgammon, hearing my footy team's scored.

I find compulsions are good things, let's me fill in idle hours,
Whether it's running around in the nud, or climbing up transmission towers,
No doubt there'll be a big setback, when Buddha turns off my life-powers,
Finally succumbed - there I'll lie at my rest - compulsively pushing up flowers.

I seem to recall someone saying in another thread -the best way (only way?) to get over an addiction is to replace it with another
I think deposits on cans, bottles etc is an interesting idea... but 5cents (only in SA) isn't worth **** to the average joe (especially considering you need to take them to depots).

If you want to see how Recycling actaully can work... you need to up it to at least 10 (pref 20 cents) and make drop-offs readily available (i.e. at the place you bought them from... even a corner store). Then you don't not see bottles on the street and people will take a full case of empties back for a discount on their next slab. This is the system in Montreal (and some of western europe I think). And well as for cigarette sure... whatever you like...

Thanks Bloveld (Steve) for the proof!
Regarding pulling up random Internet articles, too bad you ignore the thousands of others on the net. I could find a scientific article on the net telling me that eating lard is good for my health or how scratching my ass could cause gangreen. I choose to use my mobile, I dont choose to ingest passive smoke but am often focred to.

And as Happy says "One of lines of defence, or ridicule of people who would prefer to avoid the smoke." Well in return perhaps go have a smoke, wash it down with a glas of Soy Milk, follow it up with some fried lard and then surf the net for an article on how smoking actually cures Aids, no doubt you'll find one. And hey, if we tell you we dont like smoking and it makes you want to do it more, then aren't you the high school rebel and a tough man.

I'll wait for your personal attack with anticipation and will not dignify it with any thought. All because you seem to zero in on anyone for preferring not to have to passive smoke or stink. Alternatively you could prove Happy's theory wrong and respond with some intelligent non personal argument.

All we are saying is smoke and keep it and the butts to yourself. And to be honset, for your sake I hope you choose to stop, I don't want you to have health problems.

I think everyone needs to see the movie 'Thankyou for smoking'. You wont find any better arguments to smoke.

And we all know now the dangerous topics are not only Religion and Politics, but also Smoking and Soy now too!

Surely with time even $1 might not look attractive, but people happily flock to pick up petrol with discount they paid for at the checkout already, so it is only matter of right combination of numbers.

We wouldn’t like it too high as effectively it might encourage cigarettes stealing for the butts.
I had a similar idea for the cane toad problem. If you offered $1 a toad and a massive fine like $10000 for anyone caught breeding them, I reckon cane toads would get wiped out pretty quickly. Good earner for kids and regional areas.
Nicks said:
I had a similar idea for the cane toad problem. If you offered $1 a toad and a massive fine like $10000 for anyone caught breeding them, I reckon cane toads would get wiped out pretty quickly. Good earner for kids and regional areas.

The notion of anyone actually breeding cane toads is one of the most bizarre


Hey looks liked you have quit the soy milk.
Your estrogen levels are dropping.

Funny that you should mention lard. You do know thats its making a comeback. Humans have been eating animal fat for like a million years an then 70 years ago it became the worst thing you could eat.

I remember seeing some news story that passive smoking was worse than actually smoking. I wondered who would believe that. But I guess some people believe anything they read in a paper.

When I was a kid in school I remember reading about the bot fly which could fly faster than the speed of sound. I had my doubts but who was I to argue with scientific fact.

So much for scientific fact.

So you choose to use a mobile phone. I hope you are considerate enough to turn it off in public areas, some people find a mobile ringing very annoying.
I know a woman who rolls her own cigarettes. She told me she smokes only organic tobacco "because it's healthier"!

I laughed so much I thought I was going to collapse!

bunyip said:
I know a woman who rolls her own cigarettes. She told me she smokes only organic tobacco "because it's healthier"!

I laughed so much I thought I was going to collapse!


Is that because she had an opinion different to yours?

Anyway how did you let her get close enough to talk, werent you afraid she was gonna breathe on you?
One unknown smoker has just made me incredibly angry. Right now in Hobart we've got serious fires burning on the Eastern Shore and yesterday we had fires in inner suburbs 2km from the CBD.

37 degrees, winds close to 100km/h blowing all day and humidity below 10%. A recipe for disaster that ought to be obvious.

So what does some bright person do? Well they throw a lit cigarette out the window of a moving car whilst travelling beside bush that has on at least 2 occasions in the past been the scene of devastating fires. Suffice to say that I haven't been so angry for years.

Smoke if you want to, it's your business, but don't subject others to the risk of a major disaster due to your own selfishness.
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