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Cigarette smoke

11 July 2005

Little steps in the right direction.

But I am dreaming about the time when I will not have to hold my breath for 30 seconds or longer on approach of hospital or any government building.

Or having to go indoors just because neighbours smoke lingers to my place.

If tunnel stacks can have filtration installed, similar filtration can be used so cigarette smoke doesn’t leave smoker.

One day, maybe.

All very well and good Happy, however, one of the biggest polluters are those who use aircraft. A family taking a return trip, about 1,000 miles total, their share of pollution equates to between 30% and 50% of the average families pollution from electricity and gas for a whole year.

Families that have from 2 to 5 cars, using petrol or diesel, are equally as deadly as smokers.

So, fair enough, reducing smoking is a great idea, but many Governments are the greater hypocrites and exaggerators in what they front to have been achieved by a smoking ban.
I reckon much has changed just within my life-time.

My parents smoked heavily, and they raised three children who do not smoke.

I remember going to footy matches and being puffed out by the smoke, not anymore!

I remember going to the beach and to outdoor events and having smoke all around me, not anymore.

I remember working in the hospitality industry for thousands of hours surrounded by smoke, not anymore.

I remember seeing huge billboards advertising smoking, not anymore.

much has changed, and changed for the better
We all know that the governments are hypocrites. They will do whatever they can to get tax, and fuel and cigarettes get a lot of tax.

Regardless smoking is disgusting and a personal intrusion on my health.

I should have the freedom to move around without being subjected to it.

I should be free and able as a human being i n a democracy and free world to go to a bar without having to be subjected to cigarette smoke.

So should everyone.

If you want to filth your lungs, teeth, fingers and body odour with cigarettes, please do it in your own home, and not with anyone else present, like kids.

AND lastly, stop filthing the streets and environment with your butts. Should be an on the spot fine for throwing cigarette butts on the ground. For some reason smokers think its ok and not rubbish, well it is, the rest of us think it is and so does the environment and all its animal inhabitants.

Try walking along any city footpath and see if you can take 5 steps only without seeing a butt. What a sad disgusting world we live in.

Smokers are all suckers to tobacco companies. If you cal let someone convince you to pay money to injest something that is disgusting and dangerous to you health, then you are just simply an idiot.

I agree with what you say, but try taking 5 steps without seeing a car. Asthma is said to have grown in numbers rapidly as car use has increased and smoking reduced.
noirua said:
I agree with what you say, but try taking 5 steps without seeing a car. Asthma is said to have grown in numbers rapidly as car use has increased and smoking reduced.

Young women are taking up smoking more than ever. (and to all the young women, it is a big turn off)
Nicks said:
Try walking along any city footpath and see if you can take 5 steps only without seeing a butt. What a sad disgusting world we live in.

Hey you should take up smoking.
It would cheer you up a bit an might even get you off this world a bit sooner. Since you hate it so much.

To argue about somebody choking up with cigarette smoke at the hospital entry with smoke produced by big jumbo jets is complimentary rather than excusionary.

Pollution is multilevel and I wouldn’t like to wait for my gulp of fresh air at the hospital entry after all other polluters are stopped.

I have had a number of fruitless discussions on right of those who chose to smoke against rights of those to who would prefer cigarette smoke free air.
Bloveld said:
Hey you should take up smoking.
It would cheer you up a bit an might even get you off this world a bit sooner. Since you hate it so much.

So smoking cheers you up. Good on you.

Let me clarify eariler statement - I think the world is great, would be better without cigarette butts. If you disagree i'd be curious to hear your argument.
I better give up smoking then. I Don't want to interfere with everyone breathing in smog.
Smoking should be made illegal completely because its the work of the devil and those who do it are witches.

We should also ban all cars with more than 100hp and run on petrol (yuck!) and only electric cars should be allowed.

Loud music should banned because it hurts my ears and is obviously the work of the devil also.

Sharp knives longer than 1 inch should be banned because someone could hurt their-wittle-self.

All alcohol except wine should get banned.

All sports should be banned because someone might hurt their-wittle-self especially that horrid motor racing.

Sex should be banned because it can transfer STD's. Only masturbation and IVF are allowed with a move to eliminating all fluid swapping activities.

All children should have to go to school till theyre 30 so they properly know how to be condescending. Everyone knows you cant make money without going to uni. Duh!

No meat is allowed only tofu. Then we can produce more estrogen and have man boobs.

Oh and we should exterminate all the Jews coz its all their evil fault.
As if you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic. LONG LIVE THE DEMOLITION MAN!
If cigarette butts could decompose in several months rather than 10 years plus would be a good start.

I saw many walkers picking up empty aluminium cans and I thought there is price for everything.
I extrapolated it a bit and thought about a bounty on collected cigarette butts.

Imagine how many cigarette butts there would be around if on top of $200 fine, every butt not fined for, collected and brought to collection centres would fetch 5 cents for example?

If nobody would be interested, we could make it 10 cents or 20, after all this is contract and price is negotiable.
okay guys, back to topic and let's not take analogies to an extreme.....

Happy has some good points here.

Id be a bit worried that it could encourage smokers to bring in their own butts though. I think a fine that is actually enforced is a good start.

Regardless on what we all think about smoking, cars, guns etc I dont think anyone disagrees that cigarette butt litter is a bad thing? Why should smokers be allowed to throw them out the window when the rest of us have to put our rubbish in the bin. They dont want to dirty their own cars or even the ashtray in their cars (im generalising here, sorry to smokers who are actually responsible, but there is a majority that aren't).
RichKid said:
okay guys, back to topic and let's not take analogies to an extreme.....

Haha, I had some better ones but thought better of it! :

Smoking isn't good but I think of condescending teachers and cops when I hear the old rhetoric. I get a picture of Germaine Greer and 2ft armpit hair and its all over (zzz...zzz...zzz). Politically correct fascism has a lot to answer for; ever wonder why these kids wear black and studded dog collars and smoke ice and stuff?

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Here's a few idea's:

Defensive driving courses and off-street burn-out comps and less speed camera's and traffic cops.

Fitness tests and or drug tests (not compulsory) with rewards and subsidies on gym/sports club memberships.

Subsidies on hydrogen conversions NOT LPG.

Bans on all soy products.... : .

See? Positive re-enforcement instead of nagging and policing!
What's wrong with Soy Milkman? I drink Soy Milk, it tastes So Good on my cereal and So Good as a drink.
Nicks said:
What's wrong with Soy Milkman? I drink Soy Milk, it tastes So Good on my cereal and So Good as a drink.

It increases estrogen production. Thats why soy and linseed is good for PMS. Might be ok if they put a big dose of tribullus terrestris in it. Plus it can't be good for profits unless I start growing soy beans. If your lactose intollerant drink sheep/goat milk or take Chopper's advice (toughen the f up, eah) : .
Smoking should be illegal like pot and ecstacy are then no-one will ever do it!

The government will also be more than happy to give up the billions of dollars of tax they receive from smokers as well, I am sure of it!
The governement and all governments around the world that use excise tax on tobacco will gradually "weed" out smokers by legislation. Thereby continuing to extract the tax to pay for the medical bills. In fact raising the tax as they go to replace lost revenue from quitters (or death).

This is a well known fact. Trust me, as an 'on again, off again smoker' i wish they would ban them too. But after i looked into it, this is the reason why its not in the interest of governments to remove the tax (i.e. ban them).
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