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China a Failed State and a Rogue State to the rest of the World

China, a sh*t manufacturer state and a rogue state to the rest of the world.

one factor they didnt test was when swinging the hammer did hand peace of the hammer still stay connected while a concreter was trying to bash in a markings peg
CNEW looks a tiny bit interesting as a speccie play on junior Chinese tech

are you talking about DC and California or China .. there are some pretty dismal barriers out there

REMEMBER China WILL ( and has ) publicly execute officials if bad enough ( not pardoned for everything like Hunter and James discovered and might have happened )

but CNEW as a GAMBLE , i wouldn't be coming with a suitcase
China, a sh*t manufacturer state and a rogue state to the rest of the world.

yeah but try a NEW US made sledge ( it might have be made in China as well but they lie about it )

different manufacturing techniques used over the last 100 years ( and some aren't for the better )

BTW why so much Chinese stuff is crap was Sam Walton demanded CHEAP for his Walmart chain ( so the manufacturers were forced to get it made in China/Asia )

Ah yes the litmus test of an entire country's economy - whether a random pair of socks you bought from Temu lasts a few washes lol

I just come back from China actually. Basically yes it's still a developing country. Lots of places were underdeveloped and smoggy. However some places were highly developed - commercial areas, malls and what not. Didn't see any genocides happening or organs harvested as per western propaganda the vibe was safe even late at night. Lots of old people. Lots of shops and restaurants. No homeless people or people loitering around doing nothing like you'd see in Africa, ME
they have to do something with all that money from the sales from Temu or alibaba! try living there for a period of time and the gloss of a short holiday quicky vanishes and you easily start to see cracks in society. its a modern day north korea with communists running a national capitalist system from the west
Didn't see any genocides happening or organs harvested as per western propaganda
Oh right, we have another one. So the CCP didn't take you on a tour of the destroyed Tibetan monastries or the Urghur prisons or the sweat shops or the Wuhan virology labs or the slums or the animal farming or the human organ harvesting wards? You must have gone economy class. Maybe next time try holding a fkg sign saying human rights for the Falun Gong or democracy for Hong Kong for a real tourist experience.

No sh*t there's cracks to any system. Go to western Sydney and see an example of a crack in the Australian system. I'm pretty sure I'd prefer to be literally in any part of China than Western Syd at 2am in the morning.
I agree with @joeno

I won't go to Western Sydney where all this occurs for that very reason. We need greater control of who we allow in to our brown and pleasant land.

Can we get this thread back to that magnificent enigmatic land .. China.

I'm sick of all this talk about Western Sydney.

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China is building a Fusion reactor. Will we end up having to buy fusion from China?

It is a similar layout to the $3.5 billion U.S. National Ignition Facility (NIF) in Northern California, which in 2022 generated more energy from a fusion reaction than the lasers pumped into the target - "scientific breakeven".
Eveleth, who is working with analysts at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), estimates the experiment bay at the Chinese facility is about 50% bigger than the one at NIF, currently the world's largest.

I guess you are now ,but the Speedy Gonzalos type of smoking
The trouble is China has a Bamboo vest (curtain) or the option of selectively delaying exports like they did in the Covid saga … they may have a six gun in the holster but a battalion of tanks just over the hill

All thanks to Japan selling the ‘just in time ‘ concept to the west
And also a new tech of fission reactor with self cooling fuel, so in case of disaster, we do not get a China syndrome, Japanese or Tchernobyl explosion, the reaction self stops.
To be honest, the west stopped looking and became complaisant, china copied them improve and now innovate.
1.5 billions, educated..can not lose
I though this was important.

Despite diversifying its supply chain since Covid-19 disruptions, Apple remains dependent on China for components such as batteries, magnets and high-precision tools, making a complete production shift out of the country unlikely in the near term.

China's stranglehold on permanent magnets will affect not just phones but many types of motors and specialised scientific equipment.
China's stranglehold on permanent magnets will affect not just phones but many types of motors and specialised scientific equipment.
and hi-tech military equipment

the stranglehold may not be permanent , but will be a major bottle-neck for a while ( until adequate supplies are produced outside BRICS nations .. don't forget India is the I in BRICS along with Iran and Indonesia )

options for 'quick and dirty ' processing are shrinking
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