A science teacher's politics have no bearing on the science curriculum he is teaching. Be sensible!!
Don’t be so naïve to think a teachers politics don’t come into play
regardless whether it’s science or not.
They will skew the subject if the subject has anything to do with a
political view:- ie climate change.
I would like to think that all teachers would have a balanced view of a
subject but I know that’s not possible, because it not possible in society.
"More than a quarter of science teachers in state schools believe
that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in science
lessons, according to a national UK poll of primary and secondary teachers.
The Ipsos/Mori poll of 923 primary and secondary teachers found that 29%
of science specialists agreed with the statement: "Alongside the theory
of evolution and the Big Bang theory, creationism should be TAUGHT
in science lessons"
When asked if creationism should be "discussed" alongside evolution and the Big Bang 73% of science specialists agreed.
Therefore teaching creationism has 25% of science teachers in state schools supporting it. Discussing it has 75% support.
Now I would like to believe that the discussion wouldn't be skewed, but
i'm not that naive.